This is Sick & Disgusting!
By jennybianca
@jennybianca (12912)
November 3, 2007 8:37pm CST
An 18 year old teenager kicked a kitten to death. He received one month's jail.
The man said he didn't know why he did this.
The kittens name was Bubbles. I think it is disgusting & sick.
One month jail for something as cruel & sick as this.
If you want to read the full article, it is here:,22606,22693507-911,00.html
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27 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
I think people who are cruel to animals should get the same punishment as if they had done the same thing to a child, people are cruel to animals because the penalties are too light, throw the book at them i say, or do the same to them and let them feel the pain.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
I would put cruelty & murder of animals on the same level as people too. Good comment.
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@singlepixel (2743)
4 Nov 07
how about getting those animal harassers eat REAL animal food. and live in the jungle as part of the jail punishment. Some bad people really need a GOOD & EFFECTIVE lesson!
@javaleira (372)
• Portugal
20 Apr 08
people like that should go to jail... cruelty is a bad way to think and to live!!
to be honest that story was very sad.. its sad to know there are suh people in th world!
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
hi there jennybianca
thats pretty sick all right he should not have done that.
yes i have kittens from my female cat suzie and one did die and three is still here.
i hope this never happen again poor kitten.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
I bet your three kittens are so gorgeous.Are you keeping them all or giving them away?
I am sure you found the incident very "sick" seeing as you are a cat lover too.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Nov 07
As has already been proven people who do such cruel and wicked type of thing usually move on to humans. The judge who passed such a lenient sentence ought to get kicked off the bench.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
I agree. This is well known. The 18 year old is old enough to be assessed & receive couselling. The judge needs reassessment too.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
4 Nov 07
See this is what is messed up with this world today. He got a month in jail for this? My husband got caught driving without his license and got 90 days! Oh this makes me so sick to my stomach and so angry. I can believe it though because it seems to me that evil rules this world anymore.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
It is double standards. You husband may have broken a law,. but he did person or animal any harm.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
12 Nov 07
Yeah he broke the law but he didn't deserve what he got. This guy who did this to this poor defenseless animal needs the same thing done to him, an eye for an eye they say!
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@javaleira (372)
• Portugal
20 Apr 08
people who break laws must go to jail and be punished.. the autoroty must take a step for these type of cruel people and these crimes!!! bla bla bla and they end up having no trouble!!we want justice!
@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
4 Nov 07
This is beyond disgusting! The judge needs to be seriously reprimanded for such an unreasonably lenient sentence. The 18 y/o obviously needs deep counseling. I would have sentenced the teenager to no less than a years worth of counseling with a professional that gets at the deep root causes of such behavior. I have read that this behavior is often the out cropping of child abuse/neglect and can manifest into much worse behavior. And the judge would have to attend at least six months of training on how to determine appropriate sentences for crimes while working for a 50% reduction in pay. It was a huge, inexcusable case of negligence in not recognizing the youth needed help, not just a mere pinch on the cheek telling him not to do that again.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
Very well put. I agree with all you have said.
It is well known that people who commit cruelty against animals, already have a deep seated behavioural/personality problem. And who knows what this man will do next.
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@Wario_1 (965)
• Sweden
8 Jan 08
I agree, there is nothing that says that it can't worsen. It could as well go to hurting/abusing/killing children or elderly people and then intensify into even worse.
It would be good if they could find the root to the problem, that could majbe turn the kid back from a road of pain and suffering.
@shakirabijin (79)
• Philippines
4 Nov 07
ohhh my gosh....pity little cute kitten...It's not good at all. Human must take care of the animals. Pets deserve love and care and not hurt and pain.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I didn't have the heart to read the article. This just makes me sick to my stomach. This poor baby didn't even have a chance. Growing up I remember my mom giving our new kittens a bath. She used to much of something and they started dying, I can still see her trying to help them. Then seeing her crying on the front steps. My mom didn't mean to kill them, and this still eats at her still years later.
This pos should have someone kick him until he can't take it anymore and kick him some more. He said he didn't know why he did this, is a sad excuse to not face up to what he did. He will later go on to more bigger animals then to people. That judge will later see him in court for killing someone. Then he will only have himself to blame. Here a guy punted a dog like a football and got longer than just a month. Animal abuse needs more of a serious punishment. The law needs to see animal abuse right up there with abuse towards people, and people wonder why animals attack.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
16 Feb 08
I agree with all your have said. The abuse of animals is an indication of a persons level of mentality, emotional status & more importantly, his/her future likelihood of abuse.
Let alone the poor kitten.
Your poor Mother, it was a mistake.
@AmbiePam (96681)
• United States
4 Nov 07
I'm sorry JennyBianca, but I can't bear to read the entire article. Stuff like that stays with me and works me up. Why don't people realize the danger in letting people get away with crimes like these? They think, oh, it's just a kitten. It has been shown that most serial killers start off by torturing animals. I bet in ten years this kid will be in jail for something more, and for a much longer time. That is some kind of evil.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
I don't blame you for not reading the entire article. I won't even tell my daughter about this kind of "stuff". I agree that he is likely to reoffend again.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
9 Jan 08
I can't read the full story. can't bring myself to do that. I really would like this judge and the abuser to be put in the same zoo where tigers attacked humans. I want to see how long they could survive.
The boy killed small and weak cat, I'd like to see how he will handle a bigger one. I bet he wouldn't even have a leg to kick it.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
9 Jan 08
I am sure if a tiger attacked a person, the tiger would be put down. But of course, this teenage boy will not be put down!!
@tzvetelina (467)
• Bulgaria
4 Nov 07
I totally agree thios is discusting and probably even severe.I know more cruel stories of this kind for murdering kittens with torture.But the people who had done this were never even touched by the law! That's completely unfair! I don't know what's happening to people,but they're deffinitely out of their minds.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
Out of therir minds, & sick, sick , sick. The Judge wasn't much better.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
7 Nov 07
ugh.i have seen so many animal cruelty stories just in this one's disenhearting,it really wonder what's wrong with some people,how they can be so cruel and mean :(
that poor little kitten.he should have got way more jail time.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
8 Nov 07
We hear of too many cruelty storioes which Is why I believe the penalties should be raised.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
12 Nov 07
i agree.almost makes me want to become a judge just so i can throw the book at them.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I can't stand to read the full article, I had a brother that was abusive to animals...the horror stories would have you having nightmares forever. I do totally agree with Ann Landers and Dear Abby, people that are abusive to animals are abusive to people too. My brother was not only abusive to me, but in his adult life he has been beyond abusive to other people.
People who abuse and neglect animals should have stronger punishments than a month in of the big things that needs to be added to the punishment is that the person goes through counseling and compulsory therapy! There is a reason for the mean and horrific treatment of animals and it needs to be addressed above and beyond jail time and fines. The jail time and the fines are more or less a light slap on the wrist for offenders.
Your post had reinforced my decision about allowing my companion animals to have litters of puppies or kittens. As I have told people I don't want to think that any of my companions off spring has gone to a possible abusive person.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
21 Apr 08
It is interesting, but very sad, that you have first hand experience of what a lot of people say... that children or adults who are abusive to animals, are likely to be abusive as adults to other people as well. What end up happening to your brother?
It's good to hear that you are careful about where your puppies & kittens go.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I haven't been in contact with him for over 25 years, but I have had information on him. He was under investigation in Louisiana by the Coast Guard...for murder. I'm not too sure what happened with it but I'm fairly sure he ended up in prison. His wife divorced him years ago for problems with his abusing her. He also abused her animals (he couldn't go near them without them biting him).
So, needless to say, what is said is true in my life. As for someone saying that they are ignorant of why they did something, it doesn't hold water with me. That guy should get exactally what he did to that kitten. But people would say that it is cruel and unusual (and inhuman) punishment....yet what he did to that poor kitten wasn't human!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Apr 08
You are so right. that shorrible. I think instead of one months jail time he should at least get a few licks of what he did to that precious little kitten. Maybe not kill him but leave some major hurt so that he just might never do that again. If the fool did not know why he did it perhaps he belongs in a mental institution preferably to stay for awhile at least. I do think maybe he should get a few really hard kicks even enough to break a few ribs. it might get through to him.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
21 Apr 08
I dont see that as excuse anyway, saying he didn't know why he did it? Pathetic man.
@nenyalorien (899)
• Philippines
4 Nov 07
I honestly pity the kid more. He might be going through something, and honestly, the teen years aren't easy anymore. Kids nowadays have so much going for them, true, but they're also beset with so much angst. I don't think animal lovers should be quick to judge.
I love cats myself, but if someone pities the cats more before he or she tries to understand what the person who maimed it was going through, then there's something wrong.
I believe it wasn't random that he kicked the cat. I believe that something was going on inside him. The fact that he pleaded guilty means he was remorseful and that it was an out-of-character act.
It never should come down to the point where the cat has more rights than an emotionally disturbed kid.
The kid should be helped, not condemned.
Just my two cents'.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
4 Nov 07
I saw this on the news and it absolutely outraged me too. When they showed him and his equally dodgy looking friend outside of the courthouse, they were both laughing, almost like they were enjoying the attention. One month? One month for torturing a kitten? In 4 weeks he'll be out again, free to do whatever he wants because the court system is stuffed. One month is not enough time to make him think about what he did and realise that he has to pay for his actions. Makes me sick.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
5 Nov 07
Laughing outside the court house! And they claimed in the article that he was very contrite... I think not.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Nov 07
What I'd LIKE to see done to that boy is to gather all the animal owners/lovers from the area where he lives and let them do to him what they wish; I'd like to kick the crap out of him, just like he did to that poor kitten! Seriously, he should get a much stiffer prison sentence, a big fine and a long term of community service plus be made to undergo counseling and therapy. As it is, it wouldn't be surprising at all if this guy one day becomes a serial killer. That may sound extreme but many killers have had a history of cruelty to animals.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
It is true that animal cruelty sometimes leads to human cruelty.
He should have received a longer jail sentence & be made to do therapy whilst in jail.
@princessa200145 (616)
• United States
4 Nov 07
one month in jail was a slap on the wrists. he is a danger to other pets and surely in the future maybe a threat to other people. what was that judge thinking i would of given him 6 months in jail a 5000 fine and a order to never have a pet what a joke that guy got off to ez and i dont accept the fact that he doesnt know why he did it thats bs he did it because he wanted to he obviously did not think of the repercussions of his actions he is crying out for help and definitely needs some professional help hope he gets it
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
5 Nov 07
Yes, I agree he needs professional help, so does the judge.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
5 Nov 07
One month in jail!!! He should have gotten the same amount of time he would get for killing a person, an animal has the same feelings as humans! But than again, murderers often dont spend a lot of time for killing people either. Talk about justice...
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
4 Nov 07
This is very sad poor kitty, the boy should have gotten more than just a month in jail. He should have had to volunteer in an animal shelter for a year that would show him that animals are living souls that have a right to live just like he does. -Amber
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
5 Nov 07
Actually, as well as a jail sentence, I agree that being made to volunterr in an animal shelter is a good idea.