I am so angry with my daughter!

@mamasan34 (6518)
United States
October 31, 2007 8:21pm CST
Hi everyone. I am so angry and hurt with my daughter right now. My husband bought me a camera for my birthday before he left for Iraq and my daughter broke it. She jammed the plug in to the USB port and little crumbs came out of it. So, it's no good now. I have had this happen so many times over my lifetime with her. She takes things that belongs to me and she breaks them and this hurts me! This camera was special because it was a nice gift and because my husband bought it for me before he left so I could take pictures of us during special events of our life while he was gone so at least he could share in them from afar. Now the camera is broken and I can't afford to buy a new one! I told my daughter not to speak to me for awhile, because I am so angry with her right now. I don't want to be ugly with her but she knows I am pretty mad, because I have never told her to do that. I feel so bad right now. I have been crying for the last 15 minutes because my heart is broken, one because she has no respect for my things and she knew this was special to me and two, because my gift from him is broken and I can't take pictures over the holidays for him. Thanks for letting me vent guys.
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16 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Nov 07
So sorry that happened. How old is she? It's maybe time that you retrieve something of her's that she values and make her pay for what she broke....If she is too young....still take something she loves...maybe just for a little while and she might realize the value of something special.....Hope you can find someway to replace it. Maybe for Christmas you can ask for it.....or borrow one until you can replace it! Good luck Hon....hope you are feeling better soon!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Well, she is on restriction as it is. I allowed her to go trick or treating because it was a holiday. I wanted to take pictures of her in her costume for her dad. Anyhow, I took her freedom away. Her getting to hang out with her friends after school is her most important thing to her and she isn't allowed to do that. She knows that I am angry with her because I told her not to speak to me for the next couple of days and there is no t.v., phone or anything. She goes to school and comes home. not much else I can take from her.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Good for you!!!! I found when my girls misbehaved taking the phone away from them was the worst punishment! When the phone would ring they would question and question who it was! I would just say...don't worry about it..it isn't any of your business! Just about drove them crazy!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Yeah she doesnt like that either. I have kind of been lax lately with discipline because of her dad being in Iraq, but I need to get back to basics. It's doing neither of us any good by letting her get away with things. This is definitely something I can't allow. Thanks for responding!
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
1 Nov 07
I bought my first digital camera in July. I got a really great deal. It was on sale plus a free printer/scanner/photocopier. A couple of weeks later we went to Canada's Wonderland. My 14 year old daughter told me to strap the camera case to my belt buckle. At the end of the day she wanted to take a picture and was trying to take the camera out of its case which was attached to me. She dropped it right on its open lens and it jammed. I took it in for repairs and it cost me $150. I was livid with my daughter when it happened. It doesn't feel like I got much of a deal anymore. The worst part is that she tried to blame me for it happening. She said I moved. You'd move too if someone was tugging at your belt buckle. I sure hope you can get your camera fixed. I know how you feel. My kids took the camera outside the other night and when I realized it I made them bring it right back in the house.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Then you know exactly what I went through! I know accidents happen, but if they were more careful and more respectful of things then the "accidents" would'nt happen so frequently and cost us parents an arm and a leg. Anyhow, I am going to check to see if I can get it fixed, if not, I will probably just have to buy a new camera before Christmas holidays. Thanks for commenting!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
1 Nov 07
I am sorry to state this but I feel a parent should never tell their child not to talk to them. Just me I guess. How old is she? Does she know better than to play with something along this line? Does she break things intentionally? Sorry you cried about this. Take a deep breath. Oh and let the breath out also. HAHAHA!! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Whew! thanks. Hee hee. We all learn from our mistakes etc. So it's good you've moved on. Now hopefully she has learned from her mistake here. HOPEFULLY! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
2 Nov 07
I am glad that we got to talk this afternoon as well. She was joking about me not wanting to talk to her for awhile, every once in a while she will say "oh, I thought you didn't want me to talk to you?" hehehe, she's a good kid, I think she has learned from this as I have.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Don't be sorry for how you feel Grandpa Bob. It's true, I really should have said it differently. I was angry and that is the way it came out and I wasn't very good at explaining myself on here last night. I tucked her in last night after I had some time to cool down and she did apologize and we talked briefly but will talk more this afternoon when she comes home from school. I have told my daughter time and again that I didn't want her playing with my camera and that it didn't need to leave the house. I know she has snuck it out and I have gotten onto her about it. This time she just was too rough with it and jammed the USB cord into the port on the camera and that was it. She doesn't do it intentionally, she is just careless and it was surely an accident. I am over it and now we can move on and do what we need to do from here. I still have a long way to go in the parenting game that's for sure!
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• United States
1 Nov 07
Well, if this had been the first time she's done this I would say you would have to forgive her because it was an accident...but it sounds like she has done this before? How old is your daughter? You def. need to tell her that she can't touch your stuff anymore, if she's not going to treat it with respect. I'm sorry about the camera! It def. sounds like an important gift! Can't you take it back to the store your husband bought it and get it exchanged or fixed?
• United States
1 Nov 07
Yeah! She def. needs to learn to respect your stuff! I haven't broken my moms stuff like that! I pretty much don't touch it unless I'm told to! lol. I'm paranoid about breaking stuff! =P I hope you can get some help from the store!! I think it would be great for you to have a camera to take pictures for your husband!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Well, I am probably going to just purchase a new camera. I won't have to buy a memory card or anything like that because I already have it. So it would just be the expense of the camera.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
I have had this talk with my daughter before. I truly hope the lesson finally hits home for her. If it does, then a camera was worth the lesson for her. She is 13 and it is high time she got her act together. I am going to see waht I can do about taking the camera back to the store and seeing what I can do.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
1 Nov 07
Well I do understand your feeling mamasan it is very hard sometimes to accept the situation happened to us specially when we love the thing the is very important to us and it is broken with someone we loved also. Done is done you can tell your daughter that next time don't do it again and maybe as a precaution to you, you must keep your things away from her so that she cannot interfere again with your important things. Maybe your husband will understand, anyway it is only a material thing, you can replace it. Good relationship with your daughter is the more important than material. Cheer up...
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
You are so right lyn! I did talk to my husband and he said that we would get another camera and it isn't a big deal other than the respect issue for my daughter. So, he agreed that she needed to be grounded, but we aren't angry with her about it. She did apologize last night and things are fine now. She understands why she is grounded now and I am glad that it is over. Thanks!
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
1 Nov 07
I'm glad that it is over now, I hope that she will learn her lesson now...
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
1 Nov 07
I'm glad that it is over now, I hope that she will learn her lesson now...
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@Drakhan (240)
• United States
1 Nov 07
It may not be as bad as it seems. If the crumbs came out of the plug itself, all you need is a new USB cable and those are pretty cheap. And if the camera has a removable disk, you can still get the photos off with a card reader.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Yeah I know, but the point is she broke a piece of the camera. It's not the USB cable, the crumbs came out of the pc/video port that hooks up to the USB cable. So, downloading them onto the internet is not going to be easy. I will have to take the memory card and upload it at Walgreens or Walmart onto a disk and then put it on the computer, which is a pain in the butt. Thanks.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Nov 07
Sweetie I am not sure how old your Daughter is but that is a Kids thing but I agree with you about being so mad at her Are you not able to get it repaired? Get someone to have a look at it as it might be repairable
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
I am going to see what I can do about getting the port fixed, but I don't now about these digital cameras, it's almost just as easy to buy another one. My daughter is 13 and we have gone through this mess before, just not with such expensive items. So, hopefully the lesson finally hits home. Thanks for responding!
@subha12 (18441)
• India
2 Nov 07
it may be the case that she has not done it on purpose. But she should have not handled this. Otherwise she should have been very careful. Its quite obvious taht you will be angry with her. With time it will be OK. But I feel sorry for your camera.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
2 Nov 07
Thanks for the comment! Yes, she didn't do it on purpose and it was just an accident, we have made things alright again, she is being punished and realizes that she needs to be more careful with other peoples things. Thanks!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
1 Nov 07
It's terrible that she broke it...hopefully it was an accident and not deliberate. If she has a habit of it, the best I can suggest is to refuse to let her handle any of your special things that you don't want broke. It's also best, sometimes, to have a cooling off period when your mad at someone otherwise you can end up saying or doing something you might regret. In the very least, if it wasn't an accident she should have some sort of punishment (grounding or something) so she gets the message that it isn't ok to treat ppl's things that way. If it was an accident...well, accident's do happen. Just my opinion anyways. "COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS" **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
It was not deliberate, but she is very inattentive and careless most times. It is a bad habit of hers and we are working on it. I did tell her to go to bed while I was angry. I went in to tuck her in a little later and she gave me a hug and told me she was sorry. I know she's sorry for breaking it. I know she feels bad, but I explained to her that she needs to place more attention to what she is doing and then she won't be so careless. She needs to respect things she borrows and that shows respect to the owner. She is grounded right now for her grades being bad, and for the camera so, lesson learned. Accidents do happen and I understand that. Thanks for responding twoey!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
1 Nov 07
mama this is good to hear now that ya did more than telling her not to speak to you. I am glad she did apologize also. Good luck also with getting her to know what not to play around with and what not. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Thanks Grandpa Bob! I still have a lot to learn in the parenting arena lol!
@mouse27 (1155)
• Canada
1 Nov 07
my 2 year old did a simular thing to her fathers camera she made it so that the lense wouldn't closed he was pissed but what did he expect leaving a digi cam out for a 2 year old to get at
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Ouch on that one. Yeah 2 years old they are real grabbers when it comes to interesting things laying about. I was thinking since my daughter was 13 she wouldn't be so careless, but she is so mature so much of the time, I don't think that she is still only 13. Well, I need to keep that in mind. I bet he was pretty mad about that camera lol!
@archer1811 (1098)
• Philippines
1 Nov 07
That's really bad. I know how important that to you because its from your husband. By the way how old is your daughter? Maybe she is not at the right age to touch things that is fragile. Well, why dont you try to bring that to the shop that repairing cam's maybe they can help you fix it, and its maybe not that expensive too than buy a new one. Beside that is very memorable to you. How I wish that you can fix it again and be all is well between you and your daughter.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Everything is better between myself and my daughter, she is 13 years old by the way! So, I thought she would be able to handle the responsibility of using my camera as she is pretty mature for her age. This seems to be one of the very few problems that she has, is being responsible for things and her grades and cleaning up after herself. I am probably just going to get a new camera after all. I don't know yet. Thanks for responding!
@darkaeon (465)
• Portugal
1 Nov 07
wow thats really unlucky... i think that your daughter deserves to be punished because sentimental items are the most valuable for people!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
2 Nov 07
She has been punished and she is taking it like a champ. I am glad that she is aware of her mistake and has taken up for it.
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
1 Nov 07
Oh c'mon its just a camera. And being angry with daughter is just a waste of time. Life is to short to get angry and stressing yourself. Its just a material thing that you can replace anytime. But the time spent for your daughter cannot be replace by anything. Cheer up okay..its just a camera..Ask your hubby to buy you one again..or seek other alternatives.. theres a built in cameras in mobile phones now maybe you can use that to catch nice moments with your daughter. Go embrace her and tell her you love her and explain her what she did was not right and never do that again. OKAY!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
book that is awful that your parents were like that. I am sorry that you were ridiculed for those things. That has to be heart breaking. I am glad that you have overcome it though and doing well now. ayou, I understand what your saying. Being angry is a waste, but as humans we do have uncontrolled reactions such as that. It is just a camera, however, there is a respect issue here. Pretty soon, it will be just a car that she might wreck because she wasn't paying attention to what she is doing or taking the time to respect it. So these little lessons are very important in her life now. I did make up with her last night when she went to bed. She apologized and I know accidents happen, I just want her to be more attentive to what she is doing and more respectful of other peoples things. Doing this shows her respect for the person and her love for that person rather than being inattentive and breaking things. Everything will work out and I hope this is a lesson learned for her. She's really a good kid and I know that, so all in all we will persevere! Thanks for commenting!
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
1 Nov 07
Well as a mother..i mean a very young mother..coz im only 25 years old. I just learned that kids are really playful. I can see myself in my kids where my mother use to beat the SSS out of me because im touching her things. And now that im a mother and i have my two kids, i now realize how a bad playful girl i was when i was on their same age. So i hope youre okay now. Well we parents sometimes have uncontrolled reactions. Worst is sometimes we lay hands on them but the best thing i learned in parenthood.. Nice words and a simple touch of love makes this kids better and more polite. Cheers!
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@vodkar (50)
• Tunisia
1 Nov 07
Just think the good times you and your daughter had when you are angry with her and also she is the best gift for you from your husband...
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
vodkar, thanks for that, this is very true, she is teh best gift that he has given me.
• India
1 Nov 07
hmm shal i ask you something ,does your anger on your daughter get back the thing i would say you better make her understand that she has done something wrong rather than scolding her
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
No my anger doesn't bring my camera back. Of course not. I have made her understand what she has done and why she is being punished. I took the time to calm down before talkign to her and not yelling at her.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
1 Nov 07
I am so sorry to hear that. I can understand your feeling. It is hurtful that your precious thing was broken. I am wondering how old is your daughter. Perhaps she is still very little and can't tell what's right or wrong. You need to tell her that how important the camera means to you and ask her not to break it. If she has to use it, she has to ask you at first. Anyway, as it already happened, you need to talk with your daughter in peace. And I hope such kind of thing won't be happened next time.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
She is 13 and she knows how important that camera was to me. I am going to have a long talk with her when she comes home from school peacefully. I did speak with her last night and she did apologize so that's a start. I pray that this won't happen again either!