we feel we have no choice
United States
November 5, 2007 11:07pm CST
so many of feel we have no choice we don't want our babies to feel unwanted or not know where they belong or they don't want to say you were unplanned so we aboard. this is ungodly in so many ways and you will never feel relieved just pain and sorrow for your loss and pain from the procedure, you know in some situations people will try to change your mind but once your at the clinic it is what it is. there is no counseling and your alone not like having a baby with friends and familia, no one is allowed to be with you so it feels like a criminal act and afterwards you feel ashamed guilt and deppresion no matter what you do or say you took a life and simce you created it you feel deep depression. so please think about an alternative.
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14 responses
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
6 Nov 07
That is ALL completely UNTRUE!!! Where do you get this stuff? Abortion is a choice, just like any other choice. You had NO right whatsoever to tell anyone what to do with their life or body. You also are in NO position to tell anyone what is "ungodly". Have you spoken to god lately? Did he actually tell you to your face that he doesn't like abortion? Then NO. Get over yourself. Not everyone wants a baby, not everyone thinks having a baby would be a happy, supportive thing. Not everyone even has "friends and family" to have a baby with. Also, no one is allowed in the delivery room, either, you know.
Abortions are far LESS painful than any childbirth would ever be, and has far fewer risks to the woman's health and well-being. And not all women get depressed or lonely or guilty after they get an abortion. www.imnotsorry.net is FULL of women who are happy about their abortions and DON'T regret them or feel guilty about them. Abortion is a CHOICE that every single woman in the world is entitled to and it CAN be the right choice.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
6 Nov 07
You have a terrible attitude, gloom!
Yes, abortion is murder in the eyes of God. The Bible says that God knew us before we were ever born and that we were wonderfully and fearfully made.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
6 Nov 07
You are ridiculously judgmental and self-righteous. Who's to say that he doesn't "know" that a fetus is going to be aborted? Why does "he knew you" have to mean he planned an 80-year life? What about miscarriages, stillbirths, SIDS, car accidents? Not every fetus lives to be a senior, so why can't a woman decide to not gestate any given pregnancy?
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
6 Nov 07
When you purposely and knowingly take the life of an unborn child...that is murder. You cannot compare that to stillborn, etc. The mother did not cause it.
You know better or at least I would hope you would know better!
God bless.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Not everyone thinks a pregnancy is a "gift" and women are not obligated to carry every pregnancy they befall. Adoption is only an option if the woman is willing to stay pregnant. If she's not, then too bad. That's her body, her choice. A fetus is not a "child" or a "baby" it's an organism that has no thoughts, feelings, awareness, sentience or anything. That's hardly "a life".
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
28 Nov 07
Well many people feel that children are a gift. We all have to be a child before we become an adult. If you don't want children, fine. But those who do want and have children, don't put their children down. They are human beings too.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 Nov 07
"you will never feel relieved just pain and sorrow for your loss and pain from the procedure"
LOL EXCUSE ME?! wow thats totally out in left field! Yes I did feel pain and sorrow for my "loss" for a SHORT time after BUT I to this day dont regret it in the slightest...It was an unfortunate necessity at that time...AND it was the right choice for the sake of myself, my husband and my two other living children...
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@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
10 Nov 07
Thread starter, my friend, please feel below one before make a judgment on this one,
"...she was raped 1 months ago, and had done the law's part of putting the suspect into jail a week ago. Now she waited for the next month's cycle, test the urine for the first time in bathroom. She was shocked, positive.
She waited for half month and check the deal, the same result, positive. She went to doctor, the check up later, the doc congratulated her for being a mom."
Now, talking about your perception about abortion is unGodly and "no one is allowed to be with you so it feels like a criminal act and afterwards you feel ashamed guilt and depression..".
If you are the girl above one, what will you do? Raise the kid, who the father is the raper that you put him in jail for what he had done to you? You don't have a depression on this one, no..? Then I salute you.
If you are not, then think of your spouse, said to him, "I don't want to abort it, I want to raise it." Think of his feeling. Think and think and re-think. Still be a "Last Standing Girl"?
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Except that *most* do and just because your sister kept it does NOT mean that every other woman should be forced to as well. I'm sorry, but that's just sick.
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@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
24 Nov 07
It depends on each personality, whether she wants to or not to. It's absurd to make an assumption as well choosing this one is the perfect, but the other's not. I'm just giving a comment towards what the thread stater's statement. In this case, it depends on each measurement of how to face the life, example karma, or etc.
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@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
27 Nov 07
I don't believe in aborting just because you don't want the baby. That is truley selfish. There are so many childless couples out there who'd desperately want that baby. I'm not saying you, just generally. I've had to terminate a pregnancy as it turned septic. Was so hard to do. There was still a heartbeat, but as I had been hit by a car some weeks earlier, the placenta had detatched and the baby was dying. Hard thing to do, but I know i made the right choice. I'm alive and now have 4 kids!
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
27 Nov 07
It's truely selfish for some arrogant, infertile bigot to assume that any female with a functional uterus is required to carry children just for them when there are already millions of orphans and foster kids who are already trapped in the system that they refuse to adopt because they aren't the "right" age or race.
Just because you wanted kids and can't imagine choosing to get an abortion doesn't make you universally "right". I never, ever want kids under any circumstance and can't imagine choosing to gestate a pregnancy to term, that doesn't mean I should prohibit every female who wants kids from having them just because I disagree. Why would you do that to other women? Childbearing is a choice, not an obligation.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
27 Nov 07
"I agree with you there, but what about these women that don't use birth control at all, get pregnant, and then say oh well I never wanted it to begin with. I do know that taking the pill is no guarantee, had first hand experience with that, but it is the resposibility of both parties to prevent pregnancy if it isn't wanted."
What about them? They're so far in the minority that I don't even bother talking about them. Theres really no way to regulate that kind of thing because there's no real way to prove it and any real restrictions would effect the rest of us too greatly to justify it. And women with an "irresponsible" amount of pregnancies are usually "encouraged" to get sterilized. And what do you mean "both parties are responsible"? WHat difference does it make if it fails anyway? It's the woman's choice at that point anyway.
"You enjoy your kid free life. It sounds as though you have your plan and are sticking to it. Good for you!"
I intend to, thank you.
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@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
27 Nov 07
I agree with you there, but what about these women that don't use birth control at all, get pregnant, and then say oh well I never wanted it to begin with. I do know that taking the pill is no guarantee, had first hand experience with that, but it is the resposibility of both parties to prevent pregnancy if it isn't wanted.
Your choice not to have children is yours. I respect that. I'll make up the numbers for you. At last count I have 22 more to go! lol. Hey, working on catching up for my aunty and uncle.
You enjoy your kid free life. It sounds as though you have your plan and are sticking to it. Good for you!
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
6 Nov 07
But i do feel the way you are talking (dontuwanna)is not right.. " We dont want o0ur babies to feel unwanted or not know were they belong,or be told they were unplanned"
so just kill them???? that is the answer.. sound veary selfish to me.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
6 Nov 07
Yes, I agree. It is very selfish. Everyone deserves the chance to live. God has a plan for every single life.
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@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
26 Nov 07
For me that is true. The value of life is more important than anything else you have in you. You have to be responsible enough to stand for the life you've created inside of you. For those that say that there is no life yet they are completely wrong about it.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Yes, the value of life is more important than anything. MY life, not that of some unwelcome, unwanted, parasitic, non-sentient organism. I didn't "create" anything, it's a bodily function that I ultimately have no control over. I so, however, have control over whether it stays there or not. And no, it is not a human life, it's a developing organism, not a person, not a baby.
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@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
Whatever you have no choice, abortion is a crime. Abortion is an absolutely wrong and it is a crime of murder. And absolutely I am not favor for this. And I think the fetus have life and like us she/he have a right to see this wonderful world.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I don't agree one bit with painting every woman who's ever been faced with making that choice with such a broad brush. It shouldn't FEEL like a criminal act because it ISN'T one! You say "think about an alternative" but there isn't always one. I have no problem with someone knowing all their options but I do have a problem with those who WANT women who choose to abort to feel guilty and depressed. It isn't yet a baby in the first trimester, it's a fetus with no brain function or nerve-endings. It feels no pain, contrary to what some of the anti-choice crowd would have you believe. For many it is a hard choice to make and I think it's wrong to try to make it even harder for them. It's not a murder, it's not a crime and it's only a "sin" if you choose to think of it as such.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
16 Nov 07
First, most clinics in the US do offer counseling. You are able to bring a supportive friend or your partner with you if you choose to. It is not a criminal act nor is it 'like a criminal act'. It is a safe, legal & medical procedure.
Further many women are alone raising children. If your partner abandons you, if your family abandons you or if you need to take yourself away from your partner or family for your own safety; having a child will not magically change those situations.
Finally many women experience depression after a pregnancy whether that pregnancy ends in a termination, a miscarriage or in the birth of a perfect & healthy baby. The hormones of pregnancy can cause depression for any woman, regardless of how she feels about the pregnancy.
Women have the right to decide for themselves how they wish to deal with an unplanned pregnancy. If allowed to make her own decision, based on her beliefs & her situation she's less likely to experience depression than if she is forced to do something against her wishes.
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@Moliliuzu (140)
• China
10 Nov 07
Yes,the boby deserves the chance to live.So do you!You have right to live better.If having the unplaned boby really impact your current life, you have the choices to abortion.It all depends on you attitude.Whatever you do,think deeply and clearly,so you won't regret.
@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
20 Jan 08
And what kind of response is this? The poster didn't say she was pregnant. She simply asked a question and obviously since you didn't know how to answer it, you just made something up to earn half a cent.
I feel sorry for you.
@shelbyo (19)
• Canada
20 Nov 07
to respond to this i think it is every womans choose this from a woman who has had 7 miscarrieges and can't have ababy no matter how hard i try to my sister who had an unplanned preganancy and had an abortion i was with her all the way on what ever she wanted it was her choose even though she knew i would take the baby in a heart beat but if the only choose you can see is abortion think about adoption there are so many people that would die for that little child and they would never think of that child as unwanted thats just my thought on it but for those people that just can't think of that and they decide to abort that is their given right and no one should make them feel less for it i wouldn't
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
27 Nov 07
Shellfish knows plenty. If I remember correctly, she used to be a social worker or something along those lines, so don't impugn her intelligence. She's right.
But please explain how the adoptive process changes if the child is already in the system versus about to be in the system? And what makes you think the high cost of adoption and the bigotry of the very concept of a waiting list gives you or anyone the right to force a female to carry a child for you because you can't? How is it her fault that her uterus works and yours doesn't? She doesn't owe anyone anything and she has the right to live her life her way and pursue her own happiness.
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@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
26 Nov 07
"so many people that would die for that little child"
There are plenty of "little children" in orphanages and foster homes right now. Go adopt one. =)
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