Lower Gas Prices
By dayzz25
@dayzz25 (552)
United States
October 28, 2007 10:36pm CST
It's so aggravating every time I have to fill my car up with gas. Even more aggravating knowing that the oil companies can get away with what they are doing to us. People are always saying lets have a "Ban gas day, If we do that then the Oil Companies will have to lower there prices." Well that will never work because they know we have to get gas eventually. I think if everyone could get together and ban one or some of the major gas stations then that gas station will have to lower their prices. Lets say if everyone quits going to Quick Trip (Missouri) for gas and I mean everyone then they will lower their gas prices to get the customers back. I really wish we could do something about this.
5 responses
@hotmamma_05 (183)
• United States
29 Oct 07
I think it would be a good thing for us to all get together and decide that we weren't going to fill up our cars until they lowered the prices but how would we do that we'd eventually we'd run out like you said and then what? How would we even get enough people to do the boycott this issue? Hopefully enough peopl will see this discussion or everyone who sees this discussion should make a discussion on the same topic so that it could get around. right?
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@dayzz25 (552)
• United States
29 Oct 07
One of my suggestions is for everyone to read this to tell everyone they know about the idea of the gas station/oil company boycott. If someone knows which gas stations belonged to what oil companies they could help us out by posting a comment. Then we could decide on what station/oil company to boycott so that way we are all on the same page. Or if somehow we could get in on to some of the news stations, they could help us by stating the comapny we will boycott. I agree that everyone that reads this discussion should make a discussion on the same topic so that it can be seen by as many people as we can get it to. That's really the only ideas that I have to make this work.
@EroeMorto (36)
• Canada
29 Oct 07
Usually the cost of gas is because gas is actually running out. Many of the top oil companies in Saudi Arabia has already reached it's peak meaning that now every gallon of water they pump only a third of oil would come (when before around 2 thirds to 4 fifths of a gallon of oil would come). With this decrease in oil it is obvious that the prices would have to go up. Soon there won't be any gas left for us to use, so instead of complaining about the gas prices we should be quickly looking for alternative sources instead of gas.
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@Violette13 (1048)
• United States
29 Oct 07
It's only a mild annoyance to myself. It's a natural resource that not only is drawing from the earth but also creates a lot of pollution during it's consumption. We're still cheaper than a LOT of countries and i am almost hoping the prices keep going up, maybe that will help get those monster hummers and RV's etc off the road.
Yay for small cars, hydrogen cars, hybrids, bicycles and the like. :)
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@danoneism (679)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 07
well.. hou bout using hydrogen powered cars... i heard that some of them are on sale now.. well u can get water almost everyway!~ they also gave them free on gas stations.. so lets buy hydrogen cars!~ Just add Water!~
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
29 Oct 07
I don't think boycotting is going to do much good. In order to bring the gas prices down, we need to get to the root of the problem, and that is our incredible need for oil. I think consumers need to get it into their heads that God is not going to replace the oil that's been depleted, that we need to start looking for other sources for energy, and we need to get smart about the type of vehicles we drive. People demand high-priced gas-guzzling SUV's and the like, and then have the nerve to complain about gas prices. We should all be demanding that car manufacturers start making smaller, more fuel-economic vehicles. We need to stop trading in our cars every 3 years, and instead maintain the ones that we have. We need to look at hydrogen, propane and biodiesel seriously, and see what we can do to make change happen NOW. (I just bought a propane van and can fill up my tank for around $35. A few years back, I had a diesel van that could go over a week on a tank of gas) People need to start thinking about car-pooling. I can't tell you how often I see people driving around in these great big SUVs that can hold 6 or 7 people, yet there's only one person in them. We're sold on the image that a big SUV or pickup truck will make us rugged outdoors-men, but these vehicles rarely leave the city, and spend most of their time idling in traffic, wasting fuel. Until we reduce our dependence on oil, the oil companies are going to have us by the short and curlies. And once all of the oil is finally depleted, our grandchildren are going to pay the price for our indulgences.
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