Does your friends respond to all you discussions?

@toteles (148)
November 5, 2007 11:53pm CST
Let's accept it guys, one reason why we are adding friends here in my lot is to respond to our discussions. Does they really repond?
5 people like this
16 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
6 Nov 07
I think it is impossible to respond to all topics as I know I have so many friends on my list and of course I have to have some interest in the topic but most I can try.
@toteles (148)
• Philippines
6 Nov 07
Thanks for responding, im so happy that you approve my request may God bless you...
@Molinda (77)
• China
6 Nov 07
no,I reply all of my friend discussion,but only three or less repond me.maybe my discussion not interest them.I think i should do better.whatever,i trust ,The more effort you make.the more response you,if there is no one respond you,don't lose heart,keep reading and responding others' discussion will have more ture friend.
@toteles (148)
• Philippines
6 Nov 07
Just continue starting new discussions, who knows one of your discussion will be much appreciated...
• China
6 Nov 07
ye,,i will . :)
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Nov 07
All of them don't respond to all of my discussions but they all respond to some of them. It's too much for anyone to ask that a friend respond to every one, especially if it's someone who's been here awhile and has a large friends list. Just be a good friend yourself and respond to those that interest you and that you can add something to and when you start a discussion make it something interesting and the replies will come, trust me! Welcome to myLot and good luck! Annie
@toteles (148)
• Philippines
6 Nov 07
Thanks for the approval.,,Good Luck also...
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
6 Nov 07
Well, they don't always respond to my discussions but i don't mind it... i don't start a lot of discussions and sometimes only a few are can relate to what i started... I also can't respond to all the discussion my friends start because it is quite impossible since some of my friends can like start 10 discussions in one day... i only choose those that i can relate to or those that i have something to say...
@toteles (148)
• Philippines
6 Nov 07
Thanks for responding...
• India
11 Nov 07
yea.. i have some five to six friends who respond to my topics and in turn i also respond to their's topic. But mostly i prefer in responding to my friends topic than starting my own discussion. It gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction.. Another thing i must point out here, i see some people here who start the topic for increasing the posts sake, a lot of one liners, to which i avoid, even if they are in my friends list. Just relax and have a nice day.
@JowJie (271)
• Philippines
11 Nov 07
i would like to respond to all but i dont have much time though...there are also discussion where i'm not familiar with the topic or i dont know what to say :)
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
7 Nov 07
I don't expect all my friends to reply to every single discussion I make here on Mylot because that wouldn't be feasibly possible, some subjects some people don't know anything about, so to respond would be pointless and I certainly wouldn't expect them too! To be honest I am appreciative of any reply I get and if my friends don't want to respond then no probs! Doesn't worry me.
• United States
10 Nov 07
Truthfully, no. And I don't respond to all their's either because I'm not on here much for one, and sometimes I have nothing to give to the discussion. You do raise a good point tho. We should try to be more conscientious of our efforts.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
11 Nov 07
I agree with you that we do hope our friends really respond to our discussions after adding them to our friends list. Some of the friends in my friends list did response one of my discussions before I was requested as his friends. Then later he never replied any more though I had responded many of his discussions lol It is quite interesting to have friends who would to reciprocate responses every now and then. Anyhow it seems impossible for anyone to respond to all the discussions of his friend. Because not all the questions he would like to answer for certain reasons.
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
10 Nov 07
Most of mine don't. But, I try to. If the discussion is about something that I can contribute to, I will. Some of the conversations that are posted, I cannot give an intelligent answer to, so I don't.
• United States
10 Nov 07
It all depends on the question. If my post is about a general subject, then most of my friends do respond. But if my post is about a American Football or any other sport, only my friends that are into that sport respond.I am the same. I will only respond to posts that interest me and i have something to add. And sometimes I like the post but I have nothing to add. When that happens, I rated the post and go to the next.
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
No, not all friends of mine will reply to all the discussions that I have started. I am not disappointed because they might be uninterested with my topic. But there are some who constantly respond to my posts. So, I gave them a positive rating and I always respond to their discussions also.
@pinay81 (1535)
• Philippines
10 Nov 07
they respond but not all of my discussion only the topic they want to response even me if i like their topic and easy for me i response but not all the time:-)
• United States
8 Nov 07
Actually, I don't accept friends for them to respond to my discussions. I accept them because they have asked me to. Maybe they want me to respond to their discussions. I don't mind.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
7 Nov 07
Hello toteles, When I start a discussion, I have a high hope that all of my friends, or maybe most of them will respond to my discussion. But, there are just too many aspects and reasons why these friends can't respond. I won't blame them or mark those who never respond or never leave a comment for my response. I fully understand why it happens and we couldn't just force others to follow our way of making this site a fun site for all. But, honestly speaking I do feel sad sometimes when my discussion didn't get a good amount of responses. I can't do anything about it. Whatever it is, I am still happy to be able to respond to others and am happy to see that I still get some responses from others *smiles*
@Bada711 (42)
• China
7 Nov 07
so far,they have not done yet.but i think that they maybe to buzy and have no time to response me.i'll keeping waiting.