Jehovah Witness coming to your door...
By Ravenladyj
@Ravenladyj (22902)
United States
October 19, 2007 1:30pm CST
How do you handle it? I was HIGHLY amused today....a couple of ladies who've been to the house before and talked to me once..Came back a few weeks ago and caught my kids home alone and decided to tell them that I'd asked them to come back then proceeded to preach to my children...Well didnt they come back again today and I decided to let them have at it for nearly half an hour of course calmly voicing my thoughts, opinions etc....Well didn't I get the greatest giggle when my kids came to the door and started voicing (very politely) their opinions and challenging these women with questions of their own....Well here they are (these two ladies) trying as they might to "change our ways" and doesnt my son walk away and come back with my Satanic Bible and STARTS CALMLY AND POLITLEY READING IT TO THEM!!!! OMG it took everythign I had to NOT burst out laughing!!
The one woman became VERY uncomfortable and said to my boy "you're reading the SATANIC Bible?!"
to which I replied "yes we like to compare and learn about various religions"
and my son piped up with "I'm interested in many religions so I can make an educated choice when I'm ready" I then explained to both women that Satanism IS NOT about Satan etc etc.....not that it mattered LOL I got the usual "satans greatest trick" speach LOL...Needless to say the one woman remained VERY uncomfortable and did her best to nonchalantly end the discussion LOL I OF COURSE decided to keep the other woman engaged in conversation by asking her questions and sharing my various beliefs etc because I was quite entertained at this point (not to mention the fact that they weaseled my kids the LAST time they'd been to my house and that was WAY out of line IMO)...
I could go on about it cause the whole thing was quite priceless but I wont...My question is..
how do you handle door to door preachers like that?? How would you handle one (or two since they travel in pairs or more LOL) who had been to your house and spoke to you already and KNEW your position but came back to find you werent home and they took it upon themselves to preach to your children?
let's discuss :-D
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20 responses
@catskisses (434)
• United States
19 Oct 07
No children her but you're gonna love this one.
Normally I politely say 'thank you but I am a pagan' and shut the door. However, one fine spring day two JWs came to my door, one older, one younger as is the norm around here. The older responded gently to my response by asking if he could speak to me about my faith and ask some questions. So we were having a nice conversation. After a few minutes the younger just couldn't take any more, so he descended my steps and kneeled down in my front yard and began to pray. I asked the elder what he was doing. 'He is praying for your sould and salvation'. "Wait!" I exclaimed, ran inside, turned my NA chant/flute music way up loud, grabbed a smudge stick, lighting it as I ran back out to the young man. I began smudging him and praying loudly to the Goddess that She bring him patience and understanding of others. He lept up and ran like the devil was after him out of my yard and down the street. The elder, who I actually liked, he seemed educated and honestly interested, looked at me and said, "Thank you for your time, ma'am. May I return another time so that we might continue our talk? I need to go now, he forgot... I have the car". I barely contained myself until he pulled away, then went inside and howled with laughter.
I now have a writing titled "We Are the Other People" which I found on the web. Although a bit dramatic, as it was written to be published in a Pagan magazine, it has wonderful references from the Holy Bible about Pagan people. Now I will take their publications only if they will take a copy of mine and promise, in their God's name, that they will read it.
Yeah, I will jerk their chain if they tick me off. If they are polite I will politely refuse their evangelism.
Once I had two guys catch me in my garden. They were persistent and somewhat bothersome. When I asked them to leave one asked me about a visible problem with my eyes (cholesterol deposits under my eyes makes a couple of very white spots there, not harmful, just noticeable). I explained. He told me that to prove his God existed he would pray for my healing and Jesus would come to heal my eyes. I told him thank you and that I would be waiting. A couple of weeks later I see them walking our block again so I called out, "Hey, buddy, I've been waiting for Jesus. Apparently he didn't get your memo." and laughed loudly all the way into my house.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Oct 07
ROFLMFAO OMG THAT IS PRICELESS!!! LOL I LOVE the whole smudging him thing :-D and the "didnt get your memo" is BRILLIANTLY HILARIOUS
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@scammerwear (1433)
• Singapore
19 Oct 07
LMFAO!!!! I SO wish that I read your experience a few years back catskisses! Damn, I can't stop laughing!
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@catskisses (434)
• United States
19 Oct 07
why thank you both.. I still laugh over the smudging incident, and it has been many years. The Goddess truly inspired me with a doozy that time. I must admit that, living in the Bible Belt, sometimes those thumpers really get to me. I have a dry wit at best and often simply cannot resist the urge to let them have it... I TRY to be tolerant, but really.. I have way too many opportunities come up to let them all pass.
One day, when my washer was broken, I had to go into town to the laundromat. It was Sunday afternoon, my only day off. So of course, hating laundromats and wasting several hours of my day off there had me in a foul mood already. I am sitting in my car, minding my own business, waiting for my wash to finish. I use a teeny laundromat when I must go cause it's not crowded. Problem is the are no chairs, no nothing but the machines. Anyway, there is a church about two blocks away and apparently some of the folks decided this nice day would be a perfect one on which to go harass some folks. A lady had the nerve to walk up to my car, practically stick her head into my open window and start the spiel... you know, how could I do work on the Sabbath, why wasn't I in church where I should be etc etc.. I asked her nicely to go away, but no, she kept right on.. so I asked her for her name. "Susan" she said, "Why?" "Oh," I replied with my sweetest smile, "we need a person's name to inscribe on the candles at our next Black Mass, and your last name?".. yep, she beat it outta there but quick.
I have no problem discussing religion with reasonable people, in fact it is one of my favorite subjects. But when you are just trying to shove your beliefs down my throat uninvited and refuse to quit when I ask, then ya gets what ya gets, as they say.
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@scammerwear (1433)
• Singapore
19 Oct 07
Your children are fine pieces of work Ravenladyj, it sounds like you're teaching them all the right things E
Luckily in my country, door-to-door evangelizing is outlawed for all religions. Jehovah Witness was officially declared as an illegal society a few years back (cause they would not pledge to the flag, serve national service, etc). This does not stop other denominations from trying other methods though.
The most recent tactic they are employing here is straight out from MLM and pressure selling textbooks, I kid you not. Cell groups are formed to pit against one another for performance. Each member has a 'quota' and will be singled out in meetings by the cell leader if it is not met. They are even going as far as offering short vacation trips to unsuspecting friends and family, using peer pressure to do the rest.
Honestly, I'm at a loss as how to protect my loved ones from what seem like Cold War brain washing techniques. Fortunately I don't have kids yet, but your post has given me hope that should the day come, they might be able to fend for themselves :) Thank you.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
20 Oct 07
That is just the funnist one I've read on here yet. They do lie to get a chance to preach what they think is right don't they. When they come to my door I just agree with them to shut them up and get them to leave faster. Then they try to give me something to read I just say no thank you. I don't want to be the one to have to throw it away.
One time a magzine salles kid ( about age 16-18) said god bless when he was leaving. I called him on that crap and said no he doesn't. I was in a pissy mood. So we had a 10 minute desciousion on that.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
19 Oct 07
Well if they ever come to my door they'll meet me ( see pic ) & my hounds ( in profile pics ). If that dosen't send them scampering for the hills nothing will. Well, maybe the skeletons wearing armor that I have positioned in my house might sway them a little, Or the pile of skills with vines & weeds growing up through them...
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@catskisses (434)
• United States
19 Oct 07
Oh, man, I would love to see the faces of a few JWs in your house.. rofl.. sounds oh so cool.. of course, where I live the darned Baptists are almost as bad as the JWs and Mormons. Those folks need an after-church program to keep them out of trouble lol.
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@catskisses (434)
• United States
19 Oct 07
Just went to check out your pics.. what gorgeous dogs!!! And I like the black outfit and ax best.. Yep, you'd be the hit of any Halloween party.. You'd scare the Baptists around here so badly there'd be an overload in the Cardiac ward of our hospital.. rofl..
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Oct 07
My kids know my religious position but they (when they were home alone that second visit) weren't sure how to be forcefully polite ya know...They kept telling the women 'we're not interested/we're Pagan' etc etc but beyond that they were concerned that if they'd said "we're not interested" then closed the door on these ppl it'd be rude LOL....(I had to give them a talk the night that happened and explain that it's ok to be forceful, just don't do it with 'tone' etc)
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
20 Oct 07
They used to come up to our door, but we have dogs that barks at visitors, so nobody ever comes over. If they did show up, I'll direct them to my grandmother's house, because she would tell them how their religion is wrong, ect. ect. They do not even leave pamphlets on the gate anymore hehe. We did have a couple mormons come to the gate once, but that was because I sent away for a book of mormon just to read it.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
20 Oct 07
When I see people coming to my door, I let my husband get it and hide away in the bedroom. My hubby is quite a character. He will talk a line of bull$hit and have them scratching their heads when they leave.
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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
22 Oct 07
Growing up I remember them coming to the door and they would be abused by my father or his friends and I remeber one time they got the hose onto them..... It was always funny watching them come and see the reaction they got.... Surprised they would even come back......
I have had some come to my home now and I try to be nice but No thanks...I hate people coming to my door trying to sell things or tell me what I should be doing or beleiving in.... I have had one young lady and her daughter come and she was actually really nice and not pushy,so I gave her the time of day to talk and ask her questions but Never converted, I need to make my own decision whether it be Right or Wrong.....
@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I would have been FURIOUS with them for preaching to my kids!
How DARE they!
I am SO glad that you did what you did! And your kids too! That was just icing on the cake :D
I have often said that I want to do the same thing but usually I end up taken a back when they arrive and say nothing...but I've never been encountered with Witnesses (at my door - been friends with a couple though). Nor anyone that aggressive before. And I usually make my hubby answer the door LOL. I hate dealing with anyone - even people running for local offices.
But the last time the Mormons came they said they wanted to tell me about Jesus or let me get to know about Jesus or something to that affect. I just said "No thank you" and shut the door...As soon as I did I wish I would have said - "I already know him thanks". I was ill that day too though...and I'm just not a quick on my feet kind of person.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Oct 07
I would have told her we are not interested thank you and I go to my own church. However, if I were you, I would have brought out the regular King James Bible or the NIV and showed how different the Jehovah Witness Bible is from yours. Your telling her that you are comparing beliefs is a bunch of crock. You know it and I know it so stop kidding ourselves.
The Jehovah Witnesses are the modern version of Arianism:
The Following is a summary of their beliefs. As you can see, some of it is similar to Christians, pro life, against abortion on demand, while some of it is off the wall such as against blood transfusion, and believing Jesus is a spiritual being created by God and not the son of God, nor even part of the Trinity.
So if you do know that they are a cult, it is easier to take a stand if they do get a foot in the door, but if you are unsure and are just trying to embarrassing them because you are not fond of God, or you are a writer and not a talker, like me, it would be best to say , No thankful, and close the door behind you.
Decent religious organizations will either leave a pamphlet or a sheet inviting you to their Church in their door or wait until you ask them about their beliefs in a friendly manner.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Oct 07
Oh I did tell her very politely (as I ALWAYS AM) the FIRST TIME she came that I was Pagan and not interested...the SECOND TIME she came and trapped my kids (they didnt know how to be polite AND close the door on her LOL) my kids ALSO told them I was Pagan (and I believe they said they were as well)..and THIS TIME I was very polite again as were my children...but if you've ever dealt with door to doors they try to continue the conversation..well after weaseling my kids the last time I figured I'd give them the conversation they wanted and join in...
"Your telling her that you are comparing beliefs is a bunch of crock"
LMFAO oh REALLY?? how is that? For you information I have been a FAN OF COMPARING RELIGIONS for YRS....And my children are learning to do the same...Dont make accusations when YOU HAVE NO BLOODY CLUE ;-) You just look like a fool sweetie :-D
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
19 Oct 07
LOL...that's too funny about the satanic bible. My fiance was huge into religious studies when he was in college so he has a lot of different bibles, one of them being the satanic bible. We have it on one of our bookshelves. It's not like we worship satan or anything but like you we like to read about all religions. We have a few family members that when they come over and see that they get kind of uncomfortable.
Anywho, luckily I haven't had any Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons come to my door in quite some time. But if I did I would politely as possible tell them that I am comfortable in my religion and I know about their faith and don't wish to be converted. I would also tell them to please never come back.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Oct 07
"It's not like we worship satan or anything but like you we like to read about all religions"
Exactly! not to mention the fact that I have kids who are curious and need to have the information available to them. Then of course there is the simple fact that we have SO MANY different religions in our family ranging from Catholics to Wiccans to Buddhists to Witches and Christians of other denoms etc its just smart to educate yourself....
@catskisses (434)
• United States
19 Oct 07
Kudos to you for how you allow your kids to explore religions. Thank all the Gods my own mother did, though she was and is Baptist by faith. I have studied religion now for nore than 35 years, and have read most of the central books of most religions that have one. I have also been blessed to study and converse with elders of several oral tradition paths.
Ignorance is not faith. Many Christians fear allowing themselves or anyone else to learn about any other faith. Why are they so afraid? If their faith is pure, then reading every religious writing in existence should not shake it. Apparently they do not believe as truly as they claim. Reading the Koran did not make me a Muslim, reading the Vedas did not make me Hindu, reading some six or seven versions and translations of the Holy Bible did not make me Christian nor Jewish.
I was allowed to read anything I wished, to attend many religious services and ask questions of the elders of many faiths. This enabled me to find my path. This also enables me to respect those of faiths different than my own. My diety does not need me to remain ignorant to retain my faith. She does not fear wisdom.
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@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
20 Oct 07
Many years ago when I was married, I invited my younger brother up to visit me in Massachusetts. He was studding to become a southern Baptist and he wanted t bring some JW to talk to me. I said that I would talk to them under the condition that the meeting was held in either a Catholic church with a priest there or in a Jewish Synagogue with a Rabbi there. You know what I did not have to listen to any of the JW preaching to me.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
20 Oct 07
That gets my goat more then anything. I mean I am all for freedom to do or what not but when you enter my property you have intruded to where you are not wanted.
Here is a situation I once endured. I was sitting at home with my children. I hear a knock on the door, I answer it and I get asked to read this pamphlet. I respectfully declines and said I was not interested, please do not come back. They left. 2 weeks later they returned, once again I respectfully but this time with a wee bit more sternness asked them to leave and not come back. Well wouldn't you know 2 weeks later THEY CAME BACK. This time I was not happy but I still kept my composure. I asked them to leave and if they came back I would get them for trespassing. As I went to close the door this SOB put his foot in my door to stop it from closing. No! No! No! No! I was not about to let that one slide. I got so mad that I shouted something that no one would have ever thought to hear out of my mouth. I said "my lord lucifer gave me your soul to play with for the rest of eternity". Not only did I say that but I said it with such anger in my voice that I actually put fear into them like nothing else.
Now, lesson learned here....Do not put your foot in my door. EVER! For any reason! I did feel bad about it only because I am not about lying about who I am. I used a name which I do not even believe in. I do not believe in a lucifer. I also felt bad because I made my beliefs look evil when in fact they are not. I was quite angry with myself BUT at the same time it was funny to see their faces. Needless to say, they never returned to my door. I did fear that I would have a mob at my door eventually but it never happened.
I have never had to do this again because I have not been violated since then. Now when they come to my door I just simply ask them if they would be willing to read my book. When I show it to them, they frown and walk away. Or I will just say no I am not interested. Most of the time they are respectful and take you off the list. My kids know that if anyone tries that with them they are to call the police immediately. No one outside of my family better try letting themselves into my home with my kids uninvited.
Mental note: If they ever put their foot in your door, CUT IT OFF!
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@pillowpants1982 (52)
• United States
20 Oct 07
My kneejerk reaction is to slam the door in their face..
However, I volunteer for political campaigns who go dooe to door and we're just doing what we're asked so I think respecting the persons beliefs and not mocking them might be an important thing to do.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
20 Oct 07
Oh those people are a joke!LOL I havent had one come to my door in years now. When I was younger they were always around. Alot of times I would answer and tell them we werent interested. And like you said they would continue right on with their speech. And I was a kid. LOL Im not sure but I dont think they are aloud to go door to door anymore in certain areas. Thank god!
@candiec2005 (828)
• United States
19 Oct 07
Usually they don't come knocking on my door. Buy if I see them out on the streets, I simply tell them politely "no, thank you" and walk away. Even if they continue talking I'm already walking away so that's it. That's how I do it.
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
21 Oct 07
Nice kids you've got there!!
So many times have I seen discussion on JW but never had I had one on my tail so far. Anyway, I had the first opportunity of meeting a couple of them today. I had long wanted to talk to one of them if they came my way(looking at all those discussions here) but today I couldn't have my chat with them as I was very busy the time they came. When they came, it was my five year old daughter who answered the door while I was in the kitchen. She told me somebody was at the door and I went to see them. There were two ladies, one old and one middle aged with two children about 10 years old. They seem startled to see me and told me they were looking for a spanish speaking person. I had no idea who they were and I told them I knew of nobody around since I was new to the area. And then it started, they gave me a pamphlet and asked me to read it. It was then that I understood who they were. But I didn't tell them anything. I just read the pamphlet and gave it back to them. They asked me if I would like a copy of the Bible and I just said "No. Thanks" and let them leave. I suppose all this preaching makes sense to them because their religion teaches it. When they left, my daughter asked me "Who were they, mummy?" and I just replied "Some people who don't have other work to do".
I don't know if they would come back but if they do, I hope they come back when I am free so that I can do some preaching too *chuckles*
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Oct 07
Hi Ravenladyj, For Jehovah's Witnesses, which are the only door preachers that I've had to deal with in recent years, I simply tell them that I've read their literature and got absolutly nothing from it, and have no intention of reading more. I then suggest that they go look for someone who may be interested. Blessings.
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
20 Oct 07
jehovah witnesses came to my door this year about 3 times i say to them i am filled with the holy spirit the father the son and the holy spirit christains don't go door to door yes they do preach at church and sometimes on the street but god is using his people to tell people of jesus and jehovah witnesses don't beliee in the holy spirit so i will never believe them i believe jesus is my messiah god bless
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
20 Oct 07
We are non religious here too. When they come to our door, I make an excuse after a few minutes that I need to see to my kids, take the leaflet and give it to my girls! lol. I don't have time for people who are trying to tell me that the way I live is evil or wrong. It isn't, I just don't believe the same things they do.