How do you feel about Jehovah's Witness coming to your door?
By kgwat70
@kgwat70 (13387)
United States
October 21, 2007 8:42pm CST
I went for a walk at a nearby park this morning and was gone for a couple of hours. When I got home these people were just sitting in their van and felt a bit suspicious. As soon as I got out of my car they approached me and said they are part of Jehovah's Witness. I was a bit upset because I had just gotten home and they were sitting there waiting for people to come home. I do not feel it is right for them to wait around for people to come home. How do you feel about that? I took the pamphlets but do not plan on talking to those people again.
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38 responses
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I usually tell them that I already have a church home and am not interested in anything that they are selling. They always say that they are not selling anything, they are just wanting to spread the good news about the Lord. I tell them that I have my beliefs and am not in the market for a new religion. Then I shut the door on them. I have had them knock again and then I tell them very nicely that they have exactly 5 minutes to get off my property or I will call the police and charge them with trespassing. I also have a very large sign posted by my mailbox that says NO SOLICITING. I also have one that says TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT FIRST, QUESTIONED LATER. Those darn religious nuts tend to ignore both signs. But they sure can move really fast when you threaten them with the police.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 07
I usually tell them I have my own church too..but then I tell them I have to go I was doing something that cannot wait ..then politely thank them and then shut the door..
YOu must give them credit..they are taking what Jesus said literally "Go out to all the world and tell the good news"
@PrincessDeluded (49)
22 Oct 07
Well geez i dont mean to stomp all over you guys but your not alone Ive dealt with them too and I have family members who are part of them and I cant speak for you obviously cos i dont know what theyre like but what i read doesnt ring true to my experience. I never find them 'pushy' if you say no they accept. Ive had experiences with other churches where ive said no ive walked away and had to literally pull myself free from them trying to 'pray for me' so if JWs are pushy what does that make other places? I got to respect them for their preaching i couldnt go out to places and face the hostility and rejection like that. Im sorry to say but I think home owners are way too uptight. I mean i used to deliver pamphlets for a gym doing a promo and I had people on my butt for that saying its an invasion of privacy blah blah im like its a job im not making u sign up. So peoples attitudes to people actually knocking your door and speaking to you doesnt surprise me if me just posting something Ps people off! Mostly im surprised by some replies from people i dealt with asking them a million questions wouldnt put them off and calling them out on their beliefs wouldnt either they would defend themselves just like anyone would. I dont think they try to make you do anything that you dont want and mostly theyre respectful if you say never call here again they wont. Me personally maybe im not down with what they say but I dont see anything wrong with them trying to come 'save' me hey atleast someone cares enough!
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
23 Oct 07
The JW's near you must be a bit more mellow than in the South then. Here, they will stand at your door and insist that as a Baptist, I'm not going to Heaven.
I'm a Christian, and I don't even like when people from baptist churches around here come to my door and interrupt my day. Most all people who go around door to door are pushy, even when you tell them you go to church, they insist that you come to theirs, or when you tell them you are a Christian, it's like they want you to prove it, like they expect you to show them some "secret mark" of the Christian religion. It's creepy.
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@PrincessDeluded (49)
23 Oct 07
Well unless its changed in a while I know JWs dont believe that you go to Heaven when you die. Im saying I cant speak for all of them everywhere cos people are different and you never know how someone is gonna interpret the religion.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
22 Oct 07
Well I would be kind to them..and speak to them and not ignore them..but that's just me..
They are a good example of dedication to getting a message out.. I usually talk with them and when they find I am able to stand my ground with verses of my own they leave..
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 07
I think it would be better to not open the door then to open it and be unkind..If I see them from a distance..a ride around the block usually results with them being gone when I return.
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
22 Oct 07
i usually dont even answer the door. i find it hard to get rid of them if i do. they don't like to leave, and keep me standing there listening., sometimes you just should not answer the door. besides when ever someone comes to my front door, i know its not someone that knows me personally!
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@taylorblue (1286)
• Canada
22 Oct 07
I know my exhusband scared the ones that came to our door was really funny. He just kept asking them questions and they got upset and left. We never saw them again.
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@Countrymom (371)
• United States
22 Oct 07
Oh they can be pushy! I unfortunately live right next door to a Jehovah's Witness hall. It has however impacted how they treat me in that they do not harass our household as much as they do a neighborhood a few blocks away. I guess living right next door gives us some sort of a buffer zone or we are too close to "home". When they do venture I tell them that we have our own beliefs and though we appreciate their concern we are not interested in their religion. I would have called the police without revealing that I lived there...go to a neigbor's house or such to do so so you don't go into your own house. That is way out of line and in this day and age downright frightening. I need to add also that we have blanketed their cas with flyers having to tell them to stop driving through our yard and slow down (its a 25 mph zone and they drive about 50mph!) and my oldest son even went over there one day and walked into the service and asked them to slow down and stop driving in our yard! (I was shocked though impressed that he would do so).
@heartonfire (4119)
• Denmark
22 Oct 07
hmmm...that doesn't happen in my country,or at least it never happened to me,but i dont live in a house,i live in an appartement so maybe thats why..
i think i saw some jehova's witnesses on the street in the past,but i was never really interested in what they are and what they believe in..
lately,i hear more and more things about them..
and what you said,its revolting..i would have asked them what they are doing there,and why are they spying on me,are they that desperate?.lol..
its an ugly thing to do
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Were they sitting in your driveway? I would have politely remind them that they are trespassing and that they would probably be wise not to do it again.
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@dcwike (20)
• United States
28 Oct 07
I've lived in many states and have had all kinds of approaches from the Jehovah Witnesses - some were pushy, other's not, but, NEVER had I had the experience to where it appeared they were stalking.
If I had had the experience you had, you best believe I would have called the police and NOT have even opened the door OR took any pamphlets from them.
There are far too many people out there posing as something they are not just to get a peek at the inside of your home.
You say they were in a van, right? And it appeared they were waiting for you to get home?
That alone sounds fishy to me - more like thieves posing as Jehovah Witnesses and scaling your home and studying your habits of comings and goings.
I politely let them know I'm not interested and turn down their offer of their pamphlets. However, to the pushy ones I sternly say,"I know of your faith and wish you well, but, if you persist I will deem it as harassment and call the police." That usually gets rid of the pushy ones.
But, again, in this day and age, with what you experienced, I'd be careful and still report it to the police. Pamphlets or not, as they, too, could have been stolen or obtained easily just for the "pose."
@recycledgoth (9894)
22 Oct 07
I'm afraid that they get a very short shrift from me hun. I cannot see any reason why anyone should lie in wait to ambush you just to force their views on you, and I get quite cross when they knock on my door, I don't see why they should bother me in my own home.
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
30 Oct 07
well, I dont also enjoy talking with them. I am not against any religion, but the way of approaching is what I hate. I experienced once, being forced with these people to "study" with them, though I already told them that me and my family are busy. They still wait for half hour for us. And the pamphlets that they gave has an amount for donation I think.
@joshboz (1209)
• Australia
22 Oct 07
yes im with you it should not be like that. at least they should no the boundaries of religious activity and private property. i know there mission and goal but at least consider doing them in the right way. if ever they will come at home in our house if im not busy then maybe i will entertain them but if busy then i wont entertain them or wont open the door. good day.
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@bukky_luv01 (10)
• South Africa
8 Nov 07
You are right but dont you think they are coming to preach the word of the lord with means you dont like God !
@marabdl86 (615)
• United States
27 Nov 07
The problem with them is, They think they are doing you a favor. It makes them seem to think they are better than you. I'm happy they found something they believe in, but harassing someone or waiting at a door for someone to get home is taking it a bit overboard and just puts them in a bad light. I would have looked at it better if they spoke to me politley handed me whatever brocheres they wanted and sent me on my way. That would entice me to listen to them next time if we happen to run into one another.
Doing crazy things like that only makes you look crazy
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@bukky_luv01 (10)
• South Africa
8 Nov 07
hi Kgwat,
i realy love the issue you've just raised, they do come to my house here in nigeria every weekend, i never knew they are internationally known cos they are frustrating. even if they don't meet you at home, yhey will wait at your door step till u're back. and what i ahte about them is that they will change all what the bible has said upside down to their own way, i dont like them and one cannot avoid them.
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@collegeoptimist (86)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I personally think that it is very invasive when Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons come to my door. I think it is ABSOLUTELY wrong to try and push your religious views on others, or to try and "convert." This is a free country.. one with freedom of religion. And because of this freedom of religion, I suppose that these men have the right to come to my door, but I severely dislike it. I am never rude to them when they confront me - I absolutely admire them for their determination but I think that they are wrong in thinking that they are correct in trying to "spread the word" or whatever it is that they are doing. I am an athiest.. coming to my door and annoying me is not going to make me believe in god.
By the way.. I'm really sorry if I seem harsh. I don't want to offend.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I cant stand them at all. I am a Pagan and you dont see me going door to door trying to educate people and recruite them into my religion. Honestly I think what they are doing is wrong. If someone wants to know about there religion then they will come to the church and see what it is all about. It really upsets me that they claim to be the only religion that will be saved when dooms day comes.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Oct 07
It is times like these I am so glad I am Jewish. If Jehovah's Witnesses were waiting for me, I would just tell them that I am Jewish and I don't plan to change. I wouldn't take their pamphlets. I would be nice until it is time to be not nice. and that is when they refuse to take no for an answer.I have never had this happen to me but if they persist, I would have to do something not nice.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
22 Oct 07
Hi Kgwat,
Unless I get a phone call saying someone is coming by, I dont answer the door at all. Im not too keen on people just popping up out of the blue.
I think our homes are our private place and people who stop by to talk about their religion in hope they can convert you should be banned just like the telemarketers.
There should be a national do not ring my bell list that we can put our addresses on to stop these unexpected house calls.
I condone them for doing their witnessing diligently, but there has to be another way insted of just knocking on random doors or sitting outside a residence waiting for pepole to come home.
LOL I think had I seen some people sitting in a van like that, I would have called the police non-emergency line and said I was feeling a bit uneasy could someone come by and see what was going on with them.
Bay Lay Gray xx
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@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
22 Oct 07
I agree with you. They are going a bit too far in their quest to brainwash people. I have no problem with their religion or with them sharing their views to people who express interest, but waiting for people to come home...that's stalking! I personally have no interest in whatever they have to say as I am not religious, but if they come to door and act polite and simply leave if I say I am not interested, that's fine...but thats not the case. They came to my door once, and I jsut didn't feel like answering the door. I had answered to them before and I found them to be too pushy, so I just waited quietly until the knocking stopped (10 minutes later. I went to the window to make sure they were gone, and to my astonishment they were still there...they also had the idea to wait until I got home and to ALSO "do me a favor" and of course make me feel sorry for them and listen to their "word" by shovelling snow from my driveway!! I could not beleive it!
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