More than a little... a lot!

United States
October 22, 2007 11:40pm CST
I've read a lot of posts and responses regarding making money online and people doing various programs. I myself have had a few websites that have brought in a little money here and there but what I would like to know is how to really tie it all together into a money making website that doesn't just make a buck or two here and there. I want it to actually be able to build up and bring in a few thousand to replace income and not just be in addition to. Does anyone know of any programs, etc. that have that kind of power or payout?
2 responses
• United States
23 Oct 07
I want to address a very simple mis-conception about this whole "make money online" thing. Most everyone here is looking for the "easy" way to make enough money online so they can quit their job and spend more time doing whatever they want. While this is completely possible, it's not overly likely. I will tell you right now that getting yourself out there on the net to make enough money to replace your current income, even at minimum wage, is going to take a lot of work. I've been putting 10-12 hours a day in trying anything I can to make money online, and promote my website. You want to know how much I've made so far? About 3 dollars. But it has potential, and so can anything you do. Please, check out my site about some of these programs. I review every one of them that I can with an unbiased opinion. I may have my reference link added to it, but if I don't like it, I don't ask you to go there, even for easy referral credit.
@zidlore (251)
• Philippines
23 Oct 07
I think that's hard to find. You'll need to be a professional or something. Try this site: It has a list of online jobs that pays. I hope this helps, welcome to myLot!