Are you pessimistic or optimistic type of person?

October 22, 2007 7:22pm CST
I am kind of pessimistic type of person. I wish and trying to possitive in my outlooks of life but most of the time being pessimistic overuled me. How about you guys? Are you pessimistic or optimistic? How would you deal with it? Is it good for you or not?
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10 responses
@indiavani (863)
• India
5 Nov 07
I am mostly optimitic. There are times when I really feel low, but I never lose hope in any kind of situation. In all kind of situation, I try to find positive points and get over it and I succeed in doing so. vani ^__^
• Philippines
5 Nov 07
Your doing a great job. That's a nice attitude to have, finding the better side even if your into the most worst situation. :)
@raychill (6525)
• United States
23 Oct 07
If you asked me whether the glass was half full or half empty I would tell you it's a half a glass. I am neither optimistic nor am I pessimistic. I am simply a middle of the road type person. I don't think you can be always positive because then you'll have to deal with a lot of disappointment. I also wouldn't be pessimistic all the time either... because who wants to be around someone like that all the time? I wouldn't even want to be around myself.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Sometimes being around super positive people is just as bad for you as being around super negative people.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
7 Nov 07
Too optimistic means scare of nothing. This may cause problems as he tends not to take any necessary precaution and encounter hardship later on. This is what my husband advises me not to be too confident (or optimistic) of myself as this might get into trouble in certain unforeseen circumstances. But I don’t bother about his remarks I am still a happy go lucky person. No matter whether we are optimistic or pessimistic we still do pass life as usual, so why not to live happily everyday.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
6 Nov 07
i try to be optimistic most of the times. i prefer looking at the brighter side of life than sulk in the darker side. and i dont want to add problems to myself! its better if i take things lightly because i wont go anywhere if i take life too seriously. ^__^ but of course i'm just human so there are times when i can't help but think of the downside of things. but i don't dwell on it too much. i'm afraid i might get crazy! LOL
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@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I am very pessimistic. I always have been, I think. I have good reason to be, though. It seems that more often, than not, bad things happen. I feel like nothing good ever happens, at least not very often.
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• Philippines
23 Oct 07
Hi brendakaya, I am also like that. I believe the way you do infact i am tagging myself as to the unluckiest person of this world. LOL! Most of times I ask myself worth. I never tried anything to reach my dreams afraid that I might fall in between. Though Im trying to correct in someways but most of the times I ended up being always pessimistic.
• Philippines
1 Nov 07
Am optimistic that's why I want people to be happy. If someone will change the path of happiness, that starts my being pessimistic because that triggers my anger and negative thoughts and feelings usually occur in my brain. However, after sometime that I could release my anger, am back to be optimistic again.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
23 Oct 07
Come what may, I am always a optimistic person and I am pround to be like that. I do not know what people have the choise of pessimistic views or thinking, which will not do any good to any one.
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
23 Oct 07
I am Optimistic some time pessimistic thought surround me but then i try to divert my attention and start thinking on other topics and soon i feel Ok no more deprerssed
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@goodsign (2287)
• Malaysia
23 Oct 07
I will be optimistic on reaching my life goals and pessimistic on others' vision unless I can look the clear steps on it, enumeration. I am not a good person in this life's field, actually. But after I listen to my husband's advice and teaching, I think I got to follow his doctrine. One's will lack of hope or confidence in the future when there is no clear or appropriate vision, missions and objective in one's life. The goals for current, short, mid and long term life planning. Once got that plans, it is easier to find helpers and supporters towards our missions(field of tasks) to the leverage level of comfort. In our life, we need 'leverage' factors to help us to be optimistic, like a toothbrush to clean up our teeth and not by using our own finger. That is so called as life system.
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@irene_27 (542)
• Philippines
30 Oct 07
I'm sort of pessimistic because i tend to always worry on almost everything. But lately i've tried to channel my thoughts on positive things and ideas like what i have read in a book. It says when you're being optimistic, no matter how bad the situation you are facing, you'll be able to see the good side of it. So, i try to apply it now and hopefully it will give my life an even better perspective.
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