Your Children's Friends
@ohiomotherofseven (36)
United States
October 18, 2007 11:23pm CST
When it comes to friends we don't have much say in who are children are friends are inless it's an extreme case in which you make your child change schools/move/or anything else extreme because it was dangerous/inappropriate behavior getting out of control/etc
However, we can limit how much they see them outside of school.
I have a completely honest, open relationship with my children. When they come home and have their friends over, They'll talk to me about boys they like or with my son his girlfriend with no problem at all because they have nothing to hide from me. We all have laughs and grow closer and I get to know who what kind of people they're hanging out when I'm not they're.
I do worry about my oldest and second oldest sometimes/
For instance, over the summer my oldest had 4 main friends that she was with alot and pratically lived at our house (which I had no problem with because they weren't a problem or anything). As soon as they start getting real close as in sharing "secrets" and developing as what would be regonized as "best friends". She stops having them over as much and hanging out/talking about persoanl things with them.
She was flat out honest when I asked her why she hasn't hung out with them. Her answer was
"They were in my comfort zone and after awhile we were getting too close for my liking and I was sharing my personal feelings and the more personal things they know the more attacted I'll get and then when/if they do something that betrays the friendship, It'll hurt more than anything"
Right now she still is in contact with them I do believe but she also has new friends that she, as i put it, "keeps at arms length"
My second oldest has had the same friends since 1st grade and refuses to interact with alot of new potential friends.
Infact, he hardly even talks to them anymore. He's a quiet kid who keeps to himself majority of the time.
I bring him along to chruch functions to try to get him to be more open to finding new friendships but he's not interested.
He's not refusing to talk to anyone because when we do family things together like going to amusement parks, bowling or just family talking in general he's very outspoken and talkative, enjoying himself.
He's just an extremely shy kid but I'm trying to make progress with him being open to aleast talking to new people.
I've made some because He's introduced Nekk to some of of his classamtes which is a start and Nekk is starting help him become "closer" with some new classmates.
My youngest, I don't have to worry about because he meets you once and after that everytime he sees you he'll take your ear off.
Everytime theirs a new student in his class, he's the first to go over and introduce himself and ask them to play or whatever 6 year old boys talk about XD.
He does know not to talk to strange adults though. I had to teach him that real early in he's talking stage otherwise we would probably have had many problem with that :O
For the most part, the friends my children meet and hang out with are good kids and I'm hoping that it doesn't change
Do you approve of majority of your children's friends or are they the type that you don't want them hanging out with?
Do your children have problems with becoming extremely close with friends?
How close are you with your children's friends? Do you just meet them and thats about it or do you talk with your children and your childrens friends when they're over?
Just some things to ponder :)
Coments/thoughts/opinions are welcomed
2 responses
@bizmom (515)
• United States
19 Oct 07
well i have to say most if not ALL my girls friends are respectful and polite and yeah i do like them alot!
I KNOW im going to get groans when i say this but I swear its true!!! ... we live in a small town and yeah! it has its CRAPPY areas ( what place dosnt) and some crime ( where DOESNT?) but on the whole of things its very quiet homy friendly and CLEAN! My hubby & I are NOT from this are we grew up where it was beautiful!! but there was/is ALOT more crime and not as friendly - atleast not these days!
My point in saying that is most kids here have been so nice and so good to my kids ( they are in turn as well) that its such a great feeling to know that these kids will be the ones running things soon!! and from where i live ( i cant speak for all places) im hopeful they will do a great job too! atleast - again- from the types of kids i see here - responsible - yeah get into trouble mostly silly kid stuff - or grounding from something they did at home - lol - but in the whole great!
The girls have been in almost every district here ( we moved alot before buying the house :( ) and they even said it! they LOVE this area better the kids are nicer - the district policies do NOT allow bullies! - the kids my girls hang with are from that school and because its small ( grad class of maybe 80!) i have been able to get to know them ALL in the two years here :) either from the basketball team softball gymnastics or tennis that the girls are involved in!
as well as ones they just hang with!
and thier parents as well!! im on the phone with one or so atleast three times a week with them wanting tomake sleep over plans or whatever! its nice to see alot more parents taking a roll in the *fun* thier kids want and BEING THERE too!
the thing that amazes me is that they KNOW they arent going to *get away with* anything with KNOWING the parents talk as well ... and yet they dont seem to be afraid by that .. if anything they like it! one friend actually asked ME to call home for her ( so they knew she got there!) lol and they wanted to know from ME if she was staying for dinner!! i was FLOORED!! and happy to call them up!
( i think in my whole life my mother NEVER talked to ANY of my friends parents!!) lol
Most times they are here hanging with friends which is FINE with me!:)
I do wish however, this generation were MORE ACTIVE!!
I dont think i knew what a TV was in my early to late teens :) lol
@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
19 Oct 07
As my children were growing up I was very close to them and I made there friends welcome at our home just so I could get to know them better and to be able to kep an eye on them,most of our kids friends looked to us as parent figures to them and we treated them the same as our kids. it sure made for a easy feeling when they stepped out the door to go some where away from home as we knew what kind of kids they were with.