animal activists
@princessa200145 (616)
United States
October 21, 2007 6:59pm CST
how do u feel about animal activists do they help situations or just make them worse. do u sign animal petitions that are online or do u just ignore them. how many people take the time to actually sign these petitions. do u write your own messages or just sign the already prepared ones. what would u do if you were the one who had the say about what animals should be saved or not. or had to decide the welfare of their habitats would u be pro or con do u donate to animal right causes or do u give money to charities that are for people or animals let me know what u think
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13 responses
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
22 Oct 07
Someone has to protect innocent animals. There are some pretty cruel procedures going on in this world that involve animals and it is not right. Just for the sake of us looking good and wearing fur, etc, and innocent creature with feelings like us has to die. They need people like activists to try and stop this stop from happening or at least make people aware of what is going on so we are informed.
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@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
when i think of this subject i think about the animals who have already perished due to this unnecessary bs. what exactly are they trying to prove i have seen all of the pictures of animals being tortured it makes me sick and i cry cause i can only imagine their pain and bewilderment to why this treatment is being done. i cant even imagine the pain and betrayal people like this impose on animals they have feelings. i could never do a job like that i would want to rescue every one i could if they asked me to do a bizarre thing like they do it would make me want to punch them in the face
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I won't say that any one organization is perfect for none are however for the animal rights activist's, they have the animals best interest at heart and that's what matters most. I support them all the way for animals have rights too. Just because they don't talk in the same language as we do doesn't mean they don't understand. Yes I sign petitions online and offline, meaning through the mail. Yes I send in donations when I can afford to. I haven't done so in a while because finances aren't good at the moment but will again in the future when things are stable again - when ever that'll be. LOL
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@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
god bless u for that i am sure that if they could speak they would. we are there voices but sometimes they come to late for some but we can keep trying to save the others keep up the good work we need more people like you thanks for replying. keep up the fight
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@cikedo (3483)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I am an animal lover, but not to a radical degree. I am not a member of peta, I eat meat, and I love to fish. My humble opinion is that livestock are here to be eaten and that humans are not supposed to be complete vegetarians. With that said I do believe that laws should be enforced when it comes to the treatment of animals. Poaching and the illegal pet trade are a big problem in the world and more should be done to limit them. It's illegal to hunt some animals for a reason, but a lot of people don't understand why. My favorite animals are the big cats and they are in a whole lot of trouble. They have been hunted for their pelts and their populations have become so small inbreeding is occuring. Now we are faced with genetically inferior animals and their populations are continuing to drop. More should be done to protect what is left of them.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
that is my feelings too thanks for the comment to each his own
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
22 Oct 07
Animal activists are ok , its just the fanatical nut cases that cause problems & draw all the attention.
I read the different petitions , sometimes I sign em, sometimes I write my own message, sometimes I ignore them. I've donated a little ( I don't have much to donate ) & help the wolfdog rescues. My hounds are from rescue.
A lot more could be done to help the animals if people would just consider them durning the planning stages of a big project instead of waiting until after they've spent a lot of money on the designs, plans & such.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
thats a good point as well a plan should be drawn up with all of the things considered i have 5 cats and i am doing my part. none of them are shelter adoptees they were hand picked from free to good homes that was be 4 i realized that there was a shelter out there my oldest cats are 18 yrs old and the rest were dumped on me cause i did not have the ability to say no. but i have accepted that they deserve the love as well
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I think you know how I feel about animal rights in general since I'm working on that website of mine...I'm always signing petitions like crazy...I even wrote letters to my Assemblymen in my state to pass two bills that another Assemblyman is proposing which would end the puppy mill industry at least here in NY...It would be great if bills were passed all over the country! I plan to add something to my site on how to get more politically active
I just recently became a member of PETA..and how I wish I could join up with some of the other organizations, and maybe I will little by little...when on limited funds it's hard to do...but I would much rather donate money to animal organizations than health charities which sanction the testing of animals for "miracle" cures that never happen...look how many medications are being recalled since they don't work the way they should and have terrible side effects...and all are tested on animals--

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Oct 07
I understand where you're coming I've felt like that why are we keeping Charles Manson alive? He's never go to get out, or that one that killed John Lennon, or the son of put them to use and experiment medications on these types of inmates--no one is ever going to find really good cures for human diseases as long as we keep testing on animals.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
Hi Pye!
how have u been i realize all the work that u do to help animals. your signing of all of the petitions is a good thing. some people in important places that could really make a difference have turned their back on those that really need the animals protection. i am aware of all of the unnecessary things that are animals are put through for the benefit of noone. i think it all should be stopped and find other ways to find to take the place of this needless bs. they should do their experiments on people it would make more sense are prisons would be empty if we used the criminals that are never going to get out anyways. maybe then others would think twice i know that sounds horrible but then we would not have to pay so much taxes to support these losers. they keep building more prisons we should just empty them and put them to good use. send them to fight the war so many innocent people are dying to just serve our country. get rid of the ones we have no use for well thats a subject for another blog take care pye keep up the good work we need more people like u
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
27 Oct 07
Well when you say animal activists do you mean agains fur, circus, beating animals, kiling them for the tusk or liver or horn in that case I am strongly against that. I once saw this film about monkeys (or gorilas not sure which one) in asia used in the S&x industry I still cry to this day when I think about that, that was beyond anithing I could imagine.
Whe it comes to animals used as food (milking, egs, meat) as long as animals a properly looked after and it is all done as humain as posible than I am 70% ok with that. If I say I am 100% agains than I will have to stop eating meat and milk and eggs which I dont intend to.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
i mean all of it i understand about chickens and milk and eggs and all of that but the way that the other habitat is being destroyed so they have no place to go. and the unnecessary inhumane treatment of animals and the killing of innocent animals what is their purpose for doing that i believe all animals have a right to be allowed to live their lives in peace just like humans. what about labratory animals what is the possible excuse for that the body chemistries are different so what can they learn by inflicting pain on these animal victims.
@cajundharma (641)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I don't think that online petitions do much good. Petitions need to come in the form of letters or postcards, handwritten, to have much impact. I think in a lot of activism areas there are groups that make things worse with their actions, by deriding the other side to the point that you can't come to the table and work on hammering out the differences between the two sides. You're never going to make someone see your point of view by screaming at them, being disrespectful and rude, and I think too many groups use humiliation tactics instead of trying to engage in useful dialogue.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
that makes alot of sense some times they are better to write your own because the ones that are finished and signed i dont know if they are read or just taken for granted that they are all the same and just discarded nothing can be accomplished by acting like children they should be handled by adults who can be impartial with their views and see all of the picture. humiliation does not solve anything it just makes people more apt to not listen and nothing is accomplished that way thanks for your input
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
3 Nov 07
I feel they do help situations. They bring things out in the open where everybody can see what's going on, and those that care, can help do something about it. Yes, I do sign the petitions, send the letters, etc, etc. I send the prepared ones, but add my own little message on there, too. If I were the one that had my say about saving animals, those that harm them, would be locked away for many many years, away from society. I don't trust people that hurt animals. In my opinion, they will eventually start hurting people too, when the thrill of the animal torture, gets boring to them. Yes, I do sometimes, donate to charities. Yes, most usually it's for animals, although, I do sometimes donate to people charities too. Especially for children.
@wishme_luck (249)
• Philippines
22 Oct 07
well i dont know realy if they doing thier job anyway i hope so, yah i think thats cool animal have right also to be protected.and foer me i dont mind giving charity if i know it will be in a good hand.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
thanks for the comment. all animal protection has to start somewhere.
@andre1983 (30)
• Italy
22 Oct 07
plese visit this website,
look the movie.
this is an italian research in china's factories that show the incredible cruelty of fur's production.
i think that everyone need to change her mind and work for save our world,animal's habitats and their life.
please answer this question:
after you see the movie,do you ever buy a fur?
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
I am sorry i cant view the movie i would cry so much that it would make it sick to my stomach. i know i should view it but i have nightmares every night just thinking about it. more people should get involved we can never have enough help to fight this injustice i would never buy fur anyway it isnt that appealing to me if i did i would think of the animal where it came from and become ill. i dont want to have any of that in my closet
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
3 Nov 07
I am a firm believer in animal rights, but I do think some activists take it too far. Look at Green Peace, yeah, they do provide a lot of info, but sometimes what they do can be more harmful to their cause than good. As for these activists trying to make the world vegans, I think they are wrong. It is my choice to eat meat, not there's and I do know where my food comes from. My agricultural background means I have a very special view on what goes on our tables. Yes, I have found it hard to let animals go, but I also know that I left a positive touch on them and treated them like I would any animal (yep, cuddles and all! lol). I can put my feelings aside, and I knew there were more coming that I could care for (despite the strange looks from my fellow students! lol). Giving money to charities is upto the individual. I tend to give to those that have helped me in the past or offer assistance directly to my community!
@shuai7777 (15)
• China
22 Oct 07
All of us must have the sense to protece animals.The animal is our best friend.If their have no animals,their will have no happiness.Everyone should be for the protection of animals to do our part.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
animals bring alot of companionship to people who are ill and give them a real reason to keep on living. i feel sorry for all of the people that are shoved into human animal shelters where no one comes to see them. most times they are grateful that they can give love and have it returned. but in closing people should see where a animal can do alot to provide unconditional love and loyalty to those who have noone else
@QueenArthur (9)
• United States
22 Oct 07
Well, I will say being an animal activist my whole life that I think without them we'd be in a sad place. They protect and fight for the innocent. However, being through many stages of the animal rights era..if you want to call it that, I've been with PETA and been very frustrated also. I think they have a tendency to give the rest of animal activism a bad name by their tactics and with that I find it extremely frustrating. Their philosophy and intentions are good, but their tactics have hurt what I think could have been better progress for the movement.
As far at the petitions, I sign everything I can. We are only as strong as we can be when we stand in numbers. I sign the petitions, I make the phone calls to our legislators, we have to take the lousy 5 minutes out of our day to do the simple simon tasks that mean so much to those who need it most even though it doesn't seem like its doing anything. So yes...I do it all and urge my friends and family every waking moment! LOL I usually get alot of frustration because they don't want to pick up the phone but I do get a few to call at least.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
27 Oct 07
i do the same but some times i am angered because of the way some things are done. there are good activists and there are bad ones. the bad ones dont do it right and ruin it for the ones that are really trying to get their point across there is a fine line between whats wrong and whats right. i believe they all mean well