Blogging Tips for you

October 27, 2007 7:35am CST
Hi! been blogging quite a while. So I wanna share to you what I do...I don't earn from it, but it's okay, a form of expression. :-) 1. Write about things that you know about and that interests you. Writing/blogging is supposed to be fun. And you can write more if you are really interested in the topic. Your reader will know. 2. I am not very much into what’s popular, I always think that somewhere, somehow, somebody is interested in what I’m writing. It doesn’t have to be everybody. 3. When an interesting topic comes to mind, write down the thought and when the next opportunity comes for you to get online, develop it. 4. Practice. Continue writing. 5. Write like your talking. You don’t have to follow a strict writing guideline—this is not a magazine where you have to please editors. Have fun! 6. For those in the third world using dial up like me (hahahaha), we don’t have the luxury of time and the efficiency of connection to spend online time developing our blogs. Instead, write down your thoughts on a Microsoft Word document or notepad, and when you’re done, get online. Then copy your entry from the Word document and paste it on the Soulcast blog space. 7. Manage your blogging. Blog only when you have the time and don’t force yourself to blog if you can’t. We don’t have a quota here. This is just for fun!:-) Don’t feel pressured if others have more entries than you. 8. Read other people’s posts. It will enrich your writing style and your knowledge of what interests other people. However, this doesn’t really apply much to me because there are sensitive topics that I’d rather not write about, even if these are popular. 9. Do not run after popularity only. Yes, we’d like to receive a few extra bucks for our blogs, as Soulcast is advertising it, but if you can’t manage it, it’s also pretty difficult keeping up. I did get popular once when I tried out my post “How come I did not get a welcome at Soulcast?:-)” But I couldn’t keep up with the comments! So I’d rather get back to the mundane and get on blogging with or without the popularity. I could use something like that once in a while because it’s also fun getting comments, but not everyday.:-) 10. Write something with good content. 11. Try to stay away from debates and heated arguments. It won’t get you in good terms with other people and worse, you could get banned from this site. Try to respect other people’s opinions and feelings, too.:-) 12. Try to make friends and enjoy the discourses.:-) I hope you learned some new things. Feel free to add. If I remember something, I'll just edit this or write another entry.:-)
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3 responses
@milott (2646)
• India
27 Oct 07
This is really useful tips for blogging. I hope everyone follows this and become a good blogger like those famous bloggers out there who are making millions from their blogs.
2 people like this
@langhua (501)
• China
27 Oct 07
ok,where is your blog adress?i want to have a is must be interested
1 person likes this
• Philippines
31 Oct 07
hi langhua! this is my address: http:// www. flowersbythewayside. com ...the problem is, my blog has been destroyed. somebody uploaded a malicious comment that has probably been bugged. i have to start all over again. thanks for the support anyway. :-)
@reezluv (377)
• Malaysia
28 Oct 07
very useful tips..but if you provide your links it's much better..:)
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