Do men fall in love or do women fall in love?
By kalav56
@kalav56 (11464)
November 4, 2007 11:45pm CST
This seemingly contradictory statement has been provoked by a sentence made by a man in the course of a conversation. He said that it is the man who always falls in love and women think a lot before they commit themselves. To him, women did not really fall in love. Of course we are not talking in both literal and figurative terms like''OH! WHhat a fall was there!"Women are said to think and act emotionally , but this statement seems to defy it unless one calls love as a rational concept.
A film where a girl leads a man on and ditches him in the end for a wealthier and more suave guy. The heartbroken man files a court caase against her and the verdict is in his favour. Twenty years ago the corollary of the above theme ended in the woman getting justice. The end of both films were similar wherein the injured party refused to accept the other one as his/her partner and said that their aim was to bring awareness and teach a lesson to women/men that they cannot fool around with the other person's emotions.
The discussion topic is in relevance to today's men and women.
Now, dear friends, what do you think of this? I thought it was an interesting topic where diverse views are possible and this will give rise to different perspectives of the same topic.
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11 responses
@akacipher (64)
• India
5 Nov 07
hi Kalav, I must tell you that is really a nice question. I had the same perception that Women are more emotional and men are more rational... rhater having heard it from everyone around you kinda devlop that perception. But its misleading if you ask me!! I feel it was supposed to be that women are emotionally very storng, but then it must be kept in mind that emotions are just weeknees and so being emotionally storong just means having no emitions!!!I dont want to generalize it for women (rather i wish it isnt true for all women)!! I had a very good relationship for some 11 months then we had a very small fight onse, which could have been sorted out but she didnt want to, she just walked out saying she loves me no more!!! It must be noted here that i was a really loving and caring BF. later i came to know that she had fallen for someone else and was going arounf with him since last 15 days of our relationship!!! It gives me a vison of women being really cold... nothing else!!!But then in general i really feel men should not get into relationships deeply, it hurts them beyond repair if thigns go wrong, Men are certainly more emotional... if they get into it deeply!!! Women on the contrary seem to be into is and emotional but then they kind of come to practicality of things later in the relationship.
To actually explain it better in the relationship manner,when a guy and girl get into the relationship after a few months Women see a husband in the guy, here the guy is looking at the girl to be just a girl friend. And at a later stage when two get more involved and they have seen up's and down's... girl starts to look at him as a bf (if there are more downs), the guy here looks at the girl to be his wife since they have shared so much between themselves!!! As the relationhip progresses and things happen girls get practical about relationship and the men get emotional!!!P.S: I did share my story but the failure cannot be associated with the last para, SHE JUST WAS BIT** and so it failed and then i was torn apart!!
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
5 Nov 07
I am sorry for your bad experience, but thankfully you have not married her. Otherwise it would have been even worse. So, you are geetting wiser at this stage and if only you had got married thiswisdom you will have paid a heavy price for attaining it. But, this experience may have taught you where you made your mistakes-I feel this is where women are quick learners[they are survivors and have a huge responsibility because ,they, in many cases [as in the example of the animal or bird kingdom]are responsible for the future generations.
Your feelings were portrayed by that character in the film where though he did not have a longstanding relationship, he was affected badly. Despite being an uneducated fellow, he goes to the court and pulls her out for justice. It was a different and commendable theme, though cinematic.
All the best for your career and future!
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
5 Nov 07
Thanks a lot for your response.I was really happy that this sordid experience has not affected you in your career. You have also asked me for my views on the subject. This is one topic where there is so much scope for discussions, arguments[ mud-slinging ,if either gender is unable to take it objectively ]. Don't you agree?
Coming back,I have found out that in any relationship it is absolutely essential to define the relationship. There should be'give and take 'and it must be equal.Otherwise one will end up as in the joke
'' By all means marry. if it succeeds , you are happy. If it fails, then you become a philosopher. " Then you would have heard about the story of Socrates too[the rain episode]
This is a digression for the sake of light relief on such a serious topic.
Defining relationships is what is relevant.Defining relationships takes us to reciprocity wherein a person is willing to love the other irrespective of anything else[ALL STUPID MINOR FOIBLES] especially when you know that the person is caring.
I find your gf's behaviour very fickle and there was not much depth in it. The fight was only an excuse. Probably she had other expectations that she did not reveal and when she sensed that you could not meet up to this, she just left. Another important factor is her age. She is young and is full of expectations for herself.
But, she does not hesitate to cut once she makes up her mind. You still do nurture it in your heart though thankfully you have not let it affect you. Men , poor things do have as strong feelings and emotions as we women do but we talk a lot and discuss a lot and give the picture of being emotionally weak.
This is all ok. But whether men should not at all get into longstanding relationships is something I cannot agree to. First of all,you should ensure that there is reciprocity and one should not invest too much in a relationship with wishful thinking for too long. Once you are sure that both are in equal mutual need then this relationship can evolve into some deep bonding. Till then , you need not get too involved deeply[like our Legendary Devdoss]. Age is a factor for both. When the girl is older, she is more practical and would know what is best for her. She will not take rash decisions in the name of practicality.
Once you are very sensitive to the other person's expectations you can clearly state what you are capable of giving[giving is not money here but so many other intangible things--like time, attention to small detail etc etc..,]There must be understanding and identity of thought. if there is no total identity of thought there must at least be a 'live and let live policy.'
You were kind enough to ask me if your views are right or wrong and that is why I have you this long winded answer. I am sure others will have something more to say on this subject.
@akacipher (64)
• India
5 Nov 07
hey thanx for the concern kalav...... I really appreciate it. By the way my carrear is going good..... it never affected me carrer wise actualy. I was emotinally torn apart but then someone up their took good care of my carrer in that phase!!! All is kinda fine... still bother me sometimes but not so much, hardly does it even count! By the way what you feel about my answer is it rite or are ther more aspects to it?

@sang2k2 (1833)
• India
5 Nov 07
hi kalav,
It all depends upon the situation...the question resembles the question i wish to quote like who came first the egg or the hen"..jokes apart.
If the guy and the girl wants to enter a serious relation than the girl would definately look for the commitment and think a lot and then fall for it. while the guy would look for looks and a sensible women.
But if they are here for timepass in relation than they wouldnt think much and juz go for it without seeing anything and both would fall for money as well as looks.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
5 Nov 07
Thank you all for your responses. My question was about who really carries this feeling of love to heart. Women are supposed to be emotional , sympathetic and caring. Men are rational human beings. This is what many think. But there arise different views on this and that is why I posted this discussion. While I agree that relationship is a two way street who is really the stronger when it comes to dealing with matters related to the heart?
@sang2k2 (1833)
• India
5 Nov 07
hi kalav,
no men and women are stronger emotion wise but the time and the situation makes them stronger, i have always seen that these days if the girl is emotionally attached to the guy the guy betrays and so is the case vice-a versa..i have seen both the cases wherein the guy kicks the girl and the girl has to recover may be she takes alot of time to recover and come out of that relation and same is with men as even its difficult for a men to come out of it as they cant even cry while a women can oftenly shred tears.
while if you talking about proposing i feel that depends upon the situation as if the girl really loves and is extrovert than wont think much and would immediatley propose the guy.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
5 Nov 07
If it happens simultaneously it is better for long lasting relationship. One side traffic is no good.
@varunkrishna007 (1909)
• India
5 Nov 07
yes even i feel so its better to have a two way love rather than being one sided
@cobradene (1171)
• India
5 Nov 07
Both men and women fall in love. But men don't take time to decide. Men are not scared or tentative when it comes to making decisions in love. But women always are. They are very indecisive when it comes to accepting a man or a proposal of love. The reason being, women are emotional and they can't reason like men do. Men most of the times think from the head, but for women love is only about the heart, and for them no reasoning works when they get emotional and for the fear getting hurt, they take time to decide.
@nixtickleme (349)
• United States
5 Nov 07
I don't completely agree with your statement. I think that you would find that there are just as many men who take time to decide or are "scared and tentative" when it comes to making a decision especially one such as committment or love. I think you have given both men and women a lot less credit by making such a blanket statement. If only things could be so cut and dry- maybe we could really understand each other so much better. However, I believe that women and men are quite similiar. I do believe that overall and in general women and men do think very differently, but to go so far as to say that "all women" or "all men" think this way or the other is a bit of a stretch. I have met emotional men and logical, straight forward, get to the point women. And actually in my experience- often times it is the women who tend to think more logically and as you say "reason" who tend to have a more difficult time deciding what they want. The women who tend to be more emotional tend to just know what they feel, express how they feel and act on those feelings.
Trust me being a woman who sometimes is extremely emotional and other times tries to deal with things logically I know. Whenever, I am making a decision based on emotions- I tend to act right away vs. when I sit back and think about something and logically work it out. Because when I do that I tend to play out all possible scenarios and overthink everything instead of just going with what my gut feels or my heart feels.
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@nixtickleme (349)
• United States
5 Nov 07
I think this is one of those questions that can only be answered on an individual case by case circumstance. We all know that we have met the guy with committment issues. He can never go all the way for his own fears. But, I certainly know just as many women. The sexes are not so simple that we can say well "all men" do this or "all women" do this. Nor do I believe that they have ever been so simple. I think life in general, the world in general is just so much more complicated now than it was 50 years ago that the world now sees that women and men think pretty much the same way or that the typical traits associated with either gender is not as black and white as we had once thought.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
6 Nov 07
I agree with your statement that the world is much more complicated than what it would have been 50 years ago. Nowadays, with more and more nuclear families in our country we find that both boys and girls have different expectations and less tolerance levels and that is why so many things happen in relationships, marriages etc..,
@fanji008 (775)
• China
5 Nov 07
Both men and women will fall in love with others. The difference is that men usually are more brave or more straight to say it out or show it. But women are sometimes shy to say that out but of course they do say yes when the one who they're falling love with asks them at least in their hearts. Some women are brave enough to express their feelings to the guys. And I think those women are becoming more and more in the world.So do guys prefer the girls to say that out first or themselves to speak that out?
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
5 Nov 07
I do not know what guys prefer. But, in an age where there is so much of talk about gender discrimination and equality and where women have proved to the world that gender cannot mar a person's achievements and can in no way, hinder them, in this also , I am sure there is no stopping this equality concept as long as the cards are laid on the table in a straighttforward manner and what the expectations from a relationship are clearly understood and stated.
@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
10 Nov 07
Nice topic, kalav.
".. the injured party refused to accept the other one as his/her partner and said that their aim was to bring awareness and teach a lesson to women/men that they cannot fool around with the other person's emotions."
This term is about he/she is still not forgiving the ex, and mainly he/she ain't yet forgive him/herself, until now. I had seen many of them who try to "last man/girl standing" on this argument, by now they are still living as single life person who didn't want to committed in any kind of new lover relationship with others, even though it's the best guy or best girl who is trying on them.
They had choosing to dedicate themselves to prove to others which the result is a blurry outcome. In the end they fall more deep inside their opinions, getting old without a bit thinking of marriage life which is far beyond from their thoughts, this is not their purpose anymore on it.
The purpose now is, to show the Ex "I can do it, what you said that time was my Weakness, Jerk!"
The awareness...
In fact, it's good motivator indeed for what they are trying to achieve, usually wealth concerned. But, not everybody can have this chance as much as the success one. And when they fail to achieve, the regret will be a lustful depression which is already too late for them to start another one when they had realized it, also due to his/her own age is getting older. This is just one of them which I had met the person in my life.
One word, Revenge.