Its the time of the year when it feels so lonely..
@angel_of_charm (4134)
October 23, 2007 5:23pm CST
hi guys, how are you all doing..i've been busy with all the stuff..i'm sorry i haven't been here for sometime now..i am off today and i was suppose to be sleeping but i'm all awake thinking so i thought i would chill out here and say holla to all of you guys..
its the time of the year when it gets to feel so lonely..i can hear christmas coming..i can hear carols being sang..i can hear children talking about sants..and i can see people buying and decorating their homes getting ready for christmas..but me? i'm all alone and would even feel the goodness of what it brings..
i get so lonely and all i do is jut spend my whole day and time at work just so the day would pass by and the would say goodbye to another day has gone..i should have gone to work maybe i will later on..i just cant stay long at home in this empty room alone..i might have lose my sanity thinking over and over with the same stuff i must have left behind..
christmas wont be the same..its been few years i haven't felt the true meaning of christmas..a brother so dear to me cannot spend it with reason to buy gifts for i only have him to buy presents that he love just to make him does not make sense anymore..i feel like i'm alive but has no soul..
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5 responses
@catskisses (434)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Reach out to someone who is also alone. Is there an old people's home near you? Visit it, ask the staff to tell you who has no family, then go and just talk to that person. Adopt that person to give a gift to. I work in such a place and I can tell you that we have probably ten or more people who have no one to be with for Christmas. They would be so grateful if someone would visit, maybe sing a Christmas carol or two with them, bring them a Christmas card and just spend a bit of time talking. Share your love with a person who is also alone and you'll get so much love in return that Christmas will shine for you again. And isn't sharing and love what Christmas is about? So what if you don't really know the person, Jesus did not know the people He came for, He came for friend and stranger alike, did He not? You just might get a brand new friend for Christmas.
Or visit a hospital, go to the children's ward and tell or read some Christmas stories, sing some carols you loved as a child. A hospital is a hard place to be for a kid. You could make it better with just a little of your time.
Volunteer to help serve meals at a homeless shelter. You will appreciate having a place to stay when you help people who don't have even that much to be thankful for.
I learned long ago that the best way out of depression was to share my time with people who have less than I do. It really helps you to appreciate what you have, and people who have so little are so grateful for anything you do for them. You'll feel better about yourself and your life. It doesn't take money, only your time.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Hi girlfriend I know your feeling lonely and I do feel bad for you. All you have to do is try and make yourself happy and be strong. And the people that are in your life right now just treat them good and you wont feel so lonely.Im sending you hugs.
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
24 Oct 07
(((((((((((((((((((Angel))))))))))))) Don't feel sad when the best time of the year is coming up. Visit a nursing home and brighten someone's day there that has noone. Might make a new friend that way. :-) Find a homeless shelter or soup kitchen and volunter your time there. They are always happy to have ppl help out. Here in my neck of the woods, lot of stores put up Christmas trees with tags on them of local kids whose parents can't afford to give them presents. Ppl pull a tag off, buy the gift(s), wrap em up with a tag on it, and take it back to the store to put under the tree. Maybe they have something like that in your area. Our daughter received lots of presents last Christmas that way, most of what she got, she wanted. If they have any food pantries in your area, visit it and talk to the ppl who run it privately to find a family you can help out. Sorta like a secret santa to them. I could go on and on. All this will bring you out of your depression and put the spirit of Christmas back into you as well as help others less fortunate. Good Luck, my friend. :-)
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@foxygirle (376)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
i feel very sad for you. I know how it feels, instead of looking forward to CHristmas you'd rather bury yourself someplace not to be reminded of the holiday season. Maybe its time to rekindle friendship among old friends or if not find new friends to share your life with not just for the holiday season but the rest of the year. Do some volunteering work or something worhtwhile or for a worthy cost, at least that way you'll find your time not be waste away. Maybe your soul will return once you see smile on the face of our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Dont be despair.
@xenokitten (68)
• United States
24 Oct 07
We have all lost people that we love. You must be strong and remember that your loved ones would not want you to be sad. They would want to see you happy. If there's one thing you should know, from losing the people you love, life is short. You must live your life to it's fullest. Do not waste one single day looking back. Those who are gone will not return. Carry on and put the pain and past behind you. It is what he would want for you.
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