Feeling betrayed by a game friend.
By uath13
@uath13 (8192)
United States
October 30, 2007 6:52am CST
I had a post not long ago about people insulting you in the game. Here's a specific instance I'd like your opinion on.
One of my "friends" has relied on me to help him do his treasure trails a lot. I've even escourted him into the wilderness to help cover him several times & helped him get the items for his emotes. I've never asked anything for helping him in all that time. The other day after spending an hour helping him on one he scored an item I needed to complete one of my sets. I made him a fair offer for it but he turned right around & went to a bank on world 2 to sell it. He knew I needed that piece yet ignored my offer & sold it anyways, now I'm feeling slighted. The next day he expected me to help him on one again. I told him how I felt , he just gave lame excuses & was unapologetic. I've since stoped telling him the locations & put him on my ignore list.
Am I being unreasonable or was this as rude & inconsiderate as I feel it was? What would you have done?
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14 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
30 Oct 07
Sounds to me there are some life lessons being learned playing these games. They aren't totally a waste of time! Figuring out who you're real friends are is always difficult.
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@kiobug (2250)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I think thats lame. My boyfriend has a friend that he also knows in real life and he has been hurt several times by being blown off by him for his friends internet girlfriend. I know thats not what you asked but I see how you would feel betrayed by someone in a game. I think you were right in forgetting them. Its crappy but they were crappy too. : ) My boyfriend says you runscape is crappy. I dont know what it is but thats what he said when he was reading it. He knows of some great games if you are interested in something new. I mean no offense if you really like the game by the way. Just do what makes you happy.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
30 Oct 07
I don't play this specific game, but I've had similar experiences in MMORPGs. Sometimes I find it's ridiculous the extent to which people expect you to help them, and then don't want to give anything back. In fact, it's made me so frustrated that I'm taking a bit of a break from playing that sort of game, because it just always seems to turn out that anyone I thought was being nice to me in the game actually just wanted something from me.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
30 Oct 07
Wow, 5 is more than I've ever managed in an online game. I have a hard time finding even one trustworthy friend there. Maybe I play the wrong games. =P
Oh, just for you, I'll add "Letting people use you is only good when it's fun for you". =p
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
15 Nov 07
Hi Uath, sorry i hadn't spotted this before, but as you know my time spent on here can be somewhat erratic...
anyway, on topic lol. i have had people on my friends list that are like this, i use other forums that are to do with runescape and i can often meet people that seem ok to begin with, but as time goes on they seem to use you more and more to their own gain.
i love helping people out, if nothing else it makes me feel good even if it disrupts my own game play. this can include doing quest help, gathering things that friends can't (my high lvls give me such an advantage over alot of my friends), helping with clue scrolls and even buying things in members that cost less/ are easier to get for free to play friends ect.
but there have been a few people that have fount their way out of my favour by taking the mick... they can sometimes want too much... example: a few days ago, one of my friends logged in, no hello or how are you... just "can you give me some stuff to get off the ground again??" basically this friend couldn't carry on with membership a while back, got rid of all his stuff... (i think giving it away and such rather than selling and keeping the gp) he now has members back and thinks it should be my job to get his stuff. and no, this wasn't the first time he had asked for my help, over the last few weeks, i have made him full mith (he can wear upto addy plate and rune legs/helm ect, but i can't make those), given him full black AND 2 sets of full blue d hide (he can wear the black, sell the blue). he has had some money (a few hundred k) a couple of weapons, some arrows and a few other things i deemed spare in my bank.
but you help out too often it seems with some people, and they believe that you are their crutch in runescape.
personally i can't see why your "friend" wouldn't sell you the item, well other than greed that is. you have helped him countless times, no doubt on occasion going truly out of your way to give him some needed assistance... and this is how he says thanks!
putting him in your ignore list is probably the best thing you can do, and you were perfectly justified in doing so, his greed has got in the way of your friendship and it was in my opinion a fairly one way friendship where you offered lots and he just took and took.
And, thanks for saying in a response to someone else that i am part of your 5 still trusted friends ^.^, it's good to know :D but the reason is most likely that when we are both online, we like to have a chat, meetup only occasionally and generally don't need to rely on each other too much as our stats are pretty similar hehe.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
15 Nov 07
Oh you spotted that...( blushes with embarisment ). Its not because of your stats at all its because we both have a similar honor code as far as gameplay & such goes. Kettsum dosen't have anywhere close to our stats but she has earned my respect for the same reasons. Thats why I invited her to join us here.
I'm no longer feeling bad about cutting him off. Seems he's turned into a jerk to everybody lately. I was helping one of his other mutual friends finish Monkey Madness yesterday & got an earfull.
I don't go for giving out handouts myself. I at least ask them to help gather the supplies required to make the stuff. If they can't get the addie or mith they can at least get the coal or help me by carrying stuff from the mine to the bank. Handouts just encourage all those beggers we see around.
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
15 Nov 07
i don't generally give out things, but i do have a fair few friends in game that have been on my list for 1-3 years, this particular friend has been in my friends list for about the last 1,1/2 year/s and he has never really bugged me for stuff.
his circumstances changed though and he had to go f2p, but instead of thinking he might get members back and play again and selling his things for gp, he gave to some friends/family members that play. i have no problem helping people get started again, providing i fell i can afford/have the resourses on hand to do so... but after a while he was taking the micky out of me and my generosity.
and my meaning with the stats thing was, that you and i have similar stats and so even if we wanted to, we couldn't really rely on each other to do certain things lol.
i mean, i doubt i would need that wildy escort :P
@mattchua (229)
• Changi, Singapore
31 Oct 07
let me know the next time u bring him to wildy .... i will help u to finish him off. lol

@ketssom (42)
• United States
31 Oct 07
hehe ya i had noticed is why i started my last post with
no pressure here :)
besides if u had lured him to is doom only u would feel bad about it & he be 1st to spred the fact & thay would effect u much more in long run
also i agree with the one sho says he probley already onto some1 new
trust me sooner or later he will get his by lossing what he thinks he holds dear

@waluigi1040 (215)
30 Oct 07
hell uath13
a while back ago i had a very good friend that scammed me. it was when the german servers came out, he told me to meet him in one of the german servers to help him sell his magic logs (turned out to be willow logs). he couldnt find a buyer so he asked me to buy them. i didnt have the money to buy them but he desperatly needed to sell them. he made me an offer full dh for 5k mages. first i thought it was a bit dodgey but he said it was no scam. i did the sensible thing and traded him my stuff for the logs as he really needed them. after a while when i was back to the normal servers i realised that i had been scammed. i asked him why did he do that, he said that his account was hacked and he didnt have anythng to do with it. i didnt believe him because there was no change in his grammer, spelling etc on that day. he ended up on my ignore list.
i felt very betrayed after that happened to me because he was a very good friend.

@uath13 (8192)
• United States
30 Oct 07
Can't say I've had any problems or been annoyed with you at all Kettsom, quite the contrary. If you notice in one of my replies above I listed you as one of the 2 good ones I like seeing. Thats why I invited you here. Ask away I'm more than happy to help because I know you'd do the same.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
30 Oct 07
Now thats a scam I hadn't heard of. It also explains why they changed the appearence of the magic logs. I'll have to add this to my list of "UN"popular scams that I have posted with some or the discussion groups I'm with. I'm sorry that happened to you, its a shame. Some people have no honor.
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@ketssom (42)
• United States
30 Oct 07
wow no pressure here :P
i am honored to counted as friend
also know about being taken advantage of,
as u know i try hard to help new folks like u did me,
since we been friends u havent told me much of other folks so i didnt know of this & i am tuely sry this happened to u(or any1 for that matter) & i know few times i have grated ur last nerve myself ") sooo many questions etc
anyway here my 2 cents
ignore away he deserves it :P
reason :
even though we r in a "game", just like life there r common sense rules, common curtsy(sry of spelling),
ex if i want so much $$ i offer to work jobs for them in a skill like fishing, wood vutting etc & until they nerfed making natures the point being like real life i know i get paid when i fininsh not ahead of time also
i learne we can only know folks as much as they allow us to
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@troopy (168)
• Australia
31 Oct 07
Well mate, I think good onya in not helpin him anymore, I dont know the game u were playing but it would have been cool, if you could have led him to some enemies camp or a deadly creature and left him to fend for himself. Put him back to square one where he was b4 you started helping him.
Maybe you can go and steal his stuff,not sure how it works, but dont let one tosser destroy your fun.
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
30 Oct 07
I haven't had that happen in RPG games but I have had it happen at Neopets. Surely there's no comparison to RPG and Neopets - but I did get ripped off for an item that cost well over a million NP. I lent the item to someone to get an avatar and they said that their account was hacked and all their items were stolen. Not even a week later I was looking on the trade boards and saw that this person had the item in trade.
From my point of view, you were just and correct in your actions and feelings - you were betrayed - whether it be in real life or in a game - it still hurts when someone you considered a friend stabs you in the back.
@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
31 Oct 07
Honestly I think I would have done the same as you did. He was indeed inconsiderate and to me he was just using you. Happy riddance to a not very good friend.
@darkaeon (465)
• Portugal
30 Oct 07
i think that i would do the same thing that you did, because you helped him a lot and asked nothing for it, so if he really was your friend he would give to you the item that you needed, so he really wasnt your friend he only wanted the indications and your help , nothing more!
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
30 Oct 07
I could have understood his actions if I'd just asked him to give it to me, but I made him a fair offer. Yet he chose to blow me off , knowing I needed it, to see if he could get a little more. Apparently my friendship wasn't worth 50k to him.
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@Matsu61 (52)
• United States
16 Nov 07
I think you did the right thing. I know personally if i was involved in that situation i would have given you the thing. Also if one of your friend takes advantage of you there are thousands of other people to be your friend. Hopefully you find someone who is more apricateive of what you do for them.
@TheFisheyKid (16)
• United States
16 Nov 07
It is sometimes hard to find a friend who will help you out after you helped him. I personally don't care about people not returning me a favor. So far to my friends i had lost 5 mill in the game. And feel free to add me if you'd like i'm chaosangel9o in the game