Do you believe Satan actually existed or exists? What were you taught to believe
By ctrymuziklvr
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
United States
October 17, 2007 9:25am CST
"Satan is the adversary of God. Thus, Satan is evil personified."...
this is what I have been brought up to believe. Everyone has been taught that there is a form of Satan in one way or an other. I personally don't believe that an entity exhisted in the human form of an angel as I was taught.
I do believe that there is an ultimate of evil in some people walking this earth today. I don't believe it has anything to do with someone who looks the way they would have us think. I think it's a way of trying to scaring us into being more religious.
What has your religion taught you regarding Satan? Have your beliefs changed as you got older? Does the idea of Satan scare you?
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22 responses
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Oct 07
I do not necessarily believe that an entity as such exists as a single force (either past or present). But I do believe that there is a dark side to all living things that have the opportunity to present themselves. It all comes down to our personal controls and personal discipline. There is most certainly evil in this world and it takes on many forms. Its like the Chinese yin and yang; always a balance. Light versus dark, hot versus cold, good versus evil...... Only time will tell if collectively evil will consume us all or goodness will prevail. Religion can be a wonderful influence in ones life, but with or without it life evolves and good and bad things will always happen. Religion I guess uses these tags to define these things the way they do. A fear of the unknown can lead to greater acceptances of even further unknowns in order to comfort oneself! You gotta have the utmost respect for faith!
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
17 Oct 07
Satan doesn't exist in my religion. I heard a lot about him from Christians of various types over the years, but since my first teaching was in my religion, I can't say I was "taught to believe" in Satan.
In my religion... things are far less black and white. There is less good/evil than light/dark... meaning that things might be seen as "negative" because they are harmful towards humans but that doesn't really make them evil, anymore than you could call us evil for being harmful towards bugs or something. *shrugs* It's just a matter of the way the world works. In nature, there are things that hunt and kill as part of their nature. So too in the spiritual world I believe in things that are sometimes harmful, but that doesn't equate "evil" to me.
Eh, by the way, I'm not speaking for all pagans here, just taking things from a Celtic standpoint. According to early Celtic writings, there were other beings fought and defeated by the Gods, but they aren't shown as being evil, only as being malevolent. Even among the Gods themselves, there are variations of... kindness towards humanity, and everything along the black/gray/white spectrum, but it is a spectrum, and not a duality.
The idea of Satan doesn't scare me. I suppose it's because I grew up not believing in a Satan, but I just can't be scared of such a being. I have faith in my own Gods, and therefore there isn't much I need to be scared of. If anything, the thing I am most scared of is myself, and my own failings. Other human beings come a close second, they are far scarier than anything supernatural or religious to me.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Yes there is a satan and I have a friend on myspace who before he started serving G♥d, was taken and saw satan himself. Just because you have never seen him, doesn't mean he isn't there..Also, if you were to ask a wiccan, (depending on how far in the wicca they are), they see and hear demons all the time. Another myspace friend is a wiccan and she tells me about it..
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I've been waiting for a wiccan to respond to this! I never heard of one seeing or hearing demons. I live close to Salem, MA where there are lots of them and I know one personally. She has never mentioned demons!
@meanangel (167)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I have seen true evil. And it was not satan. To me satan is just some thing made up my man so that they do not have to take responsibility for their evil acts. they have the option of saying the devil made me do it and absolve themselves. It was not satan that made serial killers and child molesters it was their own twisted minds. Thoughts of satan and hell do not scare me. I know the evil out there is in the hearts of people not being manipulated by some unseen pupet master.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
17 Oct 07
You have that so right. Satan didn't create all of the evil in the world. It was their own doing.
@Sirknight71 (19)
• United States
17 Oct 07
When i was just a boy, i went to church and believed in god and satan and angels and all of that. But, know i am all grown up and see the world through logical eyes. Religion was created for 1 reason and 1 reason only. CONTROL. If you make people believe that there is a consequence for their evil things(things against the law), then they are more apt to obey the law(word of god).
I believed in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, fairies, gnomes, dragons, and countless other mystical creatures when i was younger as well. :)

@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
17 Oct 07
For your infomation Gnomes are REAL. I see and talk to them all the time. They like sandwiches. They also like shiney things like coins and watches and stuff. They are very cute and very nice but also very shy.
I like Gnomes very much.
I dont believe in Satan though. Thats just dumb.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
17 Oct 07
lol...the tooth fairy, Santa Clause and the whole thing. You're so right we believe until we open our eyes.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
18 Oct 07
In my house it is the brownies. Those little buggers have stolen just about every sock that has hit the dryer. How is it that you put in a pair, you KNOW for a FACT that you did yet one always comes up missing? Huh? Huh? Brownies I tell ya!
Hey Sirknight, I still believe in mystical creatures such as good men.. LOL just kidding, I read it on a bumper sticker and your line made me remember it. hehehe
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 Oct 07
When I was much younger I did believe in God and Satan but as I got older I realized that neither were right or true (for me! what others believe is none of my biz nor my concern really).....
I dont believe in heaven, hell, god, satan etc and I really dont believe in "evil", at least not in the general understanding of the word...I think that there are ppl who are so mentally messed up they could be considered by some to be "evil" but the reality to me is that they are just seriously, extremely messed up ppl ya know...
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@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I think there indeed is a secret dark force that in behind all the evil in the world. Yet I also think a lot of evil.. is made within a person as well. I don't think people can blame every bad thing they have done on satan.
But I do believe the princes of darkness are behind sinnister elite groups. .that meet in secret and plan evil. I do believe darkness is behind many secret societies and the hidden Elite. But once you expose the darkness.. it is brought to the light, for all to see.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I don't really believe in the devil... One, Lucifer throughout history, turns out to be a myriad of various deities and historical figures--the Morningstar is actually Venus, because it heralds the rise of the sun. "Satan" on the other hand is a generic term that means "adversary" or "accuser", and in the old testament (particularly in the book of "Job") it refers to "a satan" again and again. Noteworthy, though, is that fact that the devil is oftentimes described in a reptilian fashion, and referred to as the beast--an aspect, like all the aspects of evil as well, that is certainly inherent in all of us. All of that being said, I wouldn't put it past that sly devil (cheesy pun intended) to be fooling us all by really existing. What's most important, I believe, is for us to really focus on what good is, what Love is, what evil is, what perversion is, what beastly behaviour is, and what it means to be a civilized human being, and what it means to be Godly... Devil or no to scapegoat for our evils, it's very important that we learn the lessons as presented to us by the ancients, and go forth, being Loving, merciful, compassionate beings filled with self-control and self-restraint for our own best behaviour, and not allowing ourselves to sink to the level of... "the beast."
David A. Reedy...
@rosie_123 (6113)
18 Oct 07
Well I don't believe in God, so stands to reason I don't believe in Satan or Hell either. To me they are just fairy-tales made up by religious leaders years ago, to frighten their gullible congretations into doing what they are told and giving more money to the Church collections. Yes of course evil (and good) exist in my opinion, but not because some story tells you abot a creature with horns or whatever. I think good (and evil) exist only in human hearts - the kind of heats that rape and murder children, torture animals for "fun", kill for "pleasure" (whether human or animal prey), and generally have no feelings, sensitivity or caring towards other living creatures. That is evil in my opinion - and it is not there only in some religions/races/creeds/colours or anything - it is there everywhere - just as good is there also. As for what I was bought up to believe - well I had a typical secular, British upbringing - no Church, no Sunday School, very basic Christian teachings once a week at school, and that's about it!
@liji0989 (230)
• China
19 Oct 07
i believe there is no evil in the world.there are so many stories."god looks like stan","as the bible said god made us in his image,so as humans we assume that god looks likes us".oh my god.
cross my heart,get off the cross,we need the wood.
u never understand yourself forever,man.
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@curtis62 (29)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I'm not much on religion but from what I remember was that satan was actually an angel in heaven. He decideed that he did not like the way God was doing things and rebelled against him. From the bible it states that God cast this angel from heaven and sent him to the pits of hell. As far as haaving a physical form that is another story. As the bible said God made us in his image. So as humans we assume that God looks like us. As far as the devil he was a snake in the bible then we as humans made up what we believed to be the form of the devil with horns and tail with a pitchfork in his hand.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
17 Oct 07
There are so many stories. I was taught that he was an angel gone horns, tail and pitchfork. What what did he do with that pitchfork anyway? lol....
@tarantado (36)
• Philippines
18 Oct 07
I think satan symbolizes the negative side of each person.
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@tarantado (36)
• Philippines
18 Oct 07
I think satan is the symbolizes the negative side of each person.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I believe there is a G-d and Devil. Both have great powers. Both can appear in any form.The difference? g-d uses His powers for good and The Devil uses His for evil.They are constantly fighting and we are in the middle.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
18 Oct 07
God is The Supreme Being! This makes it impossible for Satan or the Devil to exist. Satan was invented by the Roman Church in early History, as a way of scaring people into attending church. It worked then, and there are still a few slow learners who believe in The devil and Satan. Nobody is evil, indeed Evil does not exist. What appears to be evil, is Ignorance being done by those, who know no better. The Church has spread Ignorance, throughout the world for almost 2 centuries, and has only now been caught with its pants down, as Priests and Bishops go to trial for molesting Children. And the Pope has continued to sweep the whole mess under the carpet.
If there is indeed a Satan in this world he lives in the Vatican!
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
18 Oct 07
God is The Supreme Being! This makes it impossible for Satan or the Devil to exist. Satan was invented by the Roman Church in early History, as a way of scaring people into attending church. It worked then, and there are still a few slow learners who believe in The devil and Satan. Nobody is evil, indeed Evil does not exist. What appears to be evil, is Ignorance being done by those, who know no better. The Church has spread Ignorance, throughout the world for almost 2 centuries, and has only now been caught with its pants down, as Priests and Bishops go to trial for molesting Children. And the Pope has continued to sweep the whole mess under the carpet.
If there is indeed a Satan in this world he lives in the Vatican!
@catskisses (434)
• United States
18 Oct 07
Satan, if you accept the Bible as factual, was an angel of Jehovah. Originally he was actually one of the most important angels, serving as a sort of chief prosecutor who was to bring evil huumans before Jehovah for judgement. Only when he became enamoured of himself and tried to depose Jehovah did Jehovah throw him out of Heaven. I believe both Jehovah and Satan exist. However, I am not one of Jehovah's children, I am one of the "Other Peoples" referred to in the Holy Bible. As such I have no fear of Satan as he has no power over me. He is a Christian power figure, nothing more, in my cosmology.
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@amirev777 (4117)
• India
18 Oct 07
yeah satan does exist-it exists in ourselves.we have both satan and angel inside us-it is left to us whom we suppress and whom we let rule-all evil men let the satan inside them rule their mind!