"OH MY GOD!" Is this cursing??
By BayleighGray
@BayleighGray (4334)
United States
October 25, 2007 2:19am CST
So I was browsing some disucssions tonight and I ran across one that was about profanity. They said they used curse words frequently, and then quoted the Bible, Psalm 19,"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord my strength and my redeemer". I found this scripture interesting, and was curiou about the phrase "Oh My God!".
Lots of people do this though. They find something really exciting or shocking and the first thing to pass their lips is "Oh my God".
Just recently I watched an episode of Extremem Makeover, and the Christian family that was getting a house built just blew the phrase out of the water! Every other thing out of their mouths was, just that!
During the show, they have video of the mother speaking of why she needed this and how great it was, referring to God and how blessed she & her family was for Ty and his crew. They even hired a church choir,(first time Ive seen this done)to sing on the porch of the new house after they blessed each and every room in the house with a, you guessed it......."OH MY GOD!"
Do you think this is acceptable? Regardless of your religious preferences, do you consider this to be vain or a form of cursing? Ive been told it is, then I have been told it isnt. SO I was thinking....what do myLottians have to say? If Yes why?, If No why?, Please.....And thank you in advance!
Bay Lay Gray xx
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13 responses
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I try really hard not to say "Oh My God", but try to say "Oh My Gosh" instead. Oh My Gosh this plussing thing is harder than I thought - would be easier if I didn't have to read the messages... But I still got a half hour so I can get some more in...
I am not overly religious, although I was born and raised Catholic. We were taught that taking the lords name in vain was a sin, so yeah, I guess it's cussing for me.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Yeah, I got 4 discussions done - not sure I can do that every night, but after the laughs tonight, it was fun!!! Hey, and some of it was good reading...
Now I forgot what you said about this topic, oh yeah, That's pretty wild that the more religious people are ok with it, but those of us who aren't don't care for it... hmmm.... very interesting....
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Bless your heart, I thought you meant to just plus the discussion itself!! Hehe Please dont go through all the comments too! That IS way too much trouble. But the gesture is lovely!!
My best friend is Catholic, not a avid follower, but none the less its how she was raised, strick Italian Granparents. lol she says it all the time, and shes a pretty woman and she just looks ugly when she says it. I feel ugly when I say it, and Im not religious either. I say oh my, or my latest thing is Oh my hill! hehe
Thanks for you ideas on this!
Bay xx
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Oct 07
Hmmmm....this is a good one for our 'thinkers' and I like that. I didn't see the program that you are referring to but it does surprise me that Christian people would so loosely use their Creator's name in vain. When I was young my Mother told me that if I used God's name loosely every day in less than respectful ways that I might not be listened to when I really needed help. That idea has stuck with me ever since. Now admittedly I have not been so disciplined as to to never slip and and sometimes in a hissy fit said, "Oh for God's sake!" When I do thought I find myself doing an inner 'Oops!' It isn't something I tend to do and it does seem a little sac religious to throw Creator's name around as loosely as many do today.
So for me I am not sure I'd put it under the category of cursing...but it is something I shy away from...but then I don't curse a lot anyway because of my spiritual beliefs.
Good discussion though...will be interesting to hear other responses.

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Oct 07
Hi again...
Just checking and noticed your best response and I wanted to say 'thank you!' This was a good topic...and does give one reason to pause because we are hearing so much more of it these days.
Just to let you know I am not a 'religious' either. It is my intent to do my best to live a spiritually aware life...but my beliefs do not follow any doctrine because I have found most of them too full of bigotry, judgment and hypocrisy for my tastes.
From the short time we've been sharing ideas you do strike me as a person who has a lot of spiritual awareness. You come through as caring, compassionate, strong and willing to stand up for your beliefs in an accountable authentic way. Your willingness to acknowledge and mirror positive things is another spiritual trait I admire...so to me there are many religious people who are not at all spiritual...and visa versa.
Anyway, thanks for you kudos...and on-going interest. We're having a grand time here!
Warm and caring regards,
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Hi Raia!!
Your mother was very wise, and I never thought of it that way! I think this is something I will remember and take great consideration from. Its sort of like crying wolf to God. I do slip and let it fall from my mouth, and like you I say an inner apology and correct myself with "gosh", "goodness" or just "oh my".
I dont really practice a religion, but I am aware of God and his presence in my life to some degree. Great comment!! Thank you!
Bay xx
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
26 Oct 07
I think its fine. The phrase OH MY GOD is more used for happiness or surprise. I try not to use God's name in vain and I'm sure that isn't too much in vain since you can say OH MY GOD in other ways.
There are FAR worse words to say then OH MY GOD.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Hi Emarie!
I see your point here. There definately are far worse words to say than that! And there are far worse phrases to use with God in them. I personally feel its not a wise choice of words for any reason, but I am guilty of this. I was just curious what other people thought about it. Nice comment!
Bay xx
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@OnfireforJesus (500)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Well. Two weeks ago, I used the phrase and was very politely corrected by a 6 year old little girl from my church saying, "That is not a good way to use God's name. You should just say 'Oh My'!" It really blew me away that a child who is just begining to learn the Word is correcting me- who has grown 30 years in the church. I had never really paid attention to how often I used that phrase, but I will now. Now I do believe it is not acceptable.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Hey OnfireforJesus!
LOL Sorry to laugh but that is a really cute story! You should never underestimate the mind of a child, they are so suseptable to the things they hear, especially at that age. I agree, I dont think its a good phrase to use, and Im working hard to stop using it. Another poster suggested to say Oh my Hill, which I like! lol
Thank you and the young lady of your Church for a nice story.
Bay xx
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@ram_cv (16513)
• India
26 Oct 07
I have thought a lot about profanity and the way it becomes profanity. A term like "Oh My God" is considered by some as profanity, but if you look at the meanings of the word, they do not seem to be wrong at all!! So what is the big hype about. I guess it is all about the scenario where it is used.
For e.g. think of the word "Black" and what do you see. I see a color. But apply it to human beings and it suddenly becomes a racist slur!! I hate words being blown out of proportion like this, but that's how things are in today's word.
Some days back, the people who were called invalids, became handicapped. Some people found it offensive, they started calling them special people. After some usage, some people started feeling bad about it and started calling them differently abled people. I mean whatever you decide to call it, there will always be people who would feel offended by it and try to create hype around it!!
So if you ask is "Oh My God" cursing, I would say definitely not from my viewpoint.
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Hi Ram,
That is a very good point you make. Some who have commented dont think its so bad, and others probably about fell from their desk chair! lol
Im not so comfy with myelf to use it, although I am guilty of it passing through my lips from time to time. I probably shouldnt have used "cursing" but I couldnt think of how else to put it! lol
Cheers to you!
Bay xx
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@stella_76 (75)
• Philippines
26 Oct 07
I was glad that there are people who would still be conscious about the OMG expression. But your concerns are valid, especially of course that your worried of committing a sin. I don't think its profanity or cursing or in the context of not using God's name in vain. Under the condition that you use it as an expression of happiness. Like surprised in seeing a friend or relative for so many years, also your given example or happy about the result of your work. But there are people who loosely use this when they are angrily surprised at a mistake, accident or bad event. Then suddenly start saying SH** or F***. That's profanity in context.
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Hello Stella,
Oddly enough, I never really thought of it as sinning. That makes sense to me. Still, using it as a positive type of expression just doesnt seem right to me either. I think may times a person uses this expression is mostly out of disbelief or thinking something is rediculous or silly. I was just a little bothered by the people who claim that their lives are filled with God and they used it repeatedly. It just really got on my nerves! lol They could have easily said Oh my Goodness, which I think sounds way more appropriate than God.
Bay xx
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@Stiletto (4579)
25 Oct 07
I'm an atheist and personally I think it's just words although I understand some people attach a deeper meaning to them. Having said that though it's an expression I very rarely use. I was raised by very religious grandparents and I guess the lectures about "taking the Lord's name in vain" and blaspheming etc have left their mark on me after all!
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Oct 07
LOL Hi Stiletto!
I was just going to say, well if your an athiest then I guess you wouldnt care about that! I sort of feel it is in vain and blaspheming as well. I dont really practice a religion per say, I was brought up in a Baptist Church, but I do feel the presence of God in my life in some way shape or form. So I do feel badly or unappreciative when I use the term. Im guitly though, Im not going to say that I have not used it, but I do try not too.
Bay xx
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Oct 07
I certainly dont consider it a "swear/curse" word myself and I do say it should the need arise I guess you coudl say but I also watch who I say it around..and my kids are instructed to do the same..For example we would never dare say "oh my god" in front of the grandparents becuase they are all devoted Christians and it would be offensive to them and just inappropriate...we also dont say it in front of little ones becuase they tend to repeat what they hear and that wouldnt be a good thing IMO....
I dont consider it swearing but I do know that to many it IS offensive, those ppl may consider it a curse word and that needs to be respected IMO..
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
25 Oct 07
Hi Raven,
Yeah its more disrespectful than cursing huh? I hear so many Christians or so called religious people saying this. Freely saying it when something is surprising, shocking, funny, rediculous.....there seems to be endless reasons for blurting it out. lol Just seemed ok for people who practice religion regularly, but for people who dont they consider it as you said "disrespectful".
Thanks for your thoughts on this!
Bay xx
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Oct 07
You must not use God's in vain, so if you use the OMG in regular speeches, like "OMG I haven' seen you for ages or "omg look at what's taking place over there," then that is taking God's name is vain. If you sing a hymn to God, and the O.M.G is included it is honoring God. God's name should be spoken in reverence and awe and fear and hot used as blasphemy, profanity, or just to explain your surprise in common speech.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Hi Suspenseful,
See thats what I think too. Im guilty of doing it, but I try and correct myself and ask for forgiveness....if it makes any difference! lol
I was just sitting here on myLot last night and watching a re-run episode of the Extremem Makeover on Lifetime, and they had this Christian family on there who said it so much I just had to finally change the channel. It upset me sort of.
Each door they opened and each thing they saw produced an Oh My God with such an annoying tone of voice. I thought how can they walk through this house and keep saying that!?!? Im most certain they were not praising God, they were just excited and shocked at the home that was built for them, it was a very dramatic use of the term.
Great input! Bay xx
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
25 Oct 07
My personal preferene is to not use it unless I'm atually referring to God for a reason. Like I wouldn't atually say OMG no matter how exited, shoked or surprised I was. I will say it if I'm referring to who He is or what He has done...hope that made some sense!
I wouldn't condemn the "Cjhristian" family who used it under those circumstances since I have no idea of what context THEY meant it in but based on what you said it seems a bit innappropriate to me.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Hi Foxy,
Im working on not using it, but Im guilty of it. I will correct myself when I do let it slip or say it without thinking. I say a silent apology for doing so. I do think its innappropriate as well.
Your right, I dont know the exact context of how they were using it, but they sure did repeat it over and over and over again. It was annoying! I guess Im a little biased with my past experiences of the Christian religion, and those who practice it. That wasnt the only thing they were hypocritical about. The pastor of the Church I attended was my ex's mother, and outside of church at her house she would use the expression loosly. She DID mean it in the context I was referring too.
Great input!
Bay xx
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
25 Oct 07
IM not a christian but I would say that its jsut words. God wouldnt think that they were curse words I dont think anyways. words are words. It would be a curse word if it was used in a bad form, but you cant realy use that in a bad form. for example I odnt think anyother curse word is bad unless you use it in a bad way. So therefore I dont think its a bad word unless used that way
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Glad you stopped by and put in your 2 cents worth!
Bay xx
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@kiobug (2250)
• United States
27 Oct 07
Hay Bay Bay. Even though I am atheist I say god all the time. When I was younger I was told to say gosh but eventually people stopped correcting me. I dont think its bad thing. Its like last year when my school started this thing where you couldnt say gay, like thats gay because it might offend our gay students. Because it sounds like you are using the word gay in a derogitory meaning. seriously get over it. People call me a dirty mexican but I dont demand that to be banned.
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
27 Oct 07
You are hilarious KB! lol You remind me of this chick I used to hang out with, she was so bold and outspoken. Just some of the things you say remind me so much of her. Sort of like this comment you left me here. lol
I know what you mean, I just got bothered with that show I was watching, and how so many Christians will correct people for it, then use it themselves. I guess its ok when they were saying it cos they are Christians. Wrong! lol
I dont really like how it sounds, Im working hard not too use it, and try saying something else instead.
Bay Bay xx
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
28 Oct 07
Oh well, I have violated my body on 3 seperate occasions....hmmm I guess I have no chance!! lol
; )
Bay Bay xx
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@kiobug (2250)
• United States
27 Oct 07
Its like something I point out to a lot of people that they claim to have never thought about. Christians get tattoos of the word faith and what not but technically thats a sin because your body is a temple and you are just living it, its not yours. Its just one big contradiction.

@sauldejesus (169)
• Philippines
25 Oct 07
I believe it's about not putting God's name in vain, or using it in vain, like in a careless expression. You could still use the phrase as long as you really mean it as is, like actually calling to God and not just something blurted because of shock or something.
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
25 Oct 07
Hi Sauldejesus,
Well thats really what Im asking. I used the Extreme Makeover episode as an example, because that seemed like a shocking experience. They were def shocked when that bus pulled away and they all fell to the ground. lol
Ive been told its ok from basically what you just said. But then in the same instance, its still in vain no matter what form you use it in.
Or are you just saying its ok because the Family I used as an example were Christians? Im not trying to be rude or disrespectful to any denomination or anything. I was just really wondering what others had to say.
Bay xx
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