Can you forgive your friend?
By deserve40
@deserve40 (1656)
October 17, 2007 8:57am CST
I have observed that many a times we lose our good friends for small misunderstandings. We do not reconsider our friends. Just think: A person has been very good for you, faithful to you, helpful to you and how she/he can suddenly change? It is quite possible that when you are expecting his help, he more badly needs your help? So he doesn't help you and you start thinking that he has changed. If you just ask him gently why he did not turn up to you and helped you, then only you can understand the real situation.
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18 responses
@nidhi_bansal (106)
• India
18 Oct 07
Ya you are right most of quarrels among your friends occur because of misunderstanding.It is very rare that you are able to remove those misunderstandings and get your friend back.I too have lost most of my friends coz of misunderstanding.I dont know what is the solution..

@nidhi_bansal (106)
• India
22 Oct 07
Coz when we came to know that it was just a misunderstanding it is too late .We may say sory and resolve the quarrel but we lost such a close friendship and it turns in to just formal hi hello or gets limited by one way or two.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
18 Oct 07
Nidhi, I remember having advised you in the similar matter to resolve you differences with your friends. I hope you had tried and you have got your friend back.
When we know that misunderstanding may occur, then why cannot we be little more careful and why cannot we agree to resolve our differences? It requires both the sides to be considerate about each other.

@Bunsdk (242)
• Denmark
18 Oct 07
Well, I always consider the why's when concerning friends.
We are a very tightnit group, and if over a time period one of them has changed, we look at the reason, not at the change.
Sometimes its a change of lifestyle and thus often results in a change of friends, but mostly its changes in their daily life that leaves marks on their behvior, and those we just work with instead.
Its pretty often this happens. Ppl change on a regular basis and unless the change is for the worse, we applaud it as best we can, even if it means we loose a friend in the group.
I myself dont really have any longtime bad feelings about anything. Its not really worth it, and if I have had an argument of big proportions with a friend, Im often the one that ends up working it out somehow. No I dont apologize if I was right, im not a push over. I just dont like unfinished business or hanging friends out to dry.
Many ppl that knows us dont understand how we can hold together often after big clashes, but its all coming down to use being willling to accept that we arent perfect and can apologize when needed to friends wronged.
And if you cant forgive someone that apologizes then its not really their fault anymore, but yours. Just remember that accepting an apology isnt equal to accepting the behavior.
I wouldnt accept a gf to cheat on me, but I could accept her apology. But Im still leaving her, because it wasnt something we had agreed on prior to, and thus is a dealbreaker.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
18 Oct 07
I agree with you. If your friend is ready to confess the fault then there is no harm in pardoning him or her. However, if the person has cheated you and is not ready to confess then there is no question of pardoing.
@DFrodeo06 (1325)
• United States
17 Oct 07
i have lost 2 close friends and i will tell you why and if i can forgive and forget
the first one got married and her hubby is in the army and he went off to iraq she got pregant right before and started having some ciomplicatinos so she asked me to come live with her as she was on bedrest and couldn't do much of anythin i had no rent to pay or utilities just working extra to pay my cell and car bills. well she started to feel fine and started going out and cheating on her husnad while she was noy=ticebly pregantat least 6 months and she was doing it with multiple guys she kicked me out with no warning so i was living with my boyfriend wehne we broke up i had no place to go she let me move back in and then said she was divoceing her hubby while he was in iraq because he told her to get an abortion blah blah blah well in her last few weeks i found everything to be false that she said and all and her hubby was coming home so she kicked me out and her hubby called me asnd asked why and i told him EVERYTHING her cheating ect. she was drinking while she was pregant and al!!! she wasn't even showering for days on end i was so grossed out and she ould do dished one day and thn TELL me to do thenm the next saying she was pregant and couldn't and she neglected her dog who i gave away to a more deserving family she never had dog food in the hosue and never fed the dog poor thing! so with her if she comes back and maeks the first move then we could tolk but i will never forget
the second was a little different. i went to visit her on vacatino adn i met a guy who to this day i am still with when my lease was up i decided to move up there cause the guy and i had been to doing the long distance thing and she lt me stay with her while i found a place i was there MAYBE 2 month IF THAT! and i discovered a side of her i never knoew her hubby is in the navy and was out on a deployment and she was going out EVERY WEEKEND dressed with barely anything on hanging all over guys and striping in clubs going out with firned durnig the week and drinking till she didn't remember what was going on all the girls she went out with were all married and their hubby where out on deployments. now my guy in in the navy to but i DONT act like this and i was venting to my boyfriend about it and i found a place and let and she was pissed because i don't want anyhting to do with her and when my guy found out about it he stopped having anything to do with her and they were best friends. and now she is trying to say she's sorry for everythign she said and idd blah blah blah but i don't want that kinf of a rep i'm not one of THOSE military girls ya know? so with her NO not unless she REALLy changes
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
18 Oct 07
Here I agree with you that you should not forgive your friend in this case. This I believe because, she doesn't seem to be real friend. When she needs you, she welcomes you and when her puprose is served, she kicks you out. So better to keep away from such PEOPLE...they are not friends.
@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Wow, good question and deep thoughts. I will give you Kudos for that. I think that there are limits to certain things. I knew someone who became an achoholic and was very abusive and disrespectful to other people in his life. I tried for three years to "help" him get through a rough time and finally had to think of me. His messed up lif was really dragging me down energy-wise. I broke friendship al all ties with him when he refused to get help. It was way hard; but I had to think about me. So, it really, really depends on things.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
18 Oct 07
I fully agree with you. There is limit to every thing. Another thing I would like to confess is that it is not easy to pardon others all the times. Especially it becomes very difficult to pardon others when you have suffered great loss due to someone's mistake. But I believe that we must try honestly and leave other things to time and God.
Here you have supported your friend for quite a long time. It was a great thing. It is so simple. After such a long time you are bound to feel frustrated if the other person is not responding positively.
@NICUsJodL (77)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
i think that depends on the offense. its okay for me if she was not always there when i needs her most. i understand that she has a life to lead too. what i cant forgive is when she backbites me,spread malicious rumors against me, and steals the one i love. luckily, i got rid of that so called friend- and i am left now with the through thick and thin friends. i guess im still lucky..
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
18 Oct 07
That is right thing you have done. Get rid of those who do not desrve to be friends. Here is the need to test your friends. So some great thinker has said like this: "If you have tested someone to be your good friend then tie him with your soul so that you never lose him."
@Aniquee (3)
• Pakistan
18 Oct 07
yeah we have to forgive i m muslim in our religion our ALLAH ssay forgive people i will give u respect in ur friend heart. and one example we can take if we do anything which our ALLAH dun like and we Consesseion with ALLAH offcourse ALLAH forgive us.. so if u forgive ur friend dun worry ur friend respect u.. u will not go down
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
18 Oct 07
Great philosophy. Almost all the religoins I know tell you to forgive even your enemies. Here we are talking about a friend, so he /she deserves your pardon for the sure.
I am Hindu and there is a great sentence in one of our religious books:" Kshmaya virsya param bhushanam." Means to pardon is great characteristic of the Braves....
@Bunsdk (242)
• Denmark
18 Oct 07
Well, I always consider the why's when concerning friends.
We are a very tightnit group, and if over a time period one of them has changed, we look at the reason, not at the change.
Sometimes its a change of lifestyle and thus often results in a change of friends, but mostly its changes in their daily life that leaves marks on their behvior, and those we just work with instead.
Its pretty often this happens. Ppl change on a regular basis and unless the change is for the worse, we applaud it as best we can, even if it means we loose a friend in the group.
I myself dont really have any longtime bad feelings about anything. Its not really worth it, and if I have had an argument of big proportions with a friend, Im often the one that ends up working it out somehow. No I dont apologize if I was right, im not a push over. I just dont like unfinished business or hanging friends out to dry.
Many ppl that knows us dont understand how we can hold together often after big clashes, but its all coming down to use being willling to accept that we arent perfect and can apologize when needed to friends wronged.
And if you cant forgive someone that apologizes then its not really their fault anymore, but yours. Just remember that accepting an apology isnt equal to accepting the behavior.
I wouldnt accept a gf to cheat on me, but I could accept her apology. But Im still leaving her, because it wasnt something we had agreed on prior to, and thus is a dealbreaker.
@kishusia (1066)
• India
18 Oct 07
A person I know had a policy - 'I will loose an argument but not a friend'. Good friends are hard to find. Likewise good friends are hard to loose. If a person looses a friend then the friend was not a good friend. How can a small misunderstanding be a reason for loosing a friend? One thing which gives rise to misunderstanding is lack of communicate. Communicate with your friend. To forgive is a hard earned quality.
@kevsgirlalways (5883)
• Malaysia
18 Oct 07
i guess it depends on what my friend did. if my friend betrayed me or stabbed me in the back then it's probably hard to forgive. but yeah you're right, sometimes we do not reconsider it, like our friend has been a really good friend but when some misunderstanding occur, we tend to abandon that friend. it's sad when people have that kind of attitude. we should all try to be there for our friends whenever we can .
@jhoana_joey (616)
• Philippines
18 Oct 07
I experienced losing a friend with a worthless reason...which is money , evrything we shared was suddenly vanished because of this thing. I already forgiven her but It's very difficult for me to forget what she did. The last time we talked and had exchanged nasty words was almost three years ago from then on we never had a chance to talk again and work things out.
@fracktion (154)
• Philippines
22 Oct 07
I think I can forgive a friend. I've done it before. But the guilt on my friend's part always keeps on the way and eventually we end up takin our separate ways. How to overcome this? Communication. Most often than not, we tend to assume that since we already forgive our friend, no more talks about it is necessary. Not knowing that by not talking, you are adding to the misery that your friend is suffering because of guilt. So when your friend offended you in some way and you think you want to forgive him/her, talk about it and REALLY settle and patch things up by communicating. :)
@shraddhaswnt211 (418)
• India
9 Nov 07
Yes u r correct to some extent...there r many a times v loose our precious friends due to mere misunderstanding n foolishness...So its necessary to analyse thesituation n problems n thinking over need to solve the cases....without creating much blunder in exsisting relationships....
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
18 Oct 07
yes i could forgive a friend if they did something wrong like jesus forgave us i will forgive a friend
@Grooval (23)
• China
22 Oct 07
I had many friends that I lost for small understandings.I often think about the conditions if I never lost them but I really never regret about my choice because what really hurt me was not the misunderstandings but the differeces they had reflected.And I think a true friend won't do anything that will hurt me by knowing what wuold make me upset.
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
Well for me, yes. If she is really sorry about what she did then there is no reason for me not to forgive her. we are all human and there comes a time when we make some mistakes. If you really treat her as a friend then you would find forgive her. If your friend turn you down, then you should think why before getting mad. Maybe she has a good reason for that.
@laurika (4532)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Something very similar happen to me, I was expecting support of somebody and nothing come.If I can forgive?Sure I can, but I cannot forget.It would be all the time inside me and if that's happen more and more I am not sure if that person is my friend anymore.I think if we have real friends they should be there all the time.Ok I accpet if they are busy or have their own problems, but they should think about us too.
@dorisday1971 (5657)
• Philippines
18 Oct 07
I have lots of friends who come to me when they have problem. But they are nowhere to be found when I need them. I just tell to myself that I'm the kind of person whom God brought to this world in order to help others. That's my only consolation.
@wenlan26 (9)
• China
18 Oct 07
i have several friend in different age,i can shouw my ererything with them ,but now i'm lonely .At the differce age ,i lose my pal.I don't want to say forgive them ,because samething happans.when i need help, they did'n give sufficient trust .although them are my pal,i have don't telled them my everything like before.there's a knot in my heart.i didn't foget .i know friend is every important in my life so i am looking for my pal again .and i hope i can find in the future.