i wish i could control my dreams

United States
October 21, 2007 7:46pm CST
i know we cant control our dreams when we sleep but i sure wish we could at times. i know its just me and my fears but it doesnt help to know that. my husband and i have been together for 11 years now and we have had our issues but he has never left me. when he dreams he dreams of his ex sometimes i know cause he says her name and laughs etc. i have dreams all the time that he leaving me. they seem so real too. i hate them. when i wake up i get up looking for him. i wake up scared. i know it comes from my fears of losing everyone around me that i love. it was cause of the way i was brought up and i know it. i feel so stupid though when i wake myself up crying and then freak out looking to see where he is. then i find him in the living room or the computer room. i always say oh there you are i woke up and was wondering where you were. then i hug him and go back to my room. i just wish i could stop having the dreams
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11 responses
@cuteclavs (109)
• Philippines
10 Nov 07
Hello there! Like you, I also wish to control my actions in my dream. It's one of the things I hope to do but I know,we cant alter it in anyway. Like you too, I also dream bad things like when I saw myself screaming because someone wants to kill me. For several times, I had dreamed of it but only in different scenarios. When I wake up, I cry and I'm always thinking why have I dreamed of such but I can't find the answers but I think, the best way to keep yourself away from such dreams is to pray... I hope it helps :)
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I wish I could controll my dreams to. I dont think we can though I have tried a bunch of times thinking about something well mainly women lol before I go to bed But I never have that dream and it always turns out to be something different then what I want the dream to be. If there is in fact an actual way to controll your dreams I would love to know it.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
22 Oct 07
WEll it's not exactly impossible. Many people can control their dreams to an extent. I often do that both as I am falling asleep or when in the middle of a dream. It works most of times. I think that you can find more information about directing your dreams in books or the web if you look for it:) Of course understanding the reason for your dreams - as you do - is a good start to not have those dreams anymore. Everyone is scared of loosing a loved one, but if you can work this anxiety over than the dreams might go away.
• Philippines
23 Oct 07
The fact that you have recurring dreams may mean that you need to address the problem in order to free yourself of the burden of worry of a potential future that you would not like to transpire. Now that you are aware of your repeating dream, you have a better chance of being "conscious" about it when it happens. The next time you dream about your husband leaving you, you have to be aware that you are dreaming so that you can "control" the situation. Keep your husband from leaving in your dream by talking to him. The idea here is for you to feel in control again. This way, you would have already gone through the situation and will be prepared to handle your fears in the real world. This would also resolve the matter in your dream which would allow your subconscious to "move on" so to speak. If you do find it hard to become aware that you are dreaming, you can role play the situation in your mind, or, if you prefer, by using props like dolls, or even asking the help of a close friend to play your husband. When you find you have gained enough confidence, do try to be closer to your husband and communicate with him more. This way, you wouldn't be guessing about what he's thinking or what can possibly happen in the future. You would have gained a fair amount of control which should erase your worries and keep your nightmares from coming back.
@jeanniemay (1798)
• Philippines
23 Oct 07
Yes, indeed dreams affect us at times and we can't stop thinking about it when we are awake. Let's get back to it. Before we get to bed for a sleep, is there something similar in our life that we deeply think about and even will not make us get to sleep? Think about it. See, dreams are the effect of too much thinking, too much fear, or it could also be too much worry or insecurity. For me, that could be one big factor that will affect what we dream. Our conscious mind will send or dictate information to our subconscious mind. I really don't know but that is how I see it. Thoughts become reality!
@joshespi (20)
• Philippines
23 Oct 07
Dreams are sometimes continuation of what you were thinking throughout the day.. try talking it out with your husband
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
22 Oct 07
There are several techniques for it, just look for some more information.The dreamwork need more time and patience then we think.And it`s allways good idea to have a diary, because the dreams are messages.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
22 Oct 07
It is possible to control dreams. But that needs a very highly evolved mind to do that. Sometimes, I have found myself to be controlling my dreams. Once, I saw myself falling from a tall building and got scared in my sleep, but then suddenly I found myself controlling my thought and changing it to the thought of floating and not rapid falling and I just floated down to the ground. It happened a few times and this was a few years back. But, these days, I don't get much dreams. Before you go to sleep, it's better you meditate a little and chant the name of God or any prayer. That keeps your mind free of negative thoughts.
@laurika (4532)
• United States
22 Oct 07
You will not believe , but my fiancee has very similar dreams and I don't want leave him or something he is just scared.I am always telling him, everything would be all righ, but you are right we cannot control our dreams.It makes me sad, becuase he is scared and cannot relax through the sleeping and I am sure you feel the same.Hope at least your husband can comfort you and make it better for you.
@foxygirle (376)
• Philippines
22 Oct 07
dreams often time reflect our subconsiouness. If your thinking about an issue,more often than not it appears on our dream. though sometimes we wish we can control the dreams that we have,but most of the time, once we close our mind, our mind wanders off and most of the time we cant control our thoughts at night and the dream that we want. maybe you should talk to your husband but not in a confrontational way. I know sometimes its hard to raise what's on our mind and we just dont bring them up to avoid any arguements. Maybe on unguarded moments,make you husband reassures his feelings for you, that way you wont be worried about him leaving you.
@mayrian (22)
• Malaysia
22 Oct 07
Well, maybe if you stop thinking of it too much it will help. Dreams are interpretations of many things that have happened to us significantly or those that we think would hurt or be happy about the most. In your case, your thought of your husband leaving you becomes a worry in your daily life and eventually such thoughts will come back to haunt you in your dreams. So, the best is just to think of the good and great times together with your husband, and think of what you and your husband life in future will be and how happy things will get and soon you will not have those dreams of your husband leaving you anymore. It may take some time to revert this, but it's worth trying.