Do you get eight glasses of water in a day?

By Amy
Abernathy, Texas
October 30, 2007 5:58pm CST
Do you think you get enough water each day? Water is so beneficial to our health. It even helps with weight loss and preventing certain headaches. Do you know the benefits of water and do you feel you get enough? For me, I have to fill a water bottle to measure and make sure I get it in. I get most of mine at meals. I'm nursing so its really important for me.
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31 responses
@michecu (637)
• Philippines
31 Oct 07
I know that drinking 8 glasses of water a day keeps the body energized and clean. However, I'm not sure if have 8...but I just drink as much as I can whenever I feel thirsty. Aside from plain water, you can also get hydration from fruits like watermelon. :)
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• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
Yes, how great of you to point that out. I really need to get more fruits into my diet!
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• United States
31 Oct 07
Glass of Water - Very important to the body to drink lots of water. All year round it is very beneficial to your skin and you over all health, not too mention weight loss. It is possible to drink too much water, so dont over do it!
Hi Art, I should drink more water, it is really good for you both during the winter time and the summer time. Sort of keeps you hydrated in the winter and as well, and I can tell a big difference with my skin when I dont drink enough. I have a sweet tea addiction and so I drink mostly that during the day. I do drink water with my evening meal. lol Well and I have a glass when I get up, but thats about it. I need to drink more water*sigh* Bay Lay Gray xx
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• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
That glass of water looks so good. As another responder pointed out -as long as its decaffienated tea with no sodium, its likely as good as water. I tend to get my water in - or most of it - during meals. I drink about two glasses or so per meal.
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• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
I think of it like this - I'd rather eat all of that sugar, carbohydrates (well in some teas - the bottled ones), calories!
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• United States
31 Oct 07
Hmm now I have never thought to try decaffinated tea. I really need to cut down on it anyway, I make it "southern" sweet!! lol I think Im going to try some decaf tea, I just so happen to need some, Ive got enough for one more pitcher. I know for a fact I would lose atleast 10lbs if I would stop drinking sweet tea during the day and drink the 8 glasses of water. Seems so easy to do, but its not!! LOL Isnt that sad of me? LOL
• United States
31 Oct 07
I drink water all day. But it isn't as much as I should be drinking. I am down at least to glasses by the day's end. The only time I get the suggested amount is in the summer months.
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• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
That's good that you drink more in summer, as heat - both inside heat - and the sun's heat will dehydrate us.
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@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
31 Oct 07
No and I know I need to drink more. I need to force myself to drink water because I don't like it. I don't like the taste. I need something with flavor. When I do drink water I have to heat it first and add some lime juice (that's what I have in my fridge now) so I kind of trick myself into thinking I'm somewhat drinking tea.
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• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
We are considering the water filter that flavours the water but we need to find out more about it.
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• Tanzania
31 Oct 07
this is a good has been proven scientifically trhat it can cue about 30 different diease. when oi wake up in the morning, i take 1 litre of water.i will wait till 1hr before eating anything. this process help to wash of waste in the doing this cure different disaeases in the body.try now and see the effect.
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
31 Oct 07
i should drink more, and i will after reading this.
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
31 Oct 07
Hi artemis,Yes i do drink my 8 glasses of water a day,and have since learning this in school in grade 8 in health class.Our body is mostly made up of water and we need water to replenish ourselves and to help flush out bad toxins in our bodies and its great for the skin.I always drink out of the same glass,it measures exactly the ounces of water needed.I drink 2 in the morning to help flush out the nightly stuff,haha,2 at noon,2 at supper and 2 in the evening.(spaced out). Peanutjar:)
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
You actually brought up a good point - not spacing it out can be harmful - thanks peanutjar :)
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@irene_27 (542)
• Philippines
31 Oct 07
I drink more than that each day. Right after gargling every morning I drink around 1 liter of water on an empty stomach. Then 1 glass every after about two hours until evening. I don't how much would that all be when measured but i'm pretty sure it's way more than the required 8 glasses.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I have read that we do not need to drink 8 seperate glasse of water a day. We get water in all the food, even bread, that we eat. I have started to use flavor packets that are sugar free and no carolies.
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
I've read eight or more. When doing anything, there willalways be different opinions and we need to use a combination of our own research (for me anatomy and physiology courses in school and nutrition courses in both school and for work. What a great idea to use flavour packets in water - most people think water by itself is bland. I would make sure there isn't anything toxc like saccherine to replace the sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Hey thanks for participating!
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@AmbiePam (96034)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I imagine since you are nursing, you're conscience more than ever of what you put into your body. Drinking water is one incredibly easy healthy thing to do! It can make the biggest difference, even clear a person's mental fog caused by lack of water. I DO get my 8 glasses a day. I get about 12 glasses. I'm constantly thirsty due to medication and a particular illness (NOT diabetes), so I have water handy all the time. It's a good habit to get into. : )
@AmbiePam (96034)
• United States
31 Oct 07
But you're right. I'm not required to drink more water, my doctor never commented on what my medication would do. I just feel more thirsty, so I drink more water. But I don't have to. Eight glasses is the right amount. I don't care what people say about bread having water. Sorry, that was so silly I couldn't help it.
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
Yeah I thought it was silly too, I wonder if its a matter of people not liking to do something and finding reasons why they don't really have to.
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• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
Yes, eight is a general recommendation, if you've excercised, use your heat indoors or spend a lot of time in the sun - or like you- are on medications...its more. I guess I was being general there....
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I drink a bottle of water a day. usually a 12 - 16 oz bottle of water. I think it's enough for me. I drink iced tea a lot and if you think about it, that's water too. So I'm sure I get enough water to drink a day and I think I'm pretty healthy all things considered.
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
16 oz just to let you know is two servings out of eight. Be careful with the tea - if its caffienated or has sodium its actually dehydrating. I'm glad you're healthy and energetic and such - not everyone can say that!
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
I love tea as well. Chamomile tea was suggested for my baby when he had colic to calm him down. I never doubted your intelligence, after all I've seen many of your responses in both mine and other threads. I think its great too that you were a culinary arts major. My husband is a defense contractor but would much rather go back to school and take culinary arts. He loves everything to do with food. And I really do think of it as an art and a science so I wouldn't mind him having that as a profession Not as dangerous as his current job either. So that's always a plus. You drink water or tea monday - friday at work? I can't drink tea right now, because my baby can come along and pull on my arm but I miss it - decaffienated does give me an alternative to bland water and it contains so many anti-oxidents. + - !
@raychill (6525)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Ha Ha. I was a culinary arts major. I know about my oz and my glasses. Thanks though. I mean, you couldn't have known from my response that I'm not dumb. also, I should have stated that I typically drink this monday - friday at work. I don't on the weekend. Also, something else you couldn't have known was that caffeine actually makes me sick and I always drink decaf. Plus I've drank tea my entire life. I'm good.
@Molinda (77)
• China
31 Oct 07
The life is gestated in water is the most important part of our body.but It is not necesarry you must drink eight glsses of water in a day.different person in different conditon.maybe six glsses of water is enough for someone.maybe someone need more than eight it is not obsolute.what's more .the way you drink water is more important .you can't drink lots of water while eating.because,the water will reduce the gastric juice.It is bad for stomach.
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
I have heard that some believe it is bad to drink water while eating. For me, I can't digest my food properly without it. Also, I tend to choke if my throat is too dry. And more important, its easiest to get my water in at this time. As you say, each person is an individual. I agree that some people need more, if they're on medication, diabetic, after excerise, if you use your heat in cold weather or spend a lot of time in the sun. As you say, different conditions. However, in general, eight glasses minimum is what's recommended. Or at least this is what I learned in my anatomy and physiology classes as well as my nutrition classes, both in school and at work. Another important thing to note, is that its not healthy to get all of your water in at one time, this can be harmful, over using the kidneys. Its best to spread it out. In some cases, for an adult with some medical condition, perhaps six is sufficient. For others, six may feel sufficient but they need more. I know at work, clients who hadn't been used to including water in their day - after starting they reported feeling more energetic, less fuzzy headed, less headachy, and able to excercise longer without getting tired (its important for the muscles to have plenty of water in the body). I think you agree its a good thing all around! :)
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
Not only are we gestated in water but we are made up mostly of water (I have a feeling you already know this:) - men being made up of more then women as most women's bodies have more fat for childbearing purposes while men have more lean body tissue.
• China
5 Nov 07
I think you are very knowlegeable about the health. :) ,every person have different attitude.include the do the thing that you think is right. :)
@colgirl (77)
31 Oct 07
Every so often i really try to drink the recommended amount of water per day but i usually give up quite quickly as i find it quite boring to drink and also forget!
@marabdl86 (615)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Actually I recently read an article wish I knew where to dig it up, It said drinking 8 glasses of water is actually bad for you studies are showing. It said, it dilutes your minerals and vitmains you get from food and it also thins out your blood. They recommend drinking water only when your thirsty and just stay away from sodas and artifical juices high in sugar. I found it very interesting and it made sense. For awhile, I drank 8 glasses a day but I did feel weak and on the vurge of puking. That's the reason why the article hit home for me. Yes water flushes out toxins, but it also flushes out all the things you body needs to sustain itself. just my 2 cents about that
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
Thank you. There will always be two sides to everything. WE need to go with our intution. I go with what I learned in my anatomy and physiology classes and in my nutrition classes about water, it makes sense to me.
• Canada
31 Oct 07
It was only around a year ago that I found out I needed to drink eight glasses of water a day. This shocked me because on a daily basis I never drank a cup of water! I might drink juice, eat water-based fruits, etc. but never drink any water. I started going into the habit of drinking 4 bottles of water and refilling them each day. I do admit that drinking water is really beneficial especially since I feel a lot more better, and I feel less thirsty during the day.
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
Many people get headaches and feel tired and don't know why and start drinking water and feel better. It also helps us to excercise more efficiently and productively. I was always tired sooner when strength training regularly when I hadn't had enough water. I either avoid fruit juice or dilute it with water. It has so much sugar, carbs and calories. Sometimes sodium too. I don't like drinking my calories, I like eating them!
• United States
31 Oct 07
I just came off a 21 day water fast, and even with it being the only thing i was ingesting, I still had a hard time getting down even 8 glasses... and I was shooting for 10. It helped that I get my water from a natural spring, it gushes out of the rocky mountain-wall crisp and icy cold and rushes through beautiful moss-covered rocks, so I felt sort of like I was ingesting pure nature spirits. I also drank a lot of herbal teas with a little honey for variety, and that has carried over into my everyday life too, which is way better for me than caffeinated teas - which I heavily adulterate with cream and sugar. But I've noticed a huge difference in my skin tone, people that I know have been commenting on it as well! My skin is smoother and more moist and healthy looking. My joints no longer are stiff and sore. And of course, being as how I was on a fast, I lost 25 pounds. And on the subject of nursing... when I was I found that brewer's yeast mixed with fruit and yogurt in the blender increased my milk production like crazy!!!
• Abernathy, Texas
31 Oct 07
Wow 21 days - I hope it was for spiritual not weight loss purposes - as you'll likely gain weight fast after that - because your body went into starvation mode - so anything you eat your body will automatically store in your fat cells. Wow that natural spring sounds like heaven - actually where ever you leave must be akin to heaven. Thanks for the tip on nursing - but I have so much milk. Especially at night for some reason. Maybe because my clock is turned around, before him, I was a night owl. I could sell my extra milk!!!!!
• United States
31 Oct 07
My 21 day water fast was for spiritual & health purposes. It was also an experiment. I discovered that such a long fast is not necessary for me, and that I prefer a 10 day juice fast. And it would take a lot more than a 25 pound weight loss for my body to go into starvation mode, which according to my research doesn't even happen with a normal weight healthy individual for like 42 days or something, so not to worry. And being a nursing mother this conversation probably doesn't hold much value for you!
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
31 Oct 07
I actually drink alot of water just because i like it. I do belive that i get my fair share everyday. Sometimes i like to spice it up and add a slice of lemon, orange or stuff like that - but usually i just drink it natural - right off the tap!
• United States
31 Oct 07
I make sure I get my 10-12 cups a day..I bring my water bottle with me everywhere I go..Except church. Water is very refreshin and it detoxes your system. It also helps in weigh lose..which I have lost 100lb drinking water everyday and changing the way I eat...Water can also give u clear skin...
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
31 Oct 07
I drink only water - occasionally I will have homemade juice or a milkshake, but water is my default drink so to speak LOL I certainly drink more than 8 glasses of water per day but of course this is normal for me since I don't drink anything else most of the days. People forget that they a big part of their water from other drinks as well, but in my case it's just the water:)
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I don't, but I am going to try to be better about it.
@marmura (62)
• Saudi Arabia
31 Oct 07
YESSSSSSSSS , finally i was able to get eight glass of water everyday. it has been a month now and i 'm feeling much better . before i couldn't even manage to drink two cups.
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
31 Oct 07
No not really i cannot make up to drink 8 glasses because i need the taste of caffeine .. to keep me alive and moving till i drop. I tried that for a week and made a pact to do it for the whole year..but i did not make it..I cannot complete what is required.