the world will end in 2012- nostradamus
By elemental69
@elemental69 (1561)
November 6, 2007 9:42pm CST
Nostradamus is in the newspapers again after 500 years dead!!! The world will end on 31 dec 2012. World war III in 2008. How many of you believe in his predictions? World war III is probably unavoidable with wars all over the world, but do you think he is right? Did you ever wonder how he could tell all these things? Anyone out there to enlighten us???
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14 responses
@HomeFlower (987)
• Canada
7 Nov 07
I don't think my response will enlighten or inform but I believe his predictions are subject to interpretation. I read parts of the Nostradamus gigantic book and to be quite honest, most of it was so vague it can be interpreted and manipulated in a dozen different ways.
Not to mention that it was originally written in one language and translated into all others - that usually leads to some inaccuracies.
Of course this is just my opinion
My 2 cents worth for the 2 cents it's worth ;)
@elemental69 (1561)
• Ireland
7 Nov 07
Lol... I tend to agree with you. By the time its translated so many times and by so many people I would say that it was well out of proportion.... Thanks for sharing your 2 cents worth!!! :-)
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@HomeFlower (987)
• Canada
7 Nov 07
My two cents worth is lots of words huh?
Can you imagine if I wrote a whole quarters worth LOL
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
20 Nov 07
He did not say the world would end in 2012, However this date of 12,21,2012 will mark the date we the prosession will pass us thrugh the thirteenth sign of the zodiac which is assosiated with the "anti-christ". His methode of "seeing" these things was to gave into a copper dish with sertain names and symbols etched into it, including the angel Aniel, It is of a kabalistic way of divenation. There are actualy thirteen signs in the zodiac and we have a prosession thrugh them, each lasting about 2000 years, but we will brefly pass thrugh the constalation Ophiocus " the serpent holder" befor passing to the age of Aquarious. this is the Galactic center, and the sun earth and moon will align with the center of the Universe on this date and this is also the exspected time of the revealing of the Anti-Christ. Threre will be a great war preceeding his arivel that he will be involve in ending with a treaty with many nations. many will see him as a "massiah" saveing them from enialation or "armageton", only to break the treaty three years later. Interestingly he will have his seat of power in a city in Iraq (Babylon), though he himself will not be from this country, including Iraq he will over throw two other countries, and form an aliance with seven other countries, including Turkey, Syria, Iran, Sudi Arabia, and Lybia, Jordan and Egypt will remain nutral though. He will also align himself with a far eastern country (China), and after three years he will break the treaty and atack the west including, Isriel, Europe, and the USA. It will be the Rusian Federation who will attack from the north of his seat of power "Iraq" that will then couse a domesday senario to playout with a global nuclear confrontaion. Luckly this age of Ophiocus is a very short one. After this will be a time of Global inlightenment.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
22 Nov 07
I don't know what to think of Nostardamus..but any one can see there are many signs in nature and many many signs in the violence that is constantly occuring..I think we just have to always be ready for whenever the end will come.
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@deepseadolphin (88)
• Hong Kong
27 Nov 07
There probably be a World War III PC game launched in 2008 with online-multiplayer functions ^_^
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
10 Nov 07
Hey, no way… I promise my father to buy him his favorite car using my own money and by 2012, I think I’m still working it out. Hehe… I don’t believe it unless I see something that could prove me right. World war 3 in 2008, I don’t think so as well. I mean I know there’s war going on in some part of the world but not in my country (I hope…)
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I am actually very intrested in this subject I have done a lot of research and saw the documentry on national geographic chanell about this date. And I must say it is very intresting but at the same time pretty scary since a lot of people way back then predicted that something will happen on this date which I dont really beleave anything will happen but the day before I know I will be scared about what could happen the next day.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
8 Nov 07
Hi elemental69! I have heard so many predictions of Nostradamus that have already came true and have taken place but I am not really sure if I believe it or not because I always have known that no one can ever predict the end of the world and that is written in the Bible. I however wouldn't be surprise if another world war will take place because of the wars that are being waged right now. I just hope and fervently wish it won't come true. There is no victory in war. I just hope that people will learn from history and try to co-exist harmoniously with each other. Power and greed are evil ways and I hope people won't resort to killings just to attain their success. Just my thoughts my friend. Take care and let us all pray for world peace. Have a nice day.
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
7 Nov 07
First of all, the prediction of the end of the world on that date is credited to the Mayans, as that will be when their famous carved calendar is no longer effective.
The 'prophesies' of Nostradamus have never been proven... his writings are so vague that they can be taken to predict world events, or events in each person's daily life. It's the interpretation of these writings that make it seem as though they are factual.
The reason behind the renewed interest in Nostradamus is due to a new program on the History Channel that purports to be based on a 'newly discovered' book, even though this has not been authenticated as having been written by Nostradamus. It is quite different from the previous books. There has also been a new video game called 'Nostradamus' released recently...
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@conrada1923 (79)
• Philippines
8 Nov 07
I don't know the belief of Nostradamus whether he was a Christian or not. But if he predicted that the world will end in 2012 then probably he was not a Christian. In the bible it says there that no one will know the end of the world. Signs will be given . Earthquakes, famines , calamities, wars , etc. But the exact date no one knows. The bible says not even the angels of God. Even the Son of God doesn't know. Only the Father who is in Heaven. Therefore how could Nostradamus have known that ??
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@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
8 Nov 07
Lets beat that 2012...will each one of us here alow world war o course the decision is with us people..We have to think of the other generations to come. This world aint worth dying because of those people who is just power hungry and they are too greedy to over power us. We cannot avoid war but we can initiate peace.
And as for nostradamus' predictions, he is never been a god, he predicts a lot of things and some of them really happened but who is he to say that this world will end..DOnt let him scare you. If the time comes it will really come but let us enjoy life and live on what is right and have faith..As they say.." Prayers Moves MOuntains" so why dont we pray and BE ONE!
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@shakirabijin (79)
• Philippines
8 Nov 07
Hmmm.. I don't know and I don't think so. There's a lot of predictions about the world's end but none of it came true.
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@davidsmith4 (111)
• United States
7 Nov 07
I watched a few shows predicting this date also, something to do with an asteroid hitting the world (armageddon all over again the movie?). I also watched something on how he appositively predicted 9/11 also. Who knows. I guess we'll see if WW3 starts next year.
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