@isayimnothere (99)
United States
November 4, 2007 11:02pm CST
Ok i can understand someone who is religious, (i'm not but i can understand why people would want to be) Anyway but i have a question... Why would anyone ever pray? If a god is an all knowing all powerfull superbeing, and he has exactly what he wants to happen happen, what good is it if you pray to him? Whats the point if he already has his idea of whatss going on and what he wants to happen? I mean if you pray for different things and they dont happen the first excuse i hear is "Its gods will" if hes all powerfull and hes going to do what he wants anyway, whats the point of praying? Its like asking the balls at the lottery to help you out this one time, sure it may happen but its not going to be becuase you asked...
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7 responses
@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
5 Nov 07
I'm not a religious person either, but I am very spiritual. I feel more like I am a cell in the body of 'God', the same way the cells of my physical structure make up my own body. And if my cells are wanting water they don't have to supplicate me to get it (well, maybe sometimes). But for the most part it's an innate communication system that is very well developed. And I absolutely believe that this entire universe is constructed along those lines. Ask and it is given to you. I think in the Bible it says that you have to ask for it in prayer, but personally I believe that 'prayer' is not necessarily something that you do in words. Like I said, when my cells want water, they don't pray to me. When my children wanted dinner they didn't pray to me all serious and heavy. They just bug the hell out of me till they get it! I'm personally not into supplication and self-abnegation and a stern and control freak of a god sitting up in the sky doling out penalties and rewards. I think the idea is absolutely ludicrous, along with the belief that you go to a location to be rewarded or penalized after you die! Heaven or Hell is right where you are in any moment... you create it yourself with every choice you make and every thought you consistently think.
On the other hand, I have no desire to change anyones beliefs. That's part of being free... everyone can believe what they want to believe, even if those beliefs are Self limiting. I recently read a line somewhere, I forget where, but it went "argue for your limitations and you get to keep them". Actually I think it was in Richard Bach's book 'The Reluctant Messiah'.
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
5 Nov 07
And I agree with foxyfire too, in that gratitude and appreciation is the best kind of prayer.
@michecu (637)
• Philippines
5 Nov 07
I've read Richard Bach's "Illusions: The Adventures of the Reluctant Messiah"...I think that there is a point which implies that its really your faith that guides you. Whatever you believe, that is your reality...whatever you can perceive in your mind, you have the power to make it happen. Actually, conceiving things in your mind is part of praying...its a sort of affirmation and visualization that will bring the desired outcome to the present.
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@michecu (637)
• Philippines
5 Nov 07
For me, prayer is necessary because although God is all knowing He still needs to know how sincere and faithful you are to deserve what you are to be given. Anyway, God doesn't give you what you pray for, but He gives you the opportunity or the circumstances to get it.
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
5 Nov 07
But see, with that viewpoint you're still placing God outside of yourself, you're referring to your very source as a 'he', implying it's someone other than you, and you also imply that you could possibly be undeserving. It is my feeling and understanding that we are vessels for that which many call 'God' to experience itself. God is not male or female, God is everything that is and more. We are all of us extensions of the God force, and as such we are naturally deserving. No effort needs to be made to accomplish that.
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
5 Nov 07
Dear, I don't know if you are there or not but since you say you are not there you must not be there: I truly understand where you are coming from with this question. At one time I was a Christian and I always wondered about the passage that said that God knows what you want before you ask for it????? As you are saying, "Then, why bother ask"? This, according to what you are thinking now and the way that I was thinking then, would apply to all things from the trivial to the major, such as a child wanting a red bicycle for Christmas, a single mom praying that somehow money for food for her children arrive, parents (of all countries) praying that their children come home safely from war - and on and on and on.
Through years of searching and trying on religions and faiths for the one that actually "fit" me, I realized that the Pagan path was the one for me. That being said, prayer is still a big part of my life. You have had responses saying that appreciation and gratitude are most important and I am in 100% agreement with that.
You may want to get a copy of "When Bad Things Happen To Good People". It is a very good book and does help to explain a lot of human suffering in terms other than the simple drone of, "it's God's will". The God/Goddess that I love would never will that children go homeless or play in dangerous mine fields.
But....back to prayer. Some days we may feel as though we have the burdens of the world on our shoulders and can't think of anything to be grateful for. That's okay. We are human. There will be other days that we will realize that just being able to read and write is so much more than millions of people are able to do; and just that one simple ability has opened so many doors and gates for us that we are overcome with gratitude.
There will be other days that we will think of our friends and our cyber friends and feel the need to ask some Divine Other Source for some good or some healing to take place for them.
I have included a link to a discussion that I posted many months ago to let you know what a similar wave length this discussion is on.
I wish you answers to many questions~Blessed Be~Donna
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
6 Nov 07
I agree with foxyfire. praying is not for just asking for give thanks and reassure your love...
everyone needs alittle reassuring somtimes right?..somtimes i pray also when i am having a strssful daay and need just someone to talk to. i know he is there listenning... and to pray for others
@dinxcarin (595)
• Singapore
5 Nov 07
I consider Prayer as a communion with God. Like treating Him as our daddy, asking for what we want and for our needs. Though it remains a mystery as to how God thinks and feel, I'd consider prayer as one way of acknowledging Him as our God. If not, we'd all be lost somewhere.
If we don't pray? What else we can do best when we are down and fallen?