elderly exploitation
United States
October 26, 2007 8:39pm CST
an elderly woman living in her own home is being taken advantage by her own grown kids. she gives the money but the bills don't get paid instead her crackhead son or daughter bought crack and came back ours later claiming the job was done until the dissconnect notice comes, so she unable to get up or out has to trust another crackhead to pay it. all these years her estranged daughter has not came around to help say hi or i hate you. years go by of the same thing she watched her alcoholic daughter kill her alcoholic brother. eventually she accepted the help of her neighbors and had them pay her bills and keep money for her, after a while her condtions around her started to worsen with no housekeeping no one to give her the proper daily bathings and needs even thou there were two live in children but they were crackheads bringing in strangers amd filth. this is the time the long lost daughter came and to over, though the old did not want that, as she expressed it to other family members they were appaled to hear how cars trucks and jewelery were being bought with her money and how she didn't have access to her own lawyer after suffering a burn in the hospital even thou she was compotent she began to like the nursing home where she died, at 82 and she was creamated by the wishes of the estranged daughter, the family watched as she went thru the process of burning literally the ashes were given to the family. currently there is no said will but i bet a neighbor has some info that this daughter does not know about or has already tapped into. the daughter has stated the grandkids don't get nothing and she still paying for the bills. but this is not the first time the family experienced this with her other relatives died and she became h. n.i.c. and gave the next of kin nothing. this is scarier than halloween. what if this was your family what would you do??
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