Turned Inside-out!
By webeishere
@webeishere (36313)
United States
October 23, 2007 11:00am CST
Okay I hate when I do the laundry for just one reason and one reason alone. My wife takes her clothes off in such a hurry most times that her clothes are semi turned inside out. Usually one sleeve of her blouses will be inside out while the other is normal. Same with her jeans, and pants. One leg inside out. Now this makes a mess when they get into the spin cycle sometimes tying the clothing into a knot. It gets frustrating to have to undo the knots. I make sure when I take off my clothes they are not turned inside out all the time. I have reminded my wife to try to take hers off without the rush and getting them inside out but to no avail it seems. So as of late I leave them as they are after drying and fold them as they come out of the dryer. Of course she complains her clothes are folded "wierd". Well that's the way they were taken off so thats the way she gets them back. HAHAHA! Do you have any strabge quirks about your laundry as you do it or whatever? Please share.
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28 responses
@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
23 Oct 07
Usually, i give those clothes which i wear outdoor to the laundry shop where i even get them ironed, and the ones which i wear in the household will get washed and dried in my washing machine.
There are no real quirks about my laundry as such nor regarding any of my family members.
My only concern is that, today my mom saw someone washing clothes in the stagnant dirty rain-water while returning home by bus. What if she was someone from the laundry shop where we give our clothes. I'm quite a bit disturbed after hearing that people wash in that dirty, stagnant, muddy water, it is so unhygienic.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I have not used a lundy company nor a dry cleaner in years as most clothes sold now days are wash and wear. I guess in your country of India there's probably a lot of the clothes being washed in the riverws etc. It's a shame. I don't know if I could drop clothes off at a shop after seeing this that your mom saw. Ugghh!
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
23 Oct 07
...a good semi clean river would be good.. or so I've sometimes thought (ah the curse of modernism!) but standing water... oooh, that, it seems could be very bad..
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
23 Oct 07
My husband leaves his socks as wadded up balls, so when they go in the wash, the insides don't get dried. So he has a bunch of half wet socks.
I don't say anything about it, because he does the laundry, but you'd think he'd have figured it out by now. He forgets every time. It's almost funny.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Well black then throw out the grimey ones
and make sets with the clean ones. HAHAHAHA!!
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I have never just ripped my socks off to where they are in a ball.
Too funny. They don't come very clean in that shape do they?
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Socks don't come clean at all when they are balled up in the wash. I know cause 1/2 my daughter's white socks are now black from grime. ewwwwwwwwwwww
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
23 Oct 07
OMG Grandpa Bob us girls have to stick together!!! If you gave the poor girl a fighting chance maybe she wouldn't have to be in such a hurry. HEHEHE OK just little hehehe s.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Ummm? I am taking the 5th here. HAHAHA!!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
23 Oct 07
That is one of my pet peeves as well. I make sure they check their pockets, take their underwear out of the pants or I do'nt care what color they are they get thrown in the darks. My family has lost pens, watches, lip gloss, chap stick, jewelry, money, and so on to me. I told them if they don't want go ahead and put it in their pockets because they won't see it again. I love the money part. My daughter came to me asking if I had seen any money in her pockets when I did the laundry and I told her, if there was any, it's gone now. That after it hits the laundry basket in the laundry room, it is no longer her property. Yeah, I guess I am a meanie but she will learn eventually! I also have a pet peeve about leaving things on the floor. I tell them that if I find something ont he floor it means they didn't want it, so it's mine to do as I see fit. I have thrown so much stuff in the garbage or given it to someone else. Believe me, my family really gets irritated with me. Mom? Did you see my DVD? Where was it at hon? On the floor. Well, you know where it's at then. I know the garbage man is having a wonderful time watching your movie. Leaving crumbs on the counter after making a sandwich...uh, has no one in my family ever heard of a plate? Also, when people brush their hair and leave the hair all over the floor, in the hair brush and on the counter. There is nothing I love more than on cleaning day having a small sasquatch living in your hair brush and on shedding on the counters and floor!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
My wife does the pants and underwear off at the same time as well. ewwww! HAHAHAHA!! I have found paper money from my wifes pockets and when I do I just spend it then mention I found it. HAHAHA! You are a mean mom. HAHAHAHA! Gawd I love this response. Thanks. Hee hee hee.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Your very welcome! I am quite mean when it comes to having my rules followed. I told them I run a tight ship and it ain't the titanic lol!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Oh thanks for the best response rating! I really appreciate it and am honored! Thanks a million!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Oct 07
ha...i'm the same as your wife but I do my own laundry and so i only irritate myself. the only thing that has ever really bugged me on doing other peoples laundry is when they leave things other than money in the pockets. one kleenex can make a mess of the entire load....a chapstick can ruin all your clothes and a lighter if it makes into the dryer can burn your house down.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
24 Oct 07
So do you also scold yourslef? HAHAHAHA!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Hey Grandpa, I solved that problem a LONG time ago! LOL I told hubby that if he didn't take off his clothes with them being right side out then I'd not wash them till they are and he didn't listen and they piled up till he had no more to wear!! LOL From then on he started doing it right and has clean clothes to wear. Sometimes it takes a little push and then a shove to get them to do what you ask. LOL
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
HAHAHA!!! Poor guy. NOT!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Well I had to teach him a lesson one way or another! LOL
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Good for you. (I think) HAHAHA!!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Ggggrrr my kids do that! and it is frustrating to say the least...Whats worse though is my son has a TERRIBLE habit of not emptying his pockets before throwing his clothes into the laundry pile and being a teenager, EVERYTHING goes into his pockets from notes to garbage to pencils and pens to elastic bands (he has an obsession with those LOL) and homework :-/ ...As much as I TRY to remember to check the pockets, more often than not I forget to and I end up with a mess (on occasion) to clean up in the machine AND I have to redo the damn laundry :-/
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
24 Oct 07
I hate rubber bands. Start him on the laundry brigade I say.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
24 Oct 07
Hmmm, I can relate to this.
My hubby is not quite as bad as your wife. The worst habit he has is leaving screwed hankies in his pockets, used of course. This means they don't get a good wash, as I am not going through his pockets first.
I completely agree with your method of leaving them how they are, & letting them wash, dry in whatever position you find them in.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Ewww! I wouldn't touch a used hankie either. Nasty! HAHAHAHA!!
@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
24 Oct 07
I make sure that the clothing is all right side out when I wash it or inside out if it has a decal on it and then there are no problems! Other than that I sort them colours and whites.
I use lots of Shout due to my son! LOL
For me it's a pretty straight forward procedure! :)
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
24 Oct 07
I use that Tide crayon or whatever it's called. HAHAHA!!
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
24 Oct 07
That is so funny that you are just leaving them the way they are, maybe she will learn to be more careful when she takes her clothes off. I can't stand that either, I make sure my clother are the right way when I take them off so why can't my uhbby and kids?? It does annoy me, like I want to undo their dirty clothes so they get cleaned properly =)
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Nahhh she hasn't and won't learn.
It's been like this for over 30 years with her.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
23 Oct 07
lmao I TOLD you your wife and my daughter are from the same mold. She does the same thing with all her clothes and then complains that she has dirty socks or they are still damp cause she takes them off in a ball which is how they get washed/dried. Or that her fave shirt has a huge stain on the front. Well, if she would of made sure her shirt was the right way, I would of spotted the stain and pre-treated it. Oh welllll!!!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
My wifes clothes get stained a lot from her work. She manages to soak them so those get turned right side out though. HAHAHA!!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Oct 07
My goodness you seem to be complaining a lot about your wife..I read the newspaper thing too....LOL...and my she must be in a hurry to get her clothes off..hehheeu --don't mind me...in a silly mood here.
I'm kind of glad that when you just toss in her clothes now as is, and then she complains her clothes are folded weird...ah, poor GRANDPA BOB --As that comedian used to say...You get no respect
As for my clothes...I always hang them up nice after I were them, so when I do wash them, nope, they don't have sleeves inside out or one leg of my jeans inside out either...so when I wash them and then dried they are in a nice "order"--but then I'm a neat freak anyway
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Yeah it's just been that type of day I reckon. we didn't argue or anything for a long time. Just what I felt like writing about today. HAHAHA!! My son in law expanded our master bedroom closet so now I can hang even my t-shirts.
@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
24 Oct 07
Hahahaha..grandpa Bob, you are exactly like my mom. My mom used to blabber me with this laundry thing too. She hate how she have to undo the knots. So everytime she want to do the laundry, she always make sure that I didn't take my clothes off in inside out. But of course, I didn't do the laundry, so I just ignore it. Until one day, she got pretty upset and command me to do the laundry. I thought it was easy, just put the clothes into the machine, and done. Hahahaha, I was wrong. I did have to undo the knots too. And it kind of frustating, because sometimes the knots are very tight and hard to lose it. Mom laughed at me, and said : "See ? Even you don't like it either don't you ?" Now, I don't do that anymore. I make sure that they didn't semi turned inside out.... Hahahaha, maybe next time you should do the same thing as my mom..
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
24 Oct 07
There's been many a day that I did the towels bedding and my clothes leaving her inside out ones for her to do. Boy did I get yelled at.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I think you are right on! This has always been my approach.. especially with my kids.. a little affectionate reality teaching I call it.. after all why should they go through life thinking for example, things not picked up will be magically picked up and put away.. and clothing either not in the laundry or inside out in the laundry will come out all perfectly laundered and folded? It just ain't fair to let them carry on being under the weight of such illusions! :)
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Oh my kids when they were growing up lost a lot of things
due to their refusal to pick up after themselves. HAHAHA!!
@cikedo (3483)
• United States
23 Oct 07
My brother and parents leave their clothes inside out a lot also, but I always turn them the right way. The worst part of laundry in my opinion is the whole folding and hanging part. The last time one of them said anything about my folding job I simply told them that they could fold their own laundry if they didn't like my way. That shut them up real quick. Nobody else in my household is willing to help with the folding so they shouldn't complain. Hanging clothes is a pain too. No matter how quick I get pant and tops out of the dryer they always seem to wrinkle as I'm hanging them.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I hate doing laundry as a whole. Sorting, washing, drying,
folding, or hanging them, it's all a pian to me. HAHAHA!!
@recycledgoth (9894)
23 Oct 07
My partner is always turning his T shirts inside out before they go into the wash, he says it protects the graphics and logos on the front - LOL However, it drives me nuts when trying to get things dry and folded properly. I do try to make sure that the sleeves are the right way out on my clothes when I can though.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I do that for appliques. But now days the graphics
on shirts fade no matter what as they are so cheaply made.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I'm the neat one in my family. We don't have a hamper.
We have a basket in the bedroom for dirty clothes.
Or we just toss them down the stairs into the basement. HAHAHA!!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I have been doing fall house cleaning and washing quilts etc. Sunday I washed a smaller blanket with a quilt....somehow the quilt and blanket got so tangled up it took about ten minutes to figure out what happened and to undo them from each other...it was almost like the quilt turned inside out and trapped the blanket in the middle.....it was a bugger!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
HAHAHA!! I do that type of washing before it gets too chilly poutside. I love hanging them outside to get that fresh air smell about them. That happens when I do a lot of sheets together in one load. Ugghh!
@nobsplese (5)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Yeah I safety pin socks together for some reason every time I put socks in the washing machine one or two dont make it back out strange huh
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Ahhhh! You have one of those washing
machines with a mouth huh? HAHA!