I Think He's Depressed
By girljar
@girljar (287)
United States
November 10, 2007 11:10pm CST
My husband and I were separated for about six months earlier this year. I moved to Florida, and he moved here to be with me. I have always known he hates Florida. But he came here, so we could put our marriage and our family back together. My friend's husband gave him a job, which he hates. I don't understand why he hates it so much; the benefits can't be beat, and the perks are unbeatable. He gets a company van to drive, which save us wear and tear on our personal vehicles, gas, and the expense of having to purchase another car. We get full digital cable, telephone with free long distance, free DVR, free cable boxes in each room, 2 free pay-per-view movies per month, and the rest are half price-all that for $20/mo. He has the best insurance we have ever had-but he hates it. I have caught him crying a few times in the morning before work, and there are little signs that, I think, he cries every day before work. I know he hates Florida-the weather, the people, the cost of living...and I think he misses being near his family, even though they aren't a 'close' bunch. I told him I think he should get counseling or something, but he just shrugs it off. It's getting to the point that I'm feeling really mean about it. I really just want to tell him to 'suck it up' and go to work, do your job, and come home. But I can't do that. He's lost a lot of weight, when he couldn't really afford to lose any. He's got an 'I don't care' attitude toward his job, which is totally unlike anything I have ever seen from him. I don't know what to do for him, at this point. A part of me wants to tell him to pack his sh** and go back to Indiana. But a lot of why we got back together is our teenage son (14). He was having a hard time with us being apart. He cried all the time, and was having stomach problems every day, etc. I don't know. Thanks for listening. (reading) [check out my link in my profile]
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8 responses
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
11 Nov 07
Your husband and your son seem to be highly sensitive people. You one the other hand, do not paint a very pretty picture of yourself. Your husband sounds like a really great guy, who most women would love to marry. There must be a really good reason for the way you treat him.
Does he verbally abuse you? Beat you? He surely must be the cheating type, or is he simply too nice for you? If I had a man like you described, I would cherish him like a king. Just my 2 cents.
@girljar (287)
• United States
11 Nov 07
Okay, first, I never said I treated him any way in particular at all. I said there were thing I WANTED to say, but I didn't. Second, yes, he is a really great guy, but has it ever occurred to you, that just because someone is 'great', you don't always like them? Just differences in personalities. And, yes, most women would love to marry him. And I have cherished him, but after awhile, it's like I was cherishing the 'idea' of him, and not really him. And after 21 years of marriage, I have realized that I don't really know him at all. I'm sorry, I can't help how I feel. Maybe he is 'too nice for me', I don't know. All I know is, we feel more like roommates than married.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
11 Nov 07
After 21 years of marriage, I could see how it could become stale. But, what are you doing to liven it up again? Do something new and exciting that you will both love. You know what your husband likes, do it. I know for a fact that when things get better in his marriage, they will get better in every other area of his life.
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@girljar (287)
• United States
11 Nov 07
I have done everything humanly possible to 'spice it up'. He doesn't like to do anything. I'm a 'doer', he's not. Like I said, difference in personalities. We are complete opposites in every way. We have done marriage counseling, a couple of times. Bottom line...we've done everything we can, but we can't change who we are.
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@gemini13 (333)
• India
11 Nov 07
well.....money the benifits...salary..and bla bla are not important..what is important is u and ur family living together and living happily...its not just ur husband who needs counselling all three of u need a counselling or atleast have a healthy discussion about how u all want to live..u can find different ways to be happy even with a low income...u just seem to b very..i care a damn about other's emotions kind of a person the way u've told everything...u hv emphasised on the economic details it shows u give more importance to money.....instead of saying u know what ur husband's problems...u must sit with him...be patient and ask him what exactly his problem is.....
am sorry if i have been rude....
but i think i hv made my point and hope u wud take it ....easily...have a cool mind think about it...

@mogie_systems (70)
• United States
12 Nov 07
maybe your the problem and you should just leave. you called yourself a bi___.
@girljar (287)
• United States
11 Nov 07
My family will never live 'happily' together. I KNOW you can do things to be happy on a low income. We can't SURVIVE without his income. I have told him that if he's not happy, he needs to look for something else, even if we lose the benefits. He is off 3 workdays every week, and he hasn't used any of that time looking for another job. NONE. So don't beat me up for being a cold hearted bit**; he has the option of finding something else, he hasn't done it. Not my fault. I hate that he's miserable, but yeah, maybe I'm a little 'hard', but I just think if you're miserable, and let everybody know it, you should do something about it. If you don't want to do something about it, then shut the **** up, and quit youre whining. I have tried to sit down and talk to him, and support him, but he won't talk to me. I asked him yesterday morning what was wrong, as he was moping over his daily itenerary, and he said nothing. I said, you're lying, and he said, "yeah". And that was it. I have tried, til I'm blue in the face, to get him to open up and talk to me, but he won't do it. And I do care how he feels, but after awhile, it gets old. I have spend 22 years trying not to 'hurt his feelings'; that's why I married him in the first place. Maybe that's why I get so angry when he cries. I don't know. Yes, it's nice to have a sensitive man, who isn't afraid to cry...but all the time? I'm sorry, but that just really gets old after awhile. So, call me what you will, but I only have so much effort left in me...
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@chamberd1 (240)
• United States
11 Nov 07
You should punch your husband and son in the face. hit the bridge to break the nose safelly and still give them two black eyes. Now they have something to bring tears to there eyes. I am not sympathetic to all this crying and stomach holding. My mom would never allow such behavior without a well founded reason. Even then it was only allowed for a limited amount of time before she would push us outside into a blizzard and tell us to go get some firewood (chopped fresh to order).
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
11 Nov 07
I don't think he's depressed. I think he wants you to feel sorry for him and guilty for leaving to go to Florida. He needs a swift kick in the butt, he has a really good job. If he wants to make the marriage work, he needs to do more than just following you to Florida.
You deserve to be happy. You need to tell him how you feel and that this isn't working. If he doesn't like his job, he needs to get off his butt on his days off and go look or pack his crap and go back.
Just sounds like your husband thinks the world should stop and focus on him. For your son, it is hard to see mom and dad seperated, but that's better than mom and dad fighting 24/7 or not talking at all.
With that crying, maybe he's crying because he doesn't know what he got himself into. You should ask him why the heck are you crying.
He should be happy he has a job, especially when there are a lot of people wondering how they are going to put food on the table.
Did your son have stomach problems after you left him with his dad? Same with the crying? If so I wonder how he would do if his dad left and he stayed with you. Might want to sit him down and give him a heads up. That way, he will be in the loop and the loop won't hit him upside the head later down the road.
Good Luck, and remember you deserve to be happy.
@girljar (287)
• United States
11 Nov 07
I don't think he's pulling a guilt trip on me. I do think, though, that it has more to do with than just his job. When we decided to reconcile, I was worried this would happen. I was afraid that when he came to Florida, it would just be the same old thing, only in Florida. And that's exactly what happened. Communication has always been a problem between us. He doesn't talk. He never lets me in. He just stuffs everything down inside him. My kids are used to us not talking. They refer to him as a 'fuddy duddy'. I do care about him...but I was so much happier before he came to Florida. I don't know...
Thanks for your post.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Nov 07
Your husband does sound very depressed. The job he has sounds wonderful as far as the benefits and pay but it is probably something he absolutely hates doing or perhaps it is the people he works with that he doesn't care for. As you mentioned, he also hates the area he is living in. How about the marriage itself...is the reconcilliaton working for you guys? it doesnt sound it from your previous response. You are right, sometimes it is just simply a personality conflict and does not need to be anyones
"fault". I have found that staying together for the sake of the children really doesn't work well. If the parents are not happy with each other, the kids will know this. they deserve happy parents. Both you and your husband deserve to be happy and it sounds as if neither of you is. Your son's problem with the separation may have been the distance you put between him and his dad. Have you considered separating and remaining close by so he can see his dad on a regular basis? Why did you move so far away? Kids usually adapt quite well once they realize that both parents are happier apart and that they will continue to be a big part of both their lives. Trust me, when I split from my girls dad...I would have been find if i never saw him again. I had to dig deep inside of myself to understand that altho I did not "need" this man, my girls did. For that reason, I chose to remain in the area and find a way to make peace with him.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Nov 07
you mention that you and your hubby are exact opposites. That is not such a bad thing if you are accepting of each others differences. My boyfriend is far more outgoing than I am. He plays in a band...loves to party. I love quiet nites at home....hate crowds. I am quite shy....he is not at all. I trust him 100% and often will just enjoy my alone time while he's out with his band....sometimes I will join him and when I syke myself into it, I do admit that I have a good time. He has also found that he does enjoy quiet dinners and a movie at my place. WE don't push each other to be different. Tolerance and acceptance are key. Our differences are i believe what keeps our relationship alive.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Nov 07
I do see your point. We are all responsible for our own happiness. The more I read of your story, the more I picture how things are. If he is miserable, it is up to him to make changes to improve his life. You are not responsible that. Misery spreads itself just as happiness. I dated a man for 8 months that whined about his work, his finances etc. even tho he made much more than I and had much less responsibilities. He cried all the time over this or that. If nothing else, he would cry over the thought of perhaps losing me or whine that he did not have enough time with me while the time we were together was spent listening to him whine about lack of it or fear of me finding someone else. I always felt down after time with him. I gave up. Now I am not the cause of his sadness and I am much happier....hope he is too.
@girljar (287)
• United States
11 Nov 07
It's the job that he hates. But what I don't understand, is that I've never seen him not be able to just 'go with the flow'. He's one of those people that can be 'okay' with any circumstance, no matter how bad it is. He has always been able to just tell himself this is how it is, and so he deals with it. He's normally a very agreeable person.
As far as our marriage goes, I know I am not happy, and I'll be he's not either. But the thing is, he would never say he's not happy. He would rather live a lie than go through the hassle of getting a divorce, and risk growing old alone. The kids pretty much know how it is. They know we care about each other, maybe even love each other, but it's the kind of love you have for a person you have spend 22 years of your life together, raised 2 kids together, and all the other things we have gone through together. The kids know I'm not happy, and they recognize how different we are. They also know how their dad is...he wouldn't say sh** if he had a mouthful, so to speak. We don't fight and yell and scream...we're just different. One of my biggest complaints about our marriage is that I want someone to share my life with, not just be an observer on the sidelines. That's what he is. He doesn't Share my life...When he does come along, it's like he's not even there. He doesn't 'contribute'.
I moved to Florida because that is where I'm happy. When I left, I didn't take my son; I thought it was best he be with his dad at this point in his life. Now, I have the best job I've ever had, and I'm not willing to leave it. My daughter is 18 and going to college here in Florida. My daughter didn't have a problem with the separation, although she did miss her dad, understandibly. But she is old enough to recognize our marriage for what it was-and was not. My son is 14, and at the point in his life when it's all about him, and he doesn't care if we are happy or not, as long as his life is in order. I have stayed in this marriage for 18 years because of the kids...what's 4 more?
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@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
12 Nov 07
He does sound depressed, has he ever acted like this before? Do you think he's just after attention or maybe trying a type of punishment thing towards you.
Have you asked him what he's interested in,what he wants out of life? You sounds like you do care a lot of him.
As my ex husband and I discovered sometimes you can love a person but love just isn't always enough. Good on you for sticking it out and making your marriage work. I would have loved that chance but my husband cheated on my then 3 1/2 month old.
You sound like a strong person, just remember to take some time out for you too.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
12 Nov 07
It seems that your husband is truly depressed very much.
Look the way he is paid, the best insurance cover etc that you mentioned are well, very good. But there may be other reasons that he don't like it here.
You must ask him what makes him so sad.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
12 Nov 07
It sounds like if you've already been to marriage counselling there might not be much more you can do. How do you feel about your marriage? Are you willing to put in the hard yards to make it work? I feel sorry mostly for your son in this situation. Parents breaking up can be the hardest thing a kid has to go through. No matter what happens between you and your husband, make sure you look after your son. It sounds like he may be the one needing counselling.