Removing Head Lice
By Karinne
@Karinne (1220)
November 11, 2007 1:35am CST
Head lice is such a big problem at schools. My friend hasn't used the usual stuff to kill the lice and the eggs, prefering to go through her kids hair and just remove the lice everyday, but as i said to her she's not killing the eggs, therefore they are still hatching. She says she doesn't want to use the solutions on her 2yr old but i have told her i have in the past when my little one picked them up. I have told her we won't be going over her house until she has fixed the problem as we don't want them, and have to payout for treating the condition unnecessarily.
What products have you used to kill them and keep them at bay???
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9 responses
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
11 Nov 07
my daughter went through a bad patch at school with head lice.once all treatment has been done (buy the way you can get natural products to rid them now)i usually have a mixture of tea tree oil and lavender oil.which i put on hair brush and brush her hair daily.this seems to keep them i found that the trasfer of lice was always from school hats,there is a special band that has something in it that you put in their hats that kills them off.i purchased mine from hairdresser.i don't know where you live but check with your hairdresser's as they have all sorts of gear for lice.hope this helps

@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Tea tree oil is very good for lesions and scrapes as well. I use it on my dogs when one of them gets a skin rash due to flea bites. Works like a charm.

@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
11 Nov 07
ohh goodness, lies are contagious. if you will not fix the problem everyone in the house will have.
i have four children and once one them has it then they will all have it. whats so disgusting is i myself got lice.
here in the philippines there is a shampoo that is called KWEL. it is good but we need to be extra careful because it is very painful in the eyes.
i think your friends need to take the action to use any available products you have there in your country.
one more thing when i was in my teens my cousin emy got a lot of lice and it ended up cutting her hair oh i mean bald, for the lice created a lot of wounds on her scalp. maybe due to scratching because it was itchy. it was really nasty.
i hope that wont happen to her child.
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
11 Nov 07
I havent ever had to deal with lice and I hope I never have to. I just found out the other day one of the kids I sit for has it. She only comes over once a week. The dad came to get her brother and told me she has lice. I was like ok so bring her in my house with all the other children!! Hello?!! I have two boys and I watch 3 more. So lets bring the lice to my house! Dumb A**!!! I told him that untill it goes away she or her brother ar NOT allowed her. The mom got kinda mad at me but to bad. I cant have my kids and the other kids getting it. One is only 9 months! I just cant believe there stupid enought to think I would still let them come to my house!
@AbbyLSRN (18)
• United States
27 Nov 07
There are many products on the market that kill adult head lice but the adults are the easiest to kill. The newly hatched nymphs are much harder to kill and there is nothing on the market at the moment that kills nits. I recommend a safe non toxic treatment product and a good lice comb or you can contact Lice Solutions to learn more about lice and safe , effective treatment options. Lice Solutions is a non profit 501(c)3 head lice treatment organization with 2 locations- Nashville, TN and West Palm Beach, FL. They see hundreds of cases of head lice each week!! Your right about the schools. Head lice is the number one reason for absenteeism across the country but it need not be. There is help out there. Visit
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
12 Nov 07
the dr will most likley perscribe kwail lotion, theres also rid or somthing like that i know its pretty dar expensive.. they have the spray for the bedding and furniture and stuff so thast is cool
i had lice a few times when i was younger but not ever since.
@romulouco (40)
• Brazil
11 Nov 07
Hi, all right? When I was younger I used shampoo the lice and their eggs, I also passed, the comb fine and I have heard people talk about that all took up the head. If you can on my message and leaves ypour name is Two Lifes. Thanks.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
11 Nov 07
I guess one can get another to remove them "manually"? At least this is what I think the older folks do.
Or try visiting a doctor. I am sure they have some suitable methods to recommend and/or implement.
Check out for instance. I think usually a medicated shampoo, cream, or lotion is used to kill the lice.
After the head lice are removed, I would recommend prevention measures. From the site:
* Tell your child to try to avoid head-to-head contact at school (in gym, on the playground, or during sports) and while playing at home with other children.
* Tell your child not to share combs, brushes, hats, scarves, bandanas, ribbons, barrettes, hair ties or bands, towels, helmets, or other personal care items with anyone else, whether they may have lice or not.
* Tell your child not to lie on bedding, pillows, and carpets that have recently been used by someone with lice.
* Examine members of your household who have had close contact with a person who has lice every 3 or 4 days. Then, treat those who are found to have lice or nits close to the scalp.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Nov 07
Last week a woman came into the store and was dealing with this problem. She had waist length hair as does her daughter. They had tried all the products on the market. Nothing worked. The school nurse advice her to try WD 40. I cringed thinking this would burn the scalp. well it worked like a charm. also there is prescription products. Maybe it would be helpful to call the pediatrician
@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
11 Nov 07
How funny to find this discussion, as I just was talking about it in another!
I have really long, thick hair, my daughter does too. Well, so does my son have thick hair, but his head we just shaved. Problem solved!
Obviously my daughter and I didn't want to shave our heads, so we got all the chemical poison stuff and doused our heads in it again and again, but just couldn't get rid of them.
I mentioned to my daughter's teacher the problem we were having and she told me that a blow-dryer would kill them.
I used a blow-dryer every day for a week, or it might have even been a month... I was that determined to get rid of every last one of those little suckers and all their eggs!
And it worked! We never had to worry about lice again.
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@Karinne (1220)
• Australia
5 Dec 07
Thanks for your reply! I use pantene detangle leave in conditioner, which i use every morning on my daughters hair. Head lice has been a problem in my daughters class and to my amazement she hasn't caught it. i think it might be something to do with the leave in conditioners. But saying that i hope i haven't jinxed myself now touch wood. But i do wish my friend would use a product of some sort to kill the eggs on her kids hair.