Have you ever been near a Fire?
By jennybianca
@jennybianca (12912)
November 3, 2007 7:45pm CST
It is so easy to start an accidental fire. I was present at a "table" incident a year ago. At a friends lunch time party, her daughter in law sitting by the table, not being very careful, where my friend had decorative candles burning. The daughter in law was using paper napkins, & just plonked the pile right next to the candle. You guessed it. The paper napkins caught fire & within seconds, the table cloth caught fire. Flames everywhere. A few of us rushed over, my hubby & I were first. No one knew how to get it out.
I picked up the bowl of non alcoholic punch drink, & tipped it over the fire. It went out quickly then. The table cloth was ruined, & it was brand new.
Have you had any similar fire incidents?
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12 responses
@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
4 Nov 07
A couple of weeks ago my husband was awake because he couldn't sleep. This was around 3 in the morning. Good thing he was awake because our trailer caught on fire. Not enough to do any damage but the breaker box caught on fire and there was insulation right next to it and it caught on fire. So the trailer was burning inside the walls. He went outside and found the source and put it out really quick. He got me up and I helped but a few minutes later it happened again. So we put it out again. What happened was two wires were touching and it started an electrical fire so he had to tape the wires with black tape and separate them. We were both so scared but everything is fine now.
This is an old trailer we live in. Someone gave it to us because we couldn't afford to buy one at the time and needed a trailer to put on our property since we tore our old house down.
About a month ago the electrical wires outside by the electric meter caught on fire and he had to pull the main breaker and shut the electric off until he fixed it. Since both incidences we haven't had anymore problems and I hope we don't. I don't want to wake up with flames around me and no way to get out. My most feared ways of dying are in a fire or drowning.
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@Tootallmom (29)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Make sure you get smoke alarms and keep the batteries up on them.
So thankful you and your family are ok
My prayers are with you.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
5 Nov 07
Whew that was a close call.
Glad threre wasn't a serious fire.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
12 Nov 07
Thanks you all for your prayers. Yes we have smoke alarms but what we need to get is a fire extinguisher. The smoke alarms weren't working that night so it is really lucky that my hubby was awake. Sometimes he gets these feelings that something is going to happen and that is one reason he can't sleep. Anyway everything is fine now but thanks for your thoughts and prayers. :)
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
4 Nov 07
wELL NOTHING WHERE i WAS THERE WHEN THE FIRE STARTED. bUT MAYBE ABOUT 25 YEARS AGO AT THE APARTMENT WE LIVED IN ABOUT 8 P.M. i SMELLED SOPMETHING TERRIBLE. I looked out the peephole of my door and saw smoke. I had my kids run outside then started knocking on the neighbors door. All but one apartment replied. This was where the fire was at. The one door I kicked in and had to wake up a small boy. I carried him outside. Well that's mt brush with fire. To this day that boy/man still calls me his hero. Nahhh just doing what anyone else would have done.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
5 Nov 07
I think he was about 8 or so and been sleeping for a little while.
He didn't hear the alarms. Nope no publicity wanted nor recieved thankfully. As I said I wasn't a hero just a man doing what I felt
was the right thing. Thanks.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
5 Nov 07
Wow! You saved a boys life in a fire? Was this small boy on his own? Gee, I bet you got some media publicity for this.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Yes I have. The other day my son was coloring on the coffee table. Al of a sudden he comes running to me and says his paper is on fire. I was like WHAT?? I went in the living room and sure enough there was his paper on fire..not just a little fire but a big one. He had caugh my blanket on fire as well. I ran it to the sink and put it out. It was my fault. I had a candle lit on the table and he must have got to close to it when he walked by with his paper. Im just glad he told me!!
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
Candles, it seems to be a common theme. My 14 year old daughter lights candles in her room. I have always been concerned about this.
I am very glad that nothing serious happened to your son as a result of this.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Being a wildland firefighter, yep, I've been near, and through fire. I was with a volunteer dept in Texas for 9 years, and lived in a mostly ranching community. Last one I was on was 500 acres, started by lightening. I did all my training with the Texas Forestry Service and now work for the Forestry service in PA. It still amazes me how many brush/wildland fires are blamed on a discarded cigerette, it is a possiblity but not highly probable. The conditions for that to occur have to be so perfect that it is almost impossible. I also love and have candles all around my house, however, I do not have them placed anywhere that they could become a fire hazard.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
5 Nov 07
My Father was also a volunteer firefighter for 28 years. Not with bushland, his was for the metro in a town of 18,000 people. He was the Officer in Charge for 8 of those yeares.
You certainly would have been in some dangerous fire situations.
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@jamesarmstrong (251)
• China
4 Nov 07
I came up to a fire when I was young.
I stayed out in midnight, when I came back, I saw a red light reflecting om my neighbor's wall. And I srceemed Fire,Fire, and all the lights on, my neighbors, my parents waked up and put the fire out.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
That must have geen exciting for a child to see. What caused the firee? How much damage was done?
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@Tootallmom (29)
• United States
4 Nov 07
I bought a decorative candle from a friend I work with-she makes and sells them-this one was defective and we didnt know it. It had too much oil in it and exploded one morning when I was getting ready for work-luckily the smoke alarm that was sitting out in the bookshelf that my husband had taken down to replace the batteries-it went off - and if it hadnt we wouldnt have know it because I had just gotten out of the shower in the back of the house and had no clue. I ran in, screamed like the girl that I am, and somehow got it out. All I remember was the smoke, the huge ball of fire on the buffet and the alarm scraming.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
Another candle fire. I am just amzed at how common these type offires are.
Luckily your smoke alarm still went off, they are a good investment.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
5 Nov 07
Yes, but not near enough to get hurt or be completely effected by it.
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
5 Nov 07
We had fondue at my daughter's house. The fire went out and more fuel needed to be added. Well the "boys" over flowed the tiny cup and when they lit it, the flames spread on the table and nearly caught a curtain on fire. It was quickly snuffed out by a kitchen towel that was tossed on it.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
6 Nov 07
Kitchen towels are an effective way to smother small inside fires.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Nov 07
I have been lucky enough never to have been near a fire. How lucky your friend was to have you put out the fire before it got any worse.
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
5 Nov 07
Several years ago I was walking from my office building to where I parked my car a few blocks away. I noticed that people were rushing out of one of the buildings. I wondered why. I looked at the windows of the upper floors and I noticed black smoke coming out. I couldn't see or hear any fire trucks so I figured it hasn't been reported yet. I called the fire department using my cellphone. As I drove away I could hear the fire trucks arriving. I'm glad I was able to help.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
6 Nov 07
It is a goiod move to call the fire brigade when you see a fire, as you never know whether or not someone has already called. Best not to take a chance.
@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
8 Jan 08
The closest I've ever been to a fire was when my neighbors house caught on fire several years ago. I'm guessing it was about 11 years ago now. The teenage son was at home having a 'party' and supposively someone thru a home made cherry bomb into the window and caught the couch on fire. The teenage boy and the few other teenagers he had in the house were so drunk, that they did not call the fire department. I remember coming outside in the middle of the night hearing noise, and I seen the flames. I yelled for my mom and dad to call the department. My dad was an ex-firefighter so he came out with our hose and tried to put out some of the flames until the fire trucks got there. It took a long time for them to get it out. The house was completely fried. It was really a bad thing for that family.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
8 Jan 08
I can imagine the boys parents were absolutely furious with him. What a completely unnecessary fire.
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@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
9 Jan 08
Oh yeah, the parents were so mad. They were out of town (I believe heading to Florida) when the teenager had the party and was supposed to not have nobody over. His family had to come home early from their vacation to find NO home to come to.
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@hammer55 (36)
• United States
5 Nov 07
never been in a fire but was in the us navy had to take a firefighting course for fighting fires on the ships and had to put one out so i know what that is like and thats why i admire firefighters in this country they put their life on line everyday period
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