Can You Make the world As 1??

Hand In Hand - Hand In hand..One Nation
@ayou82 (3450)
November 10, 2007 12:11am CST
There are so many people who wants to make the world as 1. No racial discriminations,No war..Everybody wants PEACE in this world. If you are given a chance to Make The world As 1..Will you do it?? How Will you do it..Try to give your best response as the World needs to hear your heart. GoodLuck!
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5 responses
• United States
11 Nov 07
No because then the world will be boring.
• India
10 Nov 07
You have started a thought provoking Topic. Yes every body wants peace.They choose different methods.It is a very difficult task for an individual to carry out. However I suggest some technics. See whether they are acceptable to others. Try to fulfill the basic needs:Food and shelter promote opportunity to work and earn livelyhood.Make every one self dependent Provide education to gain confidence to live in peace. Generate friendship among people. Cultivate the habbit of responding positve felling and equality among them. Make them to realise the importance of unity in diversity. Accept the reality and the Facts. Cultivate the ways to emotional management.Encourage them to develop the skill and talent. These are all some ways for which we need a good team all over the world.
@tsnadeer (88)
• India
10 Nov 07
that is not possible to world as 1, because we are the human are produced wihich such mind set, even they are saying world is reduced as global village, but the view of each men not wide, they can see only one side of the earth as only for his profit other side he will never care so that is for his lavish life he wish to do business globally and to make more profits.
• Philippines
10 Nov 07
the world is already as that of the tower of in disobeying God.
• United States
10 Nov 07
Of course everyone wants peace and everyone would do it if they could, the problem is people don't realize that one by one they can make a difference. personally, If I knew tomorrow that I could make the whole world as one, i would no doubtly do it. the problem is, it wouldn't stay like that for long because it seems like everyone in this world just wants to fight with one another for no reason. Like the fight with the americans against the middle east right now. Ameircans tend to not like them, and they tend to not like us. Why? Because of things other people in their countries have done. If everyone just came up the prejudice, the world would already be as one.