Ales Jones' movie, "End Game"

the movie, endgame - The movie, endgame, by alex jones, a recently released mockumentary.
@xfahctor (14118)
Lancaster, New Hampshire
November 5, 2007 10:22am CST
I finaly found a copy online and watched this movie the other day. I have to admit, Alex jones can really spin a good arn and there were man elements of truth with in this movie. But the way he ties them all together in to one big conspiricy is simply way beond belief or anything I could consider realit. It contradicts itself in many fundimental ways and I have not had time yet to go pice by pice et and verify all the little tidbits he used. I don't doubt some are true at least to some point but this goes way beyond anything I could consider credible. Anyone seen this movie yet? I'd be interested in your thoughts.
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6 responses
• United States
5 Nov 07
I study economics as it relates to the stock markets. I can tell you Alex is correct that the dollar is being destroyed. The money supply is exploding with an outrageous inflation to soon follow. China does have enough of our dollars and debt to humble the USA mightily. These are indisputable. The question is whether or not this was all by design or incompetance. It is sobering to think about when you look up these facts.
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• United States
5 Nov 07
I'm actually going to purchase "END GAME". It sounds like it is too important to pass up. I agree that the extent of the conspiracy advocated by Jones is ridiculous. Then again, it is hard to see how the government could be so incompetent. It is a puzzler. Neither of the obvious answers to the question of how did we get into this mess seem to be even possible. It is a puzzler.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Nov 07
Nah, don't waste your money, just download it. there are some important things in it and truthfull, but thre arte glaring contradictions in the overall theory, but thats another thrad altogether, anyway. I think as out of it as I think this theory is,m alex jones does serve a purpose. He does remind us that we must always be vigilant of our freedoms, and always watchfull of government and just generaly leep our ees on the world and it's events, never just lay down and believe in something, always ask questions.
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• United States
5 Nov 07
True enough!
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
5 Nov 07
I like Alex quite a bit, but I agree..some things are just rather hard to believe. One reason why I keep an eye on the news he reports and occasionally listen to his radio show...but I don't watch the movies lol. But then again, I don't really blame him if he's just a little loopy or paranoid. I mean alot of the very true things these days are enough to make anyone a little crazy or paranoid -- it's rather hard for ME to stay rational and sane and I like to believe that I'm fairly well educated on the world's happenings heh.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Nov 07
His presense does remind us to always question, always watch and never just lay down and accept.
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• United States
8 Nov 07
That's why I admire him, xfact. We need more people this day and age to remind people to question things and not simply lay down to what the "powers that be", whoever they may be at the time..wish for everyone. As for what you said Mark, I never said I didn't believe in ANYTHING he said. "The New World Order" to me is more of a saying to express the current troubled times we're in, and to suggest that there are people behind it. However, it is difficult to believe in everything any single one person says -- everyone knows that. And if Alex has taught me anything, it's to question everything and everyone, one way or another. If only silently, puzzling over things in my mind. There are many, many troublesome issues this day and age..and the quality of freedom today isn't doing so hot, to be sure. But just because I don't believe in everything Alex says, doesn't mean I believe in nothing. I said I keep and eye on the news he reports and listen to his radio show, didn't I? And he's one of the people who inspired me to keep track of the more important events and try to pay attention to the real news..and not the propaganda that's usually passed for news. Though aye, not all on the news is propaganda..but you have to understand. The media is funded and sponsored by companies. And comanies these days aren't doing so great morally. Many..if not most of the bad things that're goin' on this day and age are at the fault of companies urging individuals with an inkling of power to do something horrible, so that the company will profit from it. its sad, but such is the world we live in. Besides, do I have to agree EXACTLY the same way Alex does to believe its horrible? Or can I believe that this current age is horrible in a different light but still work toward fixing things too?
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 Nov 07
Absolutely, this is what I'm saing, is that he does serve to remind us that there is always the danger of losing what we in this country enjoy. To me as well, "the new world order" is a personification of the loss of freedom to a ruling bod, an ruling, be it our government, the U.N. or a corperation. I believe there are people out there who crave power and control. Do I believe our government and other world governments are in cahoots with the elite rich in a many centuried plot to kill off the population and rule the world? This is simply not a scheme that could survive intact for this long. think about it. Someone who is that hungry for power wants to be around to enjoy the fruits of such power. It's not likely they are going to silently ang digialnty working towards this goal knowing full well that they will not be around when the plan is finaly realizzed. It is highly unlikely that the government officials in england and the U.s. along with the rich elite of that time, were doing this kind of elaborate scheming so that their great great grandfathers could enjoy it. If they wanted it, they had an opertunity durring WWII, they could easily have let hitler roll right over europe and then the u.s., thus giving birth to the new world order on the facists side, likewise, there was plenty of opertunity durring the comunist explosion after WWII for the socialists to grab power and realize their version of the new world order. If we subscribe to this theory, then we by all facts presented in this movie, should already be living in it and we would not even be having this conversation. One glaring contradiction in the movie is that there is a claim that elections are basicaly a show and that the leaders are alread chosen before the voting even starts. This is contradicted later in a statement that a particular would have to be groomed in order to win an election and that the noew world order would not introduce a candidate until he was capable of winning an election. Now if the results are already fixxed, why not just stick your leader in, wh do you need to groom him to win an election? In the next election, just put in all our candidates and take over, if the indeed have that much control over everthing, why are we not alread living in this world dictatorship? I'll close by simply reiterating, ALWAY, ALWAYS, ALWAYS be vigalant and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER stop watching.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
8 Jan 08
No, I have not seen the movie, yet. However, I am very interested in knowing why you, xfahctor, are so obsessed with Alex Jones. This is, I think, the third or fourth discussion you have started on Alex Jones! Thinking of becoming a disciple of Alex Jones? (Laughs)
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
5 Nov 07
I honestly think Alex Jones is onto something. He is at the very least on the right path, but I believe he is actually right on. I don't trust anything the government does. They are not there for the people, they are there for their own eyes and I have my own personal experiences dealing with government to back this up. They are incompetent to a point, but more so, they know exactly what they are doing. They just want control of the population and more power.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Nov 07
he absolutely right on on some of his stuff, i don't dispute man of them, especialy the bulldunky about global warming. but his new world order crusade is just not a practicale or well presented theor, that is, just because there are a number of facts, they are still all unrelated facts and have nothing to do with each other, there is nothing that can tie it all together and give it true credibility.
• United States
18 Nov 07
"Agemac23", it's nice to know that you believe Alex Jones. I think he is 1 of the most professional journalists in the USA. He's a true patriot.
6 Nov 07
I have not seen the film,but based on you description,this film may be suitalbe for me,so,i look at it ,then comment.
• United States
18 Nov 07
Did you watch it yet?
• Canada
16 Oct 09
I really am happy to have found Alex Jones, he has really opened my eyes to many things. I am considered as a nice guy, but now that I am impowered with the truth for many things, it is hard for me to remain that Nice Guy. I keep seening thing happening all around me that don't add up and I am getting tired of it all. Even when I was very young, I have always felt that things in the world did not feel right and I gave many examples to family and friends over the years (I still keep doing it and I am driving everyone around me Crazy), but now I never really leave my house anymore, I just do research on these things. I wonder if I need to do something for myself or just quit obsessing over all this. I really need to get a job (have not worked for over a year) and get out of my house before I go Crazy.