the fragrance of the toilet in my college

@st091127 (114)
October 30, 2007 9:41am CST
today a big news hit us, there was a agreeable scent in our toilets of our college. It's so amanzing. you know, it's fair to keep our W.c clear everyday, but for a public toilet,it's not so easy to keep so sweet perfume. the fact is that our college used some tools to make the air in the washroom clear.they're in order to give a good impression to the experts who have come to my university to evaluate. whatever, I think it's funny, and good for my nose. and if the perfume is not so strong , it would be much better.
1 response
@Lifeless (2635)
• India
14 Nov 07
HI there.. Its good that ur college works so hard towards cleanliness.. In my college, the toilet was never clean, and whenever we went to the loo, we all had to cover our nose, it always used to stink really bad everytime... Eeeeeeeekkss....