Self-Sufficient Living in NZ

United States
November 8, 2007 1:25pm CST
I am American. However - I do not necessarily enjoy America. I am not proud of what we do nowadays and I find no real niche to claim in society besides playing music that I believe people might listen to. This is for all you New Zealanders: If I were to relocate to New Zealand, would there be a place for me to live without giving away my wealth and services to someone else? In New Zealand, are there any rather unregulated areas that I could simply build a house on, raise my sheep, cattle, whatever, and just live? I would be growing my own fruits and vegetables year-round in and out of greenhouses, and would basically be a self-sufficient farmer. My only means of income would be be selling homemade hard cider, ale, and my fresh vegetables, and of course traveling every once in a while to the city to play a few gigs. Is this reasonable? Is this POSSIBLE to do in New Zealand? I ask only because it does seem so. Somewhere across those vast hills must be a community or area that would allow me to do those things and live independently. New Zealanders, or humans alike: please fill me in on this very curious thought of mine.
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4 responses
• Philippines
8 Nov 07
Hello Bonjonner! I am not living in new zealand but your discussion caught my interest because like you I also "do not necessarily enjoy" living in my home country. Since I got cousins who settled in nz four years ago and are now fully contented living there, i am inspired to relocate as well. they advised me to check this website for me to get lots of info regarding travelling, migrating and living in nz and i wish to share it with you and hopefully would be of help in your desire to migrate to nz: GOOD LUCK!!!
• China
15 Nov 07
I uesd to think I can fulfil my rural dream in New Zealand. But it seems impossible now. Since I met a man and he has his career in big cities.But I didn'tgive up my dream, sometimes human had to make compromise with the reality. I admire you for looking for your own way to live, avoid to make yourself the slave of modern life style. I can only stand on the crowded pavement and travel in my dream world.
• United States
15 Nov 07
that's your own personal choice. and you will suffer because you do not enjoy it.
@ptotheb (229)
• New Zealand
23 Nov 07
Hey, I really dont know why you are trying to move away from america. I was living in america too but I'm now in new zealand. although new zealand is being greatr, I have to say it is kind of boring. Besides the cost of living is very high unless you have a permanent residency. Well other than that new zealand is one hellova good country.
• China
23 Nov 07
I think it is possible in New Zealand. The ship in New Zealand is ten times than New Zealanders, so there must be a lot of farms in New Zealand. And air in New Zealand is very fresh, it is really a nice place to live.