how do you think about multinational love

October 30, 2007 10:54pm CST
I have a boyfriend who come from the other country.we love each other.but my parents don't agree with me.they think we live in different circumstance,we experience different cuture from childhood,so we have different attitude towards the life.maybe we can't get on with each other in the future.I am in a state of confusion too.i can't decide whether i should go home with him or ,,,,.
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3 responses
@hyzz1982 (1040)
• China
5 Nov 07
hi, molida. glad to meet you here. multinational love is not a bad thing itself. but nowdays many people think the girl who love foreign is a bad girl. there are many reasons. you love your boyfriend . there is no problems. but lots of girls marry the foreigner not for love but for money or other things. and after they marry the fofeigner, they began to look down upon their native , it seems that she is not born here. i know many girls , when they marry the foreigners they do so. it's a pity. but there are many other kind of girls , they do love their boyfriend. i support the true love , no matter where they come from.
• China
5 Nov 07
Thanks for your reply.,i gree with you .today,many gire marry the foreign for the money or the citizenship.fortunately,My boyfriend is my classmate,he is a poor but nice guy.we love each other,...thanks for your support.
@hyzz1982 (1040)
• China
16 Nov 07
you re welcome. good luck. have a nice time/
• China
14 Nov 07
i think they can be acceptable to me. congratulations. thank you for telling us that. good luck.
• China
15 Nov 07
:) thanks for your reply,
@ayshren (136)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Im white, american and my husband is from india. Sure, we have some cultural differences, but thats what makes our relationship interesting.
• China
5 Nov 07
Thank you for your helpful reply. you do me a big favor.I think i must make a decision as soon as possible.