what a friend...grrrrrrr
By mystic_0318
@mystic_0318 (937)
United States
October 23, 2007 7:37pm CST
I have this friend or should I say had this friend I thought was a real good person...She would keep an eye on my kids once in awhile, we would hang out go shopping,most things that friends do..Well it all cam eto an end tonight! She watched my kids last Friday night when I went out for a few hrs with my step daughter...Well when I got home kids was in bed and she left as soon as I got home and normally she would stay and chat..Didn't think about it until tonight when I was gonna have her keep an eye on my youngest 2 while I had my oldest at the Drs. They started to cry and scream at me that they hated her and if she comes here they would run away...It just was not my kids to act like this...I guess she was being mean and through away their new costumes for Halloween.But don't worry they were out of the garbage before I got home to find out...Well I asked her tonight what the hell happened on Friday and she said she threw them away cause they were being mean to her and told her she talked funny cause she had no teeth..I guess it was my youngest 2 that said that..I guess she made them go to bed and locked them in their room so they couldn't get out and was calling them A**holes and stuff like that..Well I went off on her tonight about it and she said they made her cry by telling her she talked funny...well I understand how that can be hurtful and they should of never said that in the first place..But, there is no reason that an Adult should or have to treat kids that are 9,and 7 yrs old...She said she is not sorry for what she did and that my kids should tell her that they are sorry and she has nothing to be sorry about...This Pi**ed me off..Yes my kids should say they are sorry for saying that but she should say it to them also..I told her she need to grow up and act like an adult and not a child! My kids are acting older than she is about all of this..And I will not let anyone treat or talk to my kids the way she did mine over something that stupid...ANd even if it was worse she could of sent my kids to their room or to time out and let me take care of it when I got home.... I told her she better not show up around here and it not my loss at all of not having her as a friend..WHat would you do? would you sit back and let someone do this to your kids? I can't I don't care who does it to them....I really just wanted to vent a little about this cause It has me upset...Thanks for letting me vent!
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11 responses
@skykenzie15 (3)
• United States
24 Oct 07
I absolutely agree! Your children should always come first and your friend being an adult should learn how to act like one.
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
24 Oct 07
I wouldn't blame your kids. Kids are honest little souls and they say the darnest things sometimes. She should have been the adult and just took it with a grain of salt maybe even laughed it off. She was acting like a child and being very cruel to lock your children in their rooms. That is unexceptable behaviour I would tell her she needed to grow up and be an adult about this, show the kids by example not by acting like a two year old throwing a fit. If she was my friend and I was to take her back I wouldn't let her watch my kids ever again. -Amber
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
24 Oct 07
Wow! I can't believe that someone you considered a friend would do that to your kids. I could maybe understand the kids hurting her feelings when they said the comments about her teeth but still who's the adult? Also like you said, you could have dealt with it when you got home. She had NO right to throw out the Hallowe'en costumes, call them names, or lock them in their rooms. If I were in that situation I probably would have reacted and said the same things you did.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
24 Oct 07
I would most certainly not allow anyone to treat my kids or speak to my kids in that manner. There was way more ways to handle that situation than to be vindictive to those children like that. How childish! While your children shouldn't have said the things that they said, I think they didn't mean anything harmful or hurtful to her. I think they were just stating a fact. She talks funny without her teeth. Most people do when they don't have their teeth in. They are very young still and she should have just told them that it wasn't nice to say things like that, and it hurt her feelings. The kids would have responded better to that probably. I don't blame you for ending the friendship if she is so unapologetic for her part in all of this.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
24 Oct 07
Hi mystic!Hahaha,sorry but your kids sound funny!I think iw ould of gave her the boot before she said her story to you about throwing the costumes out.She seems like she is the kid by wining about her holy teeth being made fun of.Kids are kids,we are suppose to be the grown ups and know how to act around kids.I think she did something not called for and i would tell her dont wait for me to call,because it will be a long time.Nope,they would not take care of my child ever again.If she did that,picture what else she might do if she really got insulted or upset.Its childish behavior she did.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
24 Oct 07
well your defiently better than I am because if someone upset my lil man like that I would have had to hit her. No it wouldn;t have solved anything but it would have made me feel better. Who is she to curse and yell at your kids. My sister is the only person who watches my son and she wouldn;t dream of doing any such thing and we're family. I know when I watch my friends kids I am more careful because their of no relation to me. SO for her to do that to your kids is just plan nuts. You did the right thing, you defiently do not need a friend like that.
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@citygirl (1080)
• Canada
24 Oct 07
No i would not let some one treat my kids that way. Putting them in their room and sending them to bed ok but locking them in , or tormenting them by throwing out their stuff no. But let me ask you does this friend have any experience with kids/ Did you honestly not have an incling that she could be this way, or was it convienient to overlook past things in order that she sit for you.Was it a true friendship or a friendship of convience for you? Think about it.
@melissacus (441)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Wow...that lady really does need to grow up. I understand why she would be hurt about what they said, but come on. They're young. They're kids. Children say weird things like that and they aren't aware it's offensive. She should have handled it better. Just send them to bed and then talk to you about it when you got home. She's not their parent and she has no right to throw away anything that doesn't belong to her.
I understand why you would be upset about this, too. I probably would as well. Don't take this the wrong way, you said the way she dealt with your kids was immature, but how do you think the way you're dealing with it comes off as? What she did was wrong, but you two are both adults and ending a friendship because a disagreement and fight seems trite and childish, something high school students would do.
So, I think if you two would actually sit down and talk about it calmly you would come to some sort of understanding. People make mistakes.
Good luck.
@Countrymom (371)
• United States
25 Oct 07
WOW! Some friend. I would definitely not allow her to watch my children again due to the circumstances! As an adult she certainly should have just sent the kids to their room and let you deal with it when you got home. Sounds like she is rather self conscious about her teeth or speech and that it really hurt her feelings. Sounds like perhaps an old wound that the kids inadvertently opened up. As kids they should be made to apologize, but certainly not to endure such treatment! I am so glad they told you why they do not like her and you were able to talk to her about the situation. As an adult she should sit down and apologize for her behavious! How can kids learn to behave with adults like this? that is horrible. I would state my opinion to her in no uncertain terms and then just drop it. She needs to learn that children say what they think until they are older and learn about hurting feelings and such. If she can afford the medical care she needs for her teeth she might look into that. Otherwise accept that some people are just going to be making comments. Its sad when a friendship ends and its through no fault of your own. I am impressed that your kids are acting more mature at this point. While hurting someones feelings is never okay, kids have to learn this over time, not have it thrown upon them! She missed a great teaching opportunity and ruined a nice friendship! That is so sad and tragic.
@Knottydani (68)
• United States
25 Oct 07
I would have handled just like you did. Shes an adult and should have acted like one.I agree she should have put them in their rooms or sat them on the couch until you got home but she didnt and the way she handled it I would have possibly went off worse on her. With friends like that as the saying goes who needs enemies.Your better off without her around your children and you.