
United States
November 2, 2007 1:15pm CST
Everybody has their likes and dislikes in life, or pet peeves if you want to call them that! lol I was curious about what you prefer to drink out of? Paper cups? Styrofoam? Glass? Plastic? Bottle? Can? Mason Jar? The tap? Milk Jug? lol So many options out there really. I mostly have plastic cups, something I prefer to drink from, but lately Ive been hating it. I have glass, but they are wine and martini or bar type glasses. Nothing I can serve tea or soda So last night while we were out, I bought some glasses to drink from. My hubby said, now I can tell my Mom that we are fully prepared for her visit, we have glass to drink from. He said she absolutely refused to drink from plastic cups at someones house. She will her own, but at other people she just wont. Are you like my hubby's mom? Or will you drink out of anything, considering its clean, when your at other peoples house? Do you tell them which you would prefer? Do they offer you an option by saying I have plastic, glass or something else? Bay Lay Gray xx
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14 responses
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
2 Nov 07
I use styrofoam cups all the time. - styrofoam cups
Since I live alone and hate to wash dishes I try to keep a supply of styrofoam cups on my coffee table at all times. If I didn't I would be washing cups out all day long and that's not my thing. I have lots of ceramic cups but choose not to use them.
• United States
2 Nov 07
Hi Crtymuziklvr, We use a lot of styrofoam as well, mainly because my hubby is terrible about bringing the thermal coffee cups back lol So I give him his morning coffee or hot chocolate in a styrofoam cup. So they are handy in that sense. I dont like washing dishes either, something I put off as long as possible. lol Im enjoying the glass though, its actually making things taste better to me. My tea taste really good in them. hehe Bay xx
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
3 Nov 07
Oh I am washing glasses constantly here as I drink a lot of water and keep grabbing a clean cup. HAHAHA! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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• United States
5 Nov 07
At least your washing them Grandpa Bob, that would be my only problem! I hate washing dishes and I would hate to have to wash a bunch of glasses. I dont have a dishwasher! Bay xx
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• Canada
2 Nov 07
Well I will make a mental note to BYOM...bring my own mug if we ever do visit. You asked what I prefer and I must admit I do not like to drink anything from plastic Styrofoam or paper cups...period. I always have a travel mug and even have it filled up when I am getting beverages to go. At home I have clear glass mugs that I drink tea and coffee from...and this is my favorite holder for hot beverages. For juices and cold drinks same thing...crystal clear glass. To me the shape, size and feel of the beverage container enhances the enjoyment of the drink. My grandmother and mother were English and always said that the way we serve ANYTHING is a reflection of how much we value our guests. My Mom raised me with the idea that 'love shows up in the details.' She taught me how to set a table with an eye towards color, presentation and to always put the very best out for loved ones and guests. I guess that idea has carried over into other areas of my life. Consequently something as simple as having a cup of green tea in a sparkling clear mug is a carryover from my British roots. I truly believe everything beverage tastes better when the container it is in has a quality feel to it. So there you go...I bet you didn't expect a big philosophical discussion about something like beverage containers. Oh well is who I am and what I do. Everything within my lens is always bigger than what meets the eye.LOL Good to have a chance to pop by you site again...I do appreciate you on-going interest at mine. Fun topic... Raia
• Canada
2 Nov 07
You are welcome...glad you enjoyed it and that my Mom's wisdom works for you. If you want to read more about her wonderful wise woman ways I posted something I prepared at her memorial and gave out called Valuable Life Lessons My Mother taught me. Her name was Edwina...but liked to be called Winnie. I called it Winnie's wisdom and it is my pleasure to share her valuable life lessons with anyone interested in hearing them. Anyway glad to hear you are enjoying your beverages in different cups...whatever works! Raia
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• United States
2 Nov 07
Hehe Raia, Well I have glass now for my company! ;o) Hey as always you have brought new light to something! I think your ways are very well thought out and they make a lot of sense. Again, your Mother was a wise woman, she taught you well! We dont really have that much company, if we do its my sister, and she is not very particular, my friends usually dont stay long enough to have a beverage, everyone is so busy. Im really enjoying it versus my plastic cups I usually drink from. They are really pretty ones too. I just never gave it much thought until my hubby mentioned his Mom, then I felt selfish all this time! lol Thanks for stopping by!! Lovely as always, Bay xx
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• United States
3 Nov 07
Hi Raia, I would love to hear more from your Mothers point of view. I dont recall seeing anything by that title on your blog page though, where do I find it? You can PM me if you'd like. Thank you for sharing!! Bay xx
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
5 Nov 07
This is discussion for me. lol I would never drink from plastic glass if I don't need to. I mean ok if I am somewhere camping and there is not other option, what i can do? But at home? NO, NO, NO. But my hubby know, it is the same with amlost all europen people, since plastic is kinda nasty for us, I know many people who will not drink from plastic. But for example paper cups are ok, i will still not use them at home, bu in burger king they are ok. Cans are fine, but I am worried where they store them and it can be some dust on the top, where I would drink from( yeah I know crazy), but I was working like a summer job in company who made drinks and I have seen everything possible or impossible there. And also the last one i cannot drink from bottle,specially glass bottle, beucase I don't know how. LOl But from plastic one , it is ok.The people usually don't ask me what kinda glass I want , but I would tell them, beucase the plastic is rally kinda gross....
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
6 Nov 07
Lol. So it wasn't illusion. He is so sweet to bring you a nice mugs. By the way I think I also hear such thing like you can get sick from using plastic cups or plates, but I am not sure if it is truth. Oh also I didn't write you about mason jar, tap, and styrofoan..beucase i don't know what is mean. LOL
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• United States
5 Nov 07
Hi Laura, lol Thats really why he said his Mom dont like drinking out of plastic cups from other peoples houses. She said they make things taste funny. The plastic I guess seems to hold odors and soap residue. I never had that problem, maybe they just didnt wash them good enough or something. I dont like cans for that reason too, the dust and stuff on top of them. I wipe them off, but still I dont like the thought. He bought me some really nice ceramic coffee mugs from Starbucks when he came home. I was so suprised. I thought that was nice for him to think of me like that. This Starbucks he stopped at is on his way home from Chicago, and we have a little joke about it. lol We saw the sign late one night on our way back and then there was no more about it, we didnt see what city or exit it said it was at. So we made a joke that it was an illusion cos we were so tired. lol He found it last night and stopped and got him some coffee, and my mugs! Bay xx
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• United States
8 Nov 07
I know I love them, I drink from one of them every morning! I swear it makes my coffee taste better! hehe Well a mason jar is like a large pickle jar or something. Even a little pickle jar would be one really, but they have large ones that a lot of people use as drinking glasses. Styrofoam, ask hubby to show you the next time your in a store, its hard for me to explain to you. Dang, I forgot what else you said. LOL Oh the tap? Thats the spot in your sink where your water comes from. :) Bay xx
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@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
2 Nov 07
I rarely drink from anything but glass. Plastic and styrofoam are too hard on the environment when you have to throw them away, but glass can be used over and over again!
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• United States
2 Nov 07
Hi Angemac, Buying thermal coffee cups are hard on my wallet when my hubby wont remember to bring them back. lol So we use styrofoam for his morning coffee or hot chocolate. I keep them on hand. I have a lot of plastic cups, and I never really thought of how my company feels about them until my hubby spoke up about his Mom last night. So I thought I should be hospitable and buy some glasses for company. But since I drank from one, I really like it much better! lol Bay xx
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• India
3 Nov 07
hello bayleighgray... This is a nice topic you have started... Never thought of this detail but when i come to think of it... yes... i'd prefer glass to paper cups cause the basic fact its hard to hold... i tend to spill my drink if i apply any pressure unexpextedly. glass is fragile itself but i seem to have a really heightened sense of precaution which keeps me aware that im holdin a glass. not like paper... i almost everytime spill my drink.....
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25 Nov 07
i prefer to drink out of a glass (any drink i choose) that someone else has bought me, but in my own home, itd have to be a mug i got when i was 10, i keep it safe and it only has one chip so far (hmmmm, howd that get there?) lol, and its have to be clean, i dont want to get any diseases. lol
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• United States
25 Nov 07
Hi Magician, Thats so cool you have your own mug!! I have a special coffee mug that I like to drink my coffee and hot chocolate out of. Im really enjoying the glasses that I got though. Things just taste so much better out of them! Bay xx
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
25 Nov 07
I'll drink out of anything (no pun intended) EXCEPT a bottle. Did you know that drinking from bottles is a health hazard? I read a report once that bottles especially those that are sold in pubs are left outside for rats to pee all over them! Ewwww, but it's true. You don't know where those bottles have been, and you are putting that bottle to your mouth, all those germs, even if there are no rats around. I much prefer a glass and plenty of rocks with it, I have even been known to have a straw too, I don't care I ain't fussy!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Nov 07
Well I will drink out of what gets offered but I do prefer Cups when it comes to hot Drinks and a Glass when it is Juice lol
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• United States
2 Nov 07
Hi Gabs! :) I dont think I said hi in the last comment to you, sorry, I like doing that! I like the glasses I bought, they are really pretty and nice and tall, my iced tea tastes so much better!! lol Ive shoved my plastic cups to the back and Im going to start using the glass I bought. I hate washing dishes but I think this would be worth it. Oh dear, not that I didnt wash my plastic cups, lol I just used the styrofoam cups I keep for my hubby to take to work with him in the morning. Bay xx
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
4 Nov 07
I usually drink out of tupperware at home, and will use that for my guests too - unless they ask. My sister will usually drink out of tupperware also - except milk, she can't drink milk out of anything but glass. I don't really have a preference, I just don't like to worry about breaking the glass so I don't use it.
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• United States
5 Nov 07
Hi Dawn, I guess that too has been a fear of mine. I mean you cant really do too much damage to a plastic cup can you!? lol Im liking the glass though, much more than I thought I would. I do have a slight fear that it might get broken or chip. I guess I just have to be careful with them when washing them and putting them away. Dont want a cut lip from a chipped glass! OUCH! Bay xx
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
3 Nov 07
I hate plastic. I am strange also when it comes to coffee cups. I have my very own mug at home. Noone else uses it either as it is mine. HAHAHA! It's a large mug holding about one and a half the normal sized cups hold. I drink otherwise from glasses as I hate plastic cups. Now when I go out I will use a styrofaom cup for a coffee to go. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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• United States
3 Nov 07
Hi Grandpa Bob! Im starting to dislike my plastic! I have a special thermal coffee cup, but I dont take it in the car, I use the styrofoam for that. Hubby is only allowed disposables. HaHa! I can understand you dislike of plastic. *smile* Bay xx
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@kiobug (2250)
• United States
2 Nov 07
Very interesting question Bay Bay. I like to drink out of plastic cups at my house. We have glass ones but they are kind of heavy and the cup gets cold like the drink and I dont like that. At other peoples house I usually wont eat or drink anything. If I know they have bottled water I will just request one of those. I feel weird drinking out of cups at peoples houses, especially plastic because they are usually well used and well not gross but I feel weird about it.
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• United States
2 Nov 07
Hi KB!! Thanks! I never really thought about it until my hubby made the comment last night about his Mom and how she feels about plastic cups. Not like we have a lot of company, but I would like to be accomodating when we do. And since last night, I have used the glass and like it better than the plastic ones I have. Im funny about eating and drinking at certain peoples houses, mostly ones that dont really keep stuff clean. Or have pets all over the counter tops or tables. lol I cant help it! Bay Bay xx
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@Toni_07 (175)
• United States
3 Nov 07
I raised 3 kids so i always have had plastic, buti do have a friend who visits about once a year and she does tell me she prefers glass...lmbo.....whih i think is kinda rude, but that is how she i give her
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@girljar (287)
• United States
3 Nov 07
I am a Diet-Coke-aholic, so I usually drink from a can (which I prefer). I don't like my Diet Coke from those plastic bottles; I wish they still had the glass bottles in the 8-pack. Remember those? I would LOVE to drink an ice cold Diet Coke from one of those! Otherwise, I don't have a preference, but I WILL NOT drink milk from a plastic cup. Has to be glass. The milk stays colder. However, I wouldn't refuse any cup offered at someone else's house. That is just plain rude. If she's that particular about it, she should carry her own glass, like I take Diet Coke with me when I go to someone's house.
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• United States
3 Nov 07
Hi Girljar, I just cant get more than a few drinks in on a can! I waste it, so I buy soda in single sized bottles when I can. I dont drink much soda anyway, hubby does if its here. Im a sweet tea finatic! Haha! My parents used to by soda in bottles, they were so cold and tasted so good! I loved it, they sure dont sell it like that anymore. I can drink milk from a plastic cup, but I cant drink it from those cartons, even though they say that the carton stays more fortified with the calcium in it because the carton blocks the light. Dont care! I buy it in the plastic jug, and it is colder in a glass. I also add ice. HeHe My hubby thinks thats just gross. I know a few people that say what they they may not refuse it just tell you what they want. I dont think she is like that either, Im sure she politely refuses anything to drink. Shes a very nice woman. :) Bay xx
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@pinay81 (1535)
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
i always drink in the glass when im in the house or my friends house i only drink in the styro or plastic when im outside like in the cafeteria and park place:-)
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• United States
25 Nov 07
Hi pinay, The plastic and styrofoam are much safer than a glass when your outdoors. I do that same thing myself! :) Bay xx