The Sims: Do You Play It? Do You Cheat? Do You Just Build Houses?

The Sims Cover - The Sims cover
October 21, 2007 11:35am CST
Which one of you have tried The Sims? I think it's quite addictive and just as stressful as real life. I've always felt I'm lacking time to do everything I have to do (making money, socialize, read books, exercise, etc.). It may be weird for you, but for me, I like building big houses and filling them up with lots of furniture and nice paintings and building a big swimming pool etc. using cheat codes to get as much money as I want LOL LOL LOL!!! If you do like the game, do you cheat to get more money? Or are you like my hubby who plays it diligently without cheating at all?
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5 responses
@furion1 (272)
• Philippines
16 Nov 07
I played the game before with 2 expansions, the vacation and dating packs. It was really fun and I was an addict in playing Sims. I too like to build huge mansions, a beautiful garden and a big swimming pool. Then, I will buy almost all stuff and put them in the house as decorations. I do not cheat hehe. It is fun to see your sim progress and get rich and be an astronaut. LOL!
• Finland
16 Nov 07
Hi, furion! So you're another Sims addict, eh? COOL!!! ;-D Yeah, I also LOVE huge mansions, a beautiful garden, and luxuries for my Sim. BRAVO for you 'coz you don't cheat. So you're as patient as my hubby then...he's patient enough in collecting enough money to buy everything he he he...THX for sharing!!!
@furion1 (272)
• Philippines
17 Nov 07
Thanks. My brother also plays this game but he cheats hehe.
• Finland
17 Nov 07 your bro is just like me hi hi hi hi...Have a GREAT weekend there! ;-D
• United States
16 Nov 07
I have done it both ways. At first (before I knew of the cheat codes) my sim was always but I managed to get her up and running right and healthy. I still play this game when I need distraction in my day, sometimes without the cheats as I do enjoy building the house(s) and furnishing my place. I swing back and forth from The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims Pets, The Sims Pets 2, The Sims Bustin' Out and The Sims Urbs. We are looking for any of The Sims for the computer and waiting to purchase The Sims Castaway. Guess we are all kind of Sims nuts here :) .. LOL
• Finland
16 Nov 07
Hi, Gemini! HA HA HA HA...THANKS for sharing! Yeah, it's hard to make a Sim happy without cheating, eh? HE HE HE... sure are nuts about the Sims he he he he...well, as long as everybody's happy, why not? ;-D
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
21 Oct 07
I'm with you! :) I've got the cheat codes and I sit there replenishing my bank account and then build big elaborate mansions so that my neighbourhoods all look like gated communities. :) I wish my computer was better so I could play the big expansion packs on it, but sadly, they take up far too much space.
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• Finland
21 Oct 07
Hi, breepeace! HUUURRRAHHHHHHH!!!! So there's somebody like me HE HE HE HE HE...Yeah, I also love making my neighborhood look all nice and fancy hi hi hi hi... Too bad to hear about the computer. Yeah, it will slow your computer down if you add all the expansion packs. I hope later on you can upgrade it then 'coz the expansion packs are neat! My hubby has it on his computer but I can't play it on my computer 'coz my computer's specification isn't enough to play the game. HAVE FUN with the Sims anyway! ;-D
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Nov 07
Sims is my favorite game. I like to fulfill my dreams in Sims. Such as I like to get married, have children and have a good career and live well. I don't cheat in playing games because I like to reach my goal by my efforts. This will be much more interesting.
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• Finland
2 Nov 07
Hi again, youless! Ahhh, then you're like my hubby. He doesn't cheat, either...and he plays diligently until he can buy a bigger house, buy more furniture and stuff...but one thing he likes to do as well is to flirt with all the women in the Sims that isn't related to his character...and impregnate them ha ha ha ha ha...Crazy his Sim has got kids EVERYWHERE he he he he he...gladly it's only a game, not a reality hi hi hi hi...
21 Oct 07
I've got the sims with all the add ons, and sims 2 with most of the add ons, and also sims life stories (which i haven't got round to yet) I know what you mean, it is absolutely addictive!! I've gone on there for what i think is an hour only to realise i've lost 3 hours to it lol Like you i enjoy building up houses and filling them up. You say it is stressful at times because you can't, as in life fit it all in a day. This game is so good for de stressing though too, I don't know about anyone else but i find it quite theraputic to build up characters of people i know, maybe they've anoyed me that day, i can take it out on their character lol I do use cheats to get more money, but a fun way to do this is to have affairs get married get their money and then bump them off in funny ways, or anoy them so much you end up in a fight, and if that sim gets so stressed he/she will pack up and ship out lol Its great fun
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• Finland
22 Oct 07
Hi, twilight! that's how you use the game to de-stress you, eh? Quite a creative idea, actually. You get the benefit from doing that and then you're having fun at the same time hi hi hi hi hi...You can have "revenge" in game world. Have affairs, get married, and get their money and then annoy them so much? OHHHH I've never done that before 'coz as I said, I never really played them ha ha ha ha...I just loved moving them around to bigger places and nicer houses. I love creating different sets of characters, but usually I let my hubby play them he he he... He loves making his character flirt with as many women as possible. As of right now, he's got 6 women pregnant. YIKES!!! THANK GOD it only happens in game world HA HA HA HA HA...