Talking about Religion, do you really believe that your religion is true?

October 25, 2007 6:34pm CST
I am asking this question, just to know how knowledgeable are you about your religion. Can you share with with us why it is the true one? Will it mean that all your prayers were all been answered? So, pls. share it with us.
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7 responses
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
26 Oct 07
I for one am of the opinion that is there is nothing called a true religion. All religions lead us on the same path of a moral society where in we do the good things and develop an inherent fear against doing bad things. I look at religions more in the view of cultures. My religion Hinduism is very much a culture. It does not talk only about gods and how to pray to them, it talks about how to maintain discipline in life. It talks about how to lead a serene and healthy life. I believe that is what all religions to at the basic level, but over the ages it has become a moot point and the only point discussed is whether my God is real or yours!! Cheers! Ram
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
27 Oct 07
Unfortunately, I disagree at the thought that the discipline of Islam is better than others. Discipline is never rigid and depends on the context of the situation and thus discipline also has to be adaptable and should change with the context. So what discipline works for one might not work for another and that is why most religions also talk about tolerance. So discipline with tolerance is what makes the discipline work. Unfortunately, in the current scenario with the emergence of hardliners, the tolerance part of Quran is being ignored and that is what is hurting the image of Quran. Some of my best friends are devout muslims and when we had discussions with them over Quran, they themselves have been the first to agree how over the past few years some of the Quran has been misquoted by some sections. That precisely is my thought. Usually all religions preach the right thing, only people take it out of context and it becomes the wrong thing. In case of Hinduism the horrible practice of SATI was attributed to the religion, but no where in the religious books this practice has been mentioned. Again the practitioners of Hinduism misconstrued this and went on to practice this horrible ritual. So all religions at one point or other have misconstrued things which are written in their religious books, but again it is more of a human error of judgment rather than the religion itself. Cheers! Ram
• India
26 Oct 07
what you say is partly right and partly wrong.all the religions are towards humanity and teaches humanity that is right.islam teaches the best decipline in entire religions,thus it is said islam has laws and orders from the cradle to the grave?i dont want to hurt anyone but if you really want to know what actually islaam is you have to study its teaching -- quraan teaches best deceplin for each and every moment of the life. there is no question to fight about my god and your god because we all know that we all believe in one supreme power -- even hindu believes in one supreme power that is written in geeta hindus praise om that is oo uu and ma 3 gods who are created by the supreme power.nor did the god created the different religions but the followers of the prophits or what you call them avtar -- created misconceptions in the minds of people -- i believe that in this woeld only one religion is on the right path -- and if one really wants to find it, should try his/her best to find it with pure mind he/she will certainly find it. thank you.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
26 Oct 07
I don't think their can be an actual 'true' religion. I respect all religions and I believe they are true in their own right. Most religions have 1 basic. To believe in a high power. The belief that we are not alone and someone out there has something else planned for us. This is a psychological belief we have to assure ourselves and to encourage ourselves. Do I pray? yes. Because I do believe that there is someone out there listening. I don't just sit there and pray to win the lottery though. You pray for guidance and it can be sent to you. When you pray for a certain thing. You open yourself up to see those opportunities around you. Lets say you pray for success. You've already set in your mind that you will find it and you may stumble onto a very good business opportunity. Now these are the basic prayers. I, myself can't explain the healing prayers that have gone about. Those are mysteries. There are too many things that happen in this world that can't be explained one way or another. So we just Believe in a high power that leads, guides and helps (maybe hurts) us so we may live out our lives.
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• Philippines
26 Oct 07
I love it...
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Nov 15
I do truly believe my faith - tho in the world it has some mistranslations going on which hinder the faith big time. You see the message has been passed down through human hands for almost 2000 years and the faith is made up of humans, that the message has lost some of its glory and picked up some baggage along the way isn't surprising. "God is love" and "God is the savior of all" 1 Jn 4:8 and 1 Tim 4:10. You see God is both life and perfection. When God endowed thinking ability a whole new world (or tree) of possibilities came to be, because with it comes the ability to make choices. Hence the world as it is. Imperfection is the opposite of life. But the rescue was built in from the beginning, and paradise/perfection is the blueprint. God can only be perfect or he too would fade. Perfect makes no mistakes. Loses nothing. Because he is perfect, the end result of all this (human history) can only be the utterly best one possible. "The lion will eat straw like the ox. The bear will graze with the cow." Isaiah 11:7. God bless! :)
@shak143 (1279)
• India
26 Oct 07
Ofcourse i belive that my religion is true dosen't mean that other religions are not true.mine is ISLAM.our Holy Book "QURAN" reviles about jesus christ and HIS Birth and also it relviles about MOSES.religion is came upon us depending on the situations at that time.and now it's time of islam.
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@xboxboy (5576)
26 Oct 07
my religion is the true religion. kneal with me and raise your arms to the sky and repeat after me, "thank god for vodka!"
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
26 Oct 07
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
26 Oct 07
All hail Jack Daniels!!!!!!!!!
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• Philippines
26 Oct 07
lol, great
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@paxmundi (80)
• Philippines
27 Oct 07
I believe that my religion is true because it helps me survive day to day. But if you're asking if my religion is "the true" one I'd probably say I don't know. It's hard for me to be objective about that because Catholicism has be the only religion I've practiced. But I've studied other religions because I wish to understand them and to see how we are related under the thought that there is one Divine Being which we all worship. I have a sister who is a Muslim and she gave me a Quran and I read and it's funny because it made me more devoted to my religion because it proved to me that Jesus was a real person. Maybe because it's the only religion I know but I don't see myself being anything else but a Catholic on the terms that it's the only one that answers the questions I have about my purpose in life. On those terms then it is true for me. I think the truth of one's religion depends on how it responds to you spiritual needs. On that basis I don't believe that there is no one true religion. If there is then I would say it is the religion of Love because that is the only truth that is common to all religions. Love is the great equalizer.
• United States
26 Oct 07
Im not a religios person, I use to be a baptist but I never felt anything there. My fiance opened my eyes to other religions that I never knew about. I thought witchs was just fairytales. Im not a witch either allthough I like the "religion" if thats what you want to call it. I have kinda studied all different ways that people believed and I just take what my heart tells me is right and follow it. I think that everyone has a different path and not one religion is right or wrong. We are all different so we all have differant callings. I believe that recanation could be true (noone will realy know till we die) and that we all are going toward full enlightenment in life. I believe in an energy that is bigger than us, I also believe that we are all gods and goddesses in our own way.