Animal Rescues
@grandmaturtle (39)
United States
October 19, 2007 7:11pm CST
Hi i live in missouri and i have rescued alot of animals mostly dogs. i drove to Ky and got 2 st bernards from a puppy mill and wish i can do something about it. the akc wont even deal with me because of the previs owners all i want to do is get the regestered in my name so they cant go back on me to get them back. there awsome dogs. but they needed alot of work with them. they have never been around peopl much less walked on a leash. right now there doing great. and found a home for the boy. thies 2 babys cost me over $900.00 in vet bills because of there condition and wish vets would give people like me a brake.
the other day my son braught me home a full grown about 2 year old great dane. hes white with black spots, partly blind, deaf, and has hip problems but hes a wonderful dog. now becuase of his condition i will keep him till he passes of old age.
also have a minpin that some people didn't want because they realy wanted a chauahua to bread like they realy need animals but that is my opp. any way .. i realy hope others are doing the same and get your pets nutered and spaded please its sad out there that thies dogs and cats have no one to take care of them and end up unthized..
thank you .. for reading ..
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4 responses
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
20 Oct 07
just want to say I applaud you for taking all these animals in. And can i please make a suggestion. Instead of trying to get the papers for the st bernards changed what you can do is contact the a.k.c and give them the address and inform them that it is a puppy mill operation. It could really help cause they may already be complaints about this place. Which there is a good possibly that there is being that the 2 you rescued were in such bad shape. If you feel that the akc is shaking you off maybe you should give the local newspaper a call or you local news. When you can;t get things done sometimes you need to go to the higher up's. You could also report them to animal control if the animals you saw were in poor condition. It's terrible how these puppy mills over breed and than do not take care of the animals. I actually rescued a boxer pup from lancaster pa about a year ago. He was 9 weeks old and the poor thing was all messed up. mites, worms. He is now with a very loving guy who treats him like his kid. It's good to know that theres still other good people out there who are willing to give their time as well as their money to give these poor animals a second lease on life.
@grandmaturtle (39)
• United States
20 Oct 07
Thank you Phillygirl,
the AKC does know about thies people in Ky, thank goodness and they lost there rights to regester animals with the AKC , and i am working with the CKC organization to have them black listed from there too. however, and i am calling the athoritys down there. after all driving 8 hrs and finding them in this condition i cound not say no to here eyes. Elli the female had heart worms and whip worms that i had to get her treated for that and get Nick the male treated as well for whip worms and all there shots starting from the beginig because i dought they didn't do that either. i am so happy to hear you rescued a boxer puppy. and that he is doing well and with a nice family who loves him that much. keep us in your prayers we realy need them. again thank you peggy
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
20 Oct 07
keep up the good work looking after these straty animals you have a good heart and god bless you
@grandmaturtle (39)
• United States
20 Oct 07
Thank you hopejordan, keep praying for us to keep it up. with large breeds and small one we have too its hard to keep up on everything. but we are doing it.. thank you
@Cindi1986 (27)
• United States
20 Oct 07
I agree with you. Whenever I saw cat/dog need to be adopt either online or in shelter, I really wanna get all of them out. They seemed so unhappy. TOo bad I can't do anything for them besides donate some $.
Hopefully people can be more knowledgeable about the gender and breeding before they get a pet.
@grandmaturtle (39)
• United States
20 Oct 07
Thank you Cindi, i am lucky i live on 10 acers so that helps. i guess i need to start an organization or somthing non profit of course. keep praying for all the unwanted 4 legged friends out there who need help . and thanks for posting a response.
@angaleen (8)
• United States
31 Oct 07
mom thank you for taking all the credit for what i set up for angal to go and get the dogs you just went along for the ride, but i see that all these animals mean to you is $.05 evertime you get a response. so thanks. oh and you didnt find the male a home you shot him in the head and burned him so stop lying. and the great dane is not deaf he can hear and he can see he just has hip problems and the only reason you got him was because you wouldnt leave me alone about giving him to you or giving you sampson.