What do you think of the new assist ability?
By uath13
@uath13 (8192)
United States
November 7, 2007 7:01am CST
Its kinda nice for some skills like crafting or herblore where you can loan your skills for a few seconds to help a friend out. Many of the other skills are outright stupid. I have lots of people asking me to loan them my fishing, mining, woodcutting, hunter skills. They expect me to stand there for 20 minutes while they do something when all I get is the xp. I could as easily do the task myself , get the xp & the rewards. So why??? Just because I have high skills dosen't mean I don't need the materials for my own use. One guy even asked to use my mining skill so he could mine runeite in the hero's guild when I'm standing there with a pick. DUH... NO... Maybe in a few days the stupidity will die down.
What's your take on the new update?
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12 responses
@darkaeon (465)
• Portugal
8 Nov 07
hi, i dont like the new assist system at all, even if it is for helping unexperiencing players, now noobs are always boring us to loan our skills and its not fair even if it is only for a while that a unxperienced player to have my skills that i worked for a long time,its my opinion.
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@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
10 Nov 07
darkaeon, have you never been asked to say identify (now it's classed as cleaning) a herb, cut a gem, make some armour or smith a weapon ect... by a lower lvled player that has all the items needed, just not the lvl?
well that is what this system is for, it is so that items aren't scammed out of those lowere lvled players who used to have to trust people with their items, now they can do it themselves, but you still get the exp.
certain skills on this are stupid, but overall it's a good idea.

@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
10 Nov 07
my views on this new system aren't far from yours, it's a great idea for certain skills (herblore and crafting are the best ones for me) and really bad for other skills.
on the first day, just to test it out, i helped a freind with fishing, now at the time i didn't mind, i was busy chatting to that person and answering questions to those that hadn't actually read the knowlege database and didn't know how to use the system, i also helped my friend with the cooking of the sharks she caught lol.
but as jagex have made it so that you can't move or do anything while assist is on, it makes having the skills of fishing, mining, wood cutting and hunter pretty redundnant on the req assist options anyway.
i really can't imagine that there will be many high lvl players that would basically want to give away things, and that's what it is... i have 86 wc and if i wanted to spend a good 20 minutes gathering yews or magic logs just to give 28 to someone else for free, then i would have done that myself, not used the req assist and stood around doing nothing for that time.
the idea behind the new system is good, not needing to trade things like gems, hides, herbs ect... just to get them cut, crafted or cleaned is great, you no longer need to worry that the person helping is going to log off or run away, but like all new things jagex bring out, they need refining to make them better.
personally i have turned off the things i don't want to assist with, so even if someone asks for my assistance with those skills, they wont get it.
as for charging for these skills to be used, i suppose it could work. the person requiring the assistance could get a message in the chat box that says something like "to catch a shark, you will need 500gp per shark you wish to catch" and each shark caught would deduct 500gp from that players invent and place it in your own. but it's doubtful jagex would do that... i mean i have no idea how much coding that would take lol.
the most likely scenario is that they will end up changing this and remove them rather than charge less experienced players for using our more experienced skills.
over all it's not a bad thing, for me personally just through helping a couple of friends and a few people that asked me (ones i didn't know before) i have gained about 70-80k exp in a few days to things like herblore, crafting and cooking.

@waluigi1040 (215)
7 Nov 07
i think overall its a good update, you could help out a person without them worrying about you doing a runner with their stuff, but there are also some bad points which u mentioned, i.e the stupidity, how dumb can you get??
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Jagex's thinking wasn't bad. It's the stupid ways people try to take advantage of it thats annoying me. I'm gettin tired of people asking if they can borrow this or that skill when its some skill that will just leave me standing there for hours on end.
Seriously , why should I stand there for 10 minutes so some level 3 can fish sharks when I could catch them myself in that time & then sell them? There's an idea, charge by the minute for people to use your skills....
@waluigi1040 (215)
9 Nov 07
Now thats the best idea ive heard since req assistance has come out. =P
@Joopa20 (138)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I think it's great. I got a little bit of exp for it though. This guy was a cooking noob. I have level 61 cooking so I said I'd lend him 10 minutes of my time. It turns out I got level 62 cooking with him. But I could have got 63 cooking if he hadn't burn all those swordfish! I stopped assisting him after he asked for 30 minutes extra. Anyways it's pretty good, but I hate it when people do stupid things. See you all around!
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@FLBFranck (69)
• Canada
14 Nov 07
I think so too.More about not being able to move,the last time i checked,we could'nt get experience from skills.Maybe it is changed now but as i said i think so too they are only few skills that can be useful for loan but i too wont give all my time on a noob that will waste it by fishing fishes that he can't cook.See you all around
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Nov 07
They've now removed the gathering skills like fishing, mining , woodcutting & hunter from the skills that can be loaned. The forems were lit up with complaints about those skills being on there. If you loan any of the remaining skills & the lower level person uses them you will get the same xp as if you'd have done it.
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@mattchua (229)
• Changi, Singapore
12 Nov 07
its a good idea. think of how rich you can be by using others skills yet protect your items form scamming. The other stands to gain by getting higher into the high scores and tons of xp to the next level.
@sammie243 (14)
11 Nov 07
I've helped my friends out a few times, i have lvl 79 woodcutting and one of my friends is lvl 53, he only wanted the xp so i used his lvl and cut mages, because i'm lvl 79 i can still cut them so he got the xp and i got the logs, win win really.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I happen to like the ability now. It was when they first put it out & they included the gathering skills that it was lame. Nobody wanted to stand in the middle of the impling maze while someone else catches the implings for half an hour or standing in a mine while someone else mines the runeite using your skills while you got nothing. Fortunantly they fixed that & all the noobs have stoped asking for it. That was the annoying part, constantly telling the noobs NO!
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