what is the question that you hate to answer?

October 25, 2007 9:03am CST
well, in my case, it used to be "when are you getting married?" it was during i was going steady with my long time boyfriend who is now my husband. i had to contend with 7 years of answering the same question all over again. now that i am married, the question is "when are you going to have kids?" well of course, we are trying, but we are also waiting for God to bless us. so is there a question that has become annoying to you? :-)
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10 responses
@beyonce03 (2331)
• Canada
25 Oct 07
For the moment, I don't have a question that i hate to answer. But before, everyone where asking me when I would hav a baby. I was ready to have one, but not my boyfriend. And it was always the same people who where asking me that question. Right now I don,t have that problem, I'M pregnant lol
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• Philippines
25 Oct 07
oh good for you beyonce! :-) congratulations! for me, i am still waiting. i am already delayed but registered negative and i am not feeling anything. will test again by the endof the week. by the week, how did your boyfriend take it that you are pregnant? i hope he is happy. :-)
@beyonce03 (2331)
• Canada
28 Oct 07
He's the one who ask me to stop taking the pills :P So of course he's really happy :)
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
25 Oct 07
ok for the past 4 years it has been so when are you going to have another one added to this come on hurry up your son needs a friend to play with. Well if it was just for someone my son can play with he has lots of friends. But as much as I would like to it not that easy sometimes to fall pregnant.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
25 Oct 07
oh geez. people cant be contented. now that you have a son, they ask you for another. by the way, do you really want to have another one? you are so blessed to have one already. God bless!
• Philippines
25 Oct 07
haha it's exasperating, isn't it? what do you think would be the best attitude towards this situation?
• Australia
25 Oct 07
first of all yes I do want to have more kids but no luck so far (but thats the thing I do not want to explain to every john, d!%k and harry why I dont have another one yet. Amd yes 1 is not enought for some people and I am going to bet on this but they wont stop untill I have a girl if the second child is a boy they will still ask me.
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• Singapore
26 Oct 07
In my case it would be "When are you going to have a girlfriend?" because I'm single. Another question would be "How much are you drawing for your salary?". I'm just wondering why people ask these questions.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
26 Oct 07
i think it is rude for people to ask how much i am earning. do you think it is jealousy that pushes them to ask?
• Singapore
27 Oct 07
I guess so, otherwise it would be them being plain nosey.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
25 Oct 07
I have lots of them: Why is your face so red? Rosacea Why are you so white? Heredity What are you doing for a living right now? Often I'm unemployed, right now I work for a dog and cat food company part-time, so it's not so bad.
• Philippines
25 Oct 07
haha you have quite a handful to contend with. i just wish that some people could be sensitive enough, no? they just fire up questions even if the other person is already squirming. oh yeah, i am also asked what i do for a living. but it's okay, i just explain it to them. i dont find it annoying. i am into freelance work too.
@shiloh_222 (5479)
• Philippines
25 Oct 07
hi.. i've got so many... i am annoyed but thank God that my new work environment are not into asking fatuous questions like that... hehehe... i am so relieved...
• Philippines
25 Oct 07
cool shiloh. at least you are getting some relief. :-)
@hillock (749)
• Qatar
1 Nov 07
mine is same with u.. my friends keep on asking me "when are u gettig married?" i always answer i should have bf first right? i know im still young[my mom says so!] but all of my friends are married already and i feel like being left out! i already have a notion that i wouldnt get married at all!
@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
31 Oct 07
Well, I think one thing that I hate to answer is when people ask me why I don't socialize more often or join any club or some sort he he he...As if there were something wrong with me 'coz I'm not as outgoing as some people he he he...I just wanted to tell them, "Hello, I'm happy, you know?" He he he he...
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
30 Oct 07
I hate answering questions with obvious answers, or only answerable by yes or no, and those non-sense that is only being asked just to have something to asks. There are a lot of questions here at mylot that is obviously made into topics but not really gain a lot of responses because it is not interesting or simple ones that does not elicit thinking.
• Canada
31 Oct 07
I look really young and even worse I have a very young voice. When I'm out with my oldest daughter (12yo) a lot of people believe we are sisters. Granted I had her when I was a month shy from 19 however people believe I'm still in my teens! Do the math, I'm in my 30s! So I often get the question: You're the mom? Wow HOW OLD ARE YOU?? I went to pick up my 8yo daughter from a birthday party a few weeks ago and whoever answered the door yelled: Your sister's here! I replied: No sorry, I'm her mother and the whole room went quiet except for the birthday girls' mom, open jawed in the corner managed to belt out the famost question. The silence was very awkward so I just replied: Old enough to have a 12yo daughter! I know in the long run, my youthful looks will have it's benefits however it annoys me like mad. When I order pizza, I'm always asked to pass the phone to a parent to confirm the order. When I answer the phone, people want to speak to my 'mommy or daddy'. I like to reply that they are divorced and live in a different province, who's number would you like first? I often get a HUH? from that and I hang up! LOL
• Philippines
29 Oct 07
I hate it when people will ask me if I already want to have a boyfriend. It's not that I am a man hater. I just don't want to get into a relationship right now. I am still studying and I don't have time to do that. :)