* Jesus Christ is Real and There's Major Proof if You're Ready to Hear it... *

October 28, 2006 1:36am CST
I have so much proof that Jesus is real that I don't know where to begin. So just give me a question or comment if you are skeptical and I'll prove to you that Jesus is alive and the only way to Heaven! You must be willing to hear me, though, and not just want to argue. (And please remember that if you have to see God with your own eyes to believe in Him, that won't happen because God said He will only reveal Himself to those who put their faith in Him. I put my faith in God, and now I know He's alive!)
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25 responses
@deeds14 (815)
• United States
28 Oct 06
You sound like you're really excited about your beliefs, which is awesome! I'm glad you feel confident in your knowledge about God. As humans we are fallible and can't possibly know everything, even about God, but it's good to talk with others about your beliefs if they are interested and want to know. It's nice to learn about other religions, as well. I'm a Christian, but it's good to show others the respect I ask for in listening about my beliefs. Happy posting...
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Yes, I'm excited about Christianity. It deals with a living God! I also like listening to other religions and their beliefs. I respect other religions; I just don't agree with them. Thanks for posting, and I'm glad to see you're a Christian! See you in Heaven... *
2 people like this
• Canada
30 Oct 06
Thank you. I have a real passion for Christ, and want to share the Good News to populate Heaven and plunder Hell. Jesus offers eternal life for free, and it often confuses me why some people won't take it. I'm just fed up with Satan's lies to the world, and ready to share the truth. God deserves every heart and every person's knee to bow down before Him. Amen.
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
28 Oct 06
I would like to hear your theories if you would be willing to divulge them, I am somewhat skeptical as to the existence of both god and jesus but am open minded and interested in hearing your "proof"...
@deeds14 (815)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Case for Christ is an amazing book, if you're interested in a good read. The man who wrote it, Lee Strobel, was an atheist out to disprove God, and through all of his research he came to know God! He was very skeptical and really goes through a lot of the questions people have.
1 person likes this
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Well, I'll give you one peace of proof that there is a God for starters. When you look at a building, do you believe it just appeared over time, or do you believe a builder created the building. I'm sure you would say a builder built it...even though you have never met the actual builder and seen the builder in person. With an artwork, I'm sure you would say an artist painted the picture...even though you never seen the artist. It's just like creation - you can see God's creation (animals, plants, humans (with the details of their eyes), lightning, sunsets), and you should know someone has created this work of art. It didn't happen by a big bang. If you can believe an artist painted a picture without seeing an artist, you should be able to believe even greater that God created the earth and outer space without seeing God. Want further detail?
2 people like this
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Hey deeds14. You're right. People that really try hard to disprove God's existance (i.e. some scientists) eventually learn that there really is a God. That's why so many scientists have become Christians!
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@Force_Fed (745)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I've yet to see a shred of the "proof" you promised. What do you have to offer? thank you, Force
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Oct 06
Ok, how about eyewitness accounts. I don't mean accounts in the Bible. You can't prove the Bible is correct using the Bible or it's sources alone. Do you have proof of his existance as God that is not contained in Christian text? For instance, did the Romans record his execution? The Romans were studious record-keepers. The only "proof" people have been able to offer me is contained in the Bible itself or something written by a follower, never have I seen evidence by someone uninvolved in the churh who would have no reason to lie. Force
2 people like this
• United States
29 Oct 06
Thanks, I'll check some of them out.
• Canada
29 Oct 06
Ask me for a specific area of proof. I'll be happy to share it with you then. Thanks!
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
28 Oct 06
I already believe in Jesus. I know that there is proof he existed. The fact is that there is no proof that he is or was the son of God. The only provable information about Jesus is that there is evidence that there was a man called Jesus of Nazareth. I'm not trying to argue with you, just that you make it seem like you either believe in Jesus and that he is the son of God or you don't believe in him at all when there are things in between.
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@dorypanda (1601)
30 Oct 06
But, the Theory of Evolution has spread far and wide and is widely accepted and believed, so that means from your theory that Einstein was also right. What if the bible was just a nice story? And how can we know for sure it hasn't been corrupted in any way? Some of the bible was re-written just to fit in with whichever faith the person was at the time.
1 person likes this
• United Kingdom
4 Dec 06
deeds, I think you have just proven a point made by someone else that the only proof you have is contained within a 2000 year old book. I never denied that Jesus was real anyway. As I said, there is real evidence that Jesus existed but the only proof that he is anything to do with God is in the Bible which you only believe to have thousands of witnesses because that's what you have faith in, you can not prove that it's true. There are many widespread religions. Are you going to go to India and tell all the Hindus there that they are all wrong? Their religion is as widespread in the East as Christianity is in the West so are you saying that Hinduism must be true as well because it is so widespread? There are also several other beliefs, religious and otherwise, which are widespread. It can not be assumed that all of them must be true as many would contradict others but then, doesn't the Bible contain many contradictions?
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@deeds14 (815)
• United States
28 Oct 06
There's actually a lot of proof! Eye-witness accounts of Jesus' life and miracles (including his ressurection) were taken and are in the Bible. We still have many of the original manuscripts. These were spread in the forms of letters throughout the countries. If those accounts, which were witnessed by hundreds and thousands of people, were not true, would they have spread so far and been so widely believed? There is also archaological evidence.. Have you read the Case for Christ? It's a great book for a skeptical believer.
@bubba04 (431)
• United States
28 Oct 06
i know jesus is real he is in my life
2 people like this
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Yes, Jesus is alive!
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@kesfylstra (1868)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Earthling, thank you for starting this thread and opening the door to truthful and kind debate. However, it is interesting I came across this after the church service I just attended. The pastor was preaching on Isaiah 55, which contains the theme verse for The Gideon's Int. (the ones who distribute Bibles everywhere, like hotel room, hospitals, and jails). He said one very interesting thing that caught my attention because of some of the other posts I read. He said it is not our duty to defend the Truth, it is our duty to declare the Truth. It is so wonderful that you are honest and confident enough in your faith to begin this post but please remember that what it comes down to is faith. Instead of telling people you have proof, pray for their eyes to be opened so that GOD can show them the proof.
• Canada
30 Oct 06
Thank you very much for sharing that with me!
• Canada
30 Oct 06
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Yes, Jesus does exist in my life, and I am proud to know him, and have him as my personal savior. Without him I would have No Hope and reason for living.
• Canada
29 Oct 06
Me too! God bless you.
@stori1 (331)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Amen thank you jesus.
1 person likes this
• Canada
28 Oct 06
@Juli_angel (1063)
• Israel
30 Oct 06
fine, so the only proof you have is that you put your faith in him or something?... just face it- there is no god. you know what- give me one real proof there is god.
• Canada
30 Oct 06
I'll give you proof soon if you need it. I don't have time to type up everything I have right now, because I'm really busy at this moment. So please return soon and I'll post it right here! God bless you.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
31 Oct 06
i'm no scholar or theologian...so i can't cite factual proofs or actual scientific accounts...but I believe in the authority of the Bible...and i believe in some of the things i don't see...like air, affection, love, my brain and other organs, heaven, hell, etc...i don't see them but these things exist...:)
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
30 Oct 06
I have a question. Why is it that christians are not tollerant of other religins? Please tell me this.
• United States
30 Oct 06
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.
• United States
29 Oct 06
This is a GREAT thread! Thank you for posting this. I will be praying for open hearts and God's wisdom and truth to speak to them. -- Yes, Jesus is alive! He is my Lord and Savior. God bless you!
1 person likes this
• Canada
30 Oct 06
Hey, thanks!
• United States
28 Oct 06
I'm ready to hear the major proof.
1 person likes this
• Canada
29 Oct 06
Great! Is there a specific area you would like me to cover? (i.e. Do you already believe God exists?)
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Oct 06
Well, you said that you had major proof. So I wanted to hear what major proof you had.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Oct 06
I dunno about the proof you have sister, but I know Jesus is alive too!!!
@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Oct 06
Jesus is alive and he will come in the end days. But he is only a messenger of God. If you believe him son of God or God. Then your place is fire.
@karwan (232)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Oct 06
Yes he is only a messenger of God. Please read the following testimonial of former priest and missionaries. http://thetruereligion.org/modules/xfsection/index.php?category=1 May God bless you and guide you truely.
• United States
29 Oct 06
I'm sorry you feel that way, I will pray for you. I know who my Jesus is and I know He dwells within! I love you anyway. Open your heart.
@prasadr (871)
• India
30 Oct 06
Jesus was made a great legend only by the preaching of his belivers and pasters. He was just an ordinary spiritual being just alike other oriental ones, from where he get his highest learnings in the hidden era of his life...
@deeds14 (815)
• United States
30 Oct 06
Ordinary people can't perform miracles. Ordinary people also can't fulfill every single prophecy made in the Old Testament. The odds of every single one being fulfilled are almost impossible, but it happened.
@deeds14 (815)
• United States
6 Nov 06
The point I was making was that Jesus was not just an ordinary person.
• India
29 Oct 06
i'm an atheist...
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 06
another good link for you, www.exchristian.org
• Canada
30 Oct 06
If you don't believe in God, I'd make sure you don't think there's a God before you die, because we're talking about more than 100 or 1,000,000 years. IT'S ETERNITY! So this decision of whether or not there's a God and following Him will determine your ETERNITY in either heaven or hell? Jesus has offered you a free gift of everlasting life. Take it or leave it. It's that simple. Please make sure you're making the right choice, because I care about you so much! Is this where you really want to spend eternity: http://www.av1611.org/hell.html ? Please see http://www.everystudent.com/features/isthere.html if you don't believe there's a God. Your eternity will be decided at this moment...
@magnel (2263)
• India
29 Oct 06
I believe in Jesus... I would not require any proof....
• Canada
30 Oct 06
Great. God bless you.
@baronarthur (4187)
• Indonesia
30 Oct 06
Nice to meet someone like you..Good apologist.. I believe in Trinity God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and Jesus is my Lord and my Savior. But, I don't think I must proof it. God has proved it by the sense of deity in every heart of human being; through creation of the world and through the Bible who speaks about Jesus as the center. What else we need? Just preach the Bible and tell about the Love of God.. If they don't believe, it's because God has not given them the grace of salvation... Once again, you have done the great job..Nice to meet you..See you in heaven..
• Canada
30 Oct 06
Thank you for the reply. I understand what you're saying. I just want to do whatever it takes to save lost souls from Hell. I really care about others, and I think the only way for some people to become Christians is through proof. But thank you so much for your comment and I agree with you. God bless you and see you in Heaven!
• United States
5 Dec 06
I'm happy that you are saved, and born again. Praise the Lord!!!! ! do not need proof, as I know it is the truth.
@jaimee (97)
• Philippines
14 Nov 06
I'm a believer too. God bless u for your passion for the faith :)
@jaimee (97)
• Philippines
14 Nov 06
I'm a believer too. God bless u for your passion for the faith :)