The Golden Compass Movie Debate....

United States
November 6, 2007 11:37am CST
I am sure many of you have heard the heated debate over the movie due out in December, The Golden Compass. All you have to do is type in Golden Compass Movie Debate in your search bar and you will be brought to HUNDREDS of blogs and other opinion websites with this debate. Apparently people are thinking this movie is being used to get kids to want the books. And once you get further into the trilogy you understand the books are about killing god. They are written by a very outspoken atheist and the books are all about not believing in god or any religion for that matter. I am very much the person that would say to each there own, but when a childrens movie is being used I think this is very scary.... what other opinions are out there?
1 response
• United States
8 Nov 07
I doubt that the reason this movie is being made is to draw children into atheism. More likely the book had a good plot so they wanted to make a movie about it. Not everyone in this country is Christian. I, for one, am looking forward to it but won't be able to see it until it is out on DVD or cable (can't afford the movies with 4 kids). My kids will watch it with me just like they did all the Harry Potter movies and Narnia and the Lord of the Rings. We don't believe in god. But, I don't think people should go around judging the movies and books if they haven't actually read them and just because the author or Snopes or whatever says the books are about killing god doesn't mean that when you read it you will pick up on that. I have talked to many people (including Christians) that have read the books and never picked up that they killed "god" in the end. It went right over their heads. I haven't read the books but from snippets I have seen it seems like the books are more about killing the idea of needing a god or "killing" the idea of needing an organized religion to dictate a person's life. Which I agree with since I am an atheist. I don't believe you need religion or god to live a good, moral life. And in the book/movie the church/religion torture people so why would you want to keep them? The movie takes place in a different dimension. It isn't our world.
• United States
9 Nov 07
Thanks for the great response. Either way, I believe this should be an interesting debate the closer it gets to the movie opening. The movie looks fantastic, but has also picked up criticism from being the anti "god" version of Narnia. Very interesting....