Who would you want to be if you were part of the Harry Potter stories?

November 11, 2007 8:33pm CST
Have you watched the Harry Potter movies? or have you read Harry Potter books? If so to either or both of these questions, who would you want to be if you were to choose a character? Would you be Harry? Lord Voldemort? Hermione? Ron? or any character from the movies and stories? Please do tell too why you chose him/her. I would want to get your views regarding these... For me, I would want to be Sirius Black. Though have been falsely accused of doing wicked things (the reason why he always hides), he stood his ground and fought for the good till his death with the Avadakedavra killing curse... He had been killed, but his principles will live on in the stories... Have a great day!
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14 responses
14 Nov 07
there is no second thought about this ......i want to be the main character of the story..HARRY POTTER....the central,the main character of the story...the character,only because of which harry potter movies are running like anything
1 person likes this
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
Yes, coolharry. Nice choosing.
• Philippines
13 Nov 07
am... i tink i want to be harry itself!!!! even i am amzed of snape.... only dumbledore know his true identity!!!! its hard to pretend your in wrong side for the sake of the other... but i tink i want 2 be harry simply because we share some common characteristics... hard headed but have a golden heart for our love ones...:-)x
• Philippines
13 Nov 07
tnx!!!!! but in your own opinion.. do u consider snape as a hero... i havent really read the 7th buk because i only finish the 6th last week... and i dont have the buk 7 right now but my friends told me the stiry...hehehehe... tnx..have a nice day!!!
• Philippines
13 Nov 07
Uhm... yeah... he was actually a hero all along... he would not just let Harry see it... :D
• Philippines
13 Nov 07
Wow! Good for you then, Harry! Hehehehe... Yeah you are right. Hard headed and yet with a golden heart! Keep believing my friend!
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
12 Nov 07
I would want to be Prof Maganagle (sp). she just kicks butt as a witch.
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
12 Nov 07
Yeah, that's true. She was a great anamegas.
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
Yeah right! and a good animagus too! Hehehehehe
• Philippines
13 Nov 07
Hehehehe.. an animagus she is really. :D
@cuteclavs (109)
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
I want to be Hermione.. I love her...She's cute and smart.hehehe :)I also appreciate her being brave
• Philippines
19 Nov 07
ow...hehehe :)
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
Like what I have replied to some of the posts here, I do too like Hermione for she is my crush in the movies, smart and cute and pretty, and is like a nymph... :D Hehehe
• Australia
12 Nov 07
Dumbledore ....he seems to know everything!
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
Dumbledore is the greatest wizard in the Potter stories! Well done, nothingbetter2do! He is admired by Harry too!
• Philippines
20 Nov 07
i like hermione, she's a genius. i love her british accent.
• Philippines
20 Nov 07
I do too!
• United States
21 Nov 07
I would probably want to be Ginny Weasley. She is the love interest of Harry Potter! Also, she has the best family! Everyone is so great, and nice! She is independent, and a good witch.
• Philippines
22 Nov 07
Yeah... She actually is... after Cho. I love her during the "Order of the Phoenix" movie... She looks beautiful there!!! :D
• Nigeria
13 Nov 07
i will like to be miss granger, she's smart and brilliant
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
yeah...she is my crush actually in the movies... smart and cute too!
@noriko (1254)
15 Nov 07
ohh goodness im sorry but i started a discussion in some how same as yours. i just realize that when i saw the out come and added tags. but i hope you would reply to at my discussion. i would love to be professor snapes, or madame hooch.
• Philippines
15 Nov 07
Oh! Really? It does not matter actually if you have started the same discussion. :D Its fine with me. I like Prof. Snapes, POTIONS! and Madame Hooch, MANDRAKES!
• India
20 Nov 07
Hello Ebtenorio ..though i am a woman i would love to be Prof Snape LOL....i somehow liked him through out the series though he was supposed to be this bat-like evil man! And Deathly Hallows just proved what a hero he was. I cried during The Prince's Tale chapter and keep re-reading that part whenever possible ;)
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
I would love to be Professor MacGonnagal... she rocks as a witch, and teacher... eventhough she is not that young... she has powers beyond compare... her integrity and credibility is also a plus factor...I like the way she handles things and how she is fair to her students eventhough she likes Harry, Hermione, and Ron... I also think she deserves to be the Headmistress of Hogwarts...
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
I Agree. She is fair to all her students no matter what your house is in Hogwarts...! She is desrving too for me, aseretdd!
@anaknitatay (1335)
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
Sirius Black just like you! Although Snape has always fascinated me too...
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
Really? Hehehehe... Yeah... Severus Snape also fascinated me... and uhm... Madeye Moody!
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
I want to be Severus Snape. It's so sad how he ended up on the book. I cried when I read about it. Because of his undying love to Harry's mom, Lily, he did everything just to protect Harry. The best part of it was he had hidden everything from Harry and everyone else except Dumbledore... Very heroic...
• Philippines
13 Nov 07
Heroic indeed Severus Snape is! Yeah... It's a loss actually....
• Philippines
15 Nov 07
Harry Potter, no can beat HP
• Philippines
15 Nov 07
Right you are, Az! Have a great day!
@ticha414 (60)
• Portugal
13 Nov 07
Well I would like to be Lily, Harry Potter's mom because I think she is very smart and she gave up her life because of her son. She was also deeply loved by two amazing wizards. But I would also like to be a character that doesn't exist in the books but J.K.Rowling could have created: Sirius Black girlfriend. He is so cute, funny, smart and kind-hearted that I think he deserves a girlfriend. How can someone like him don't have a girlfriend and never been in love? That's just too sad.What do you think?
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
Great then! She provided Harry the ultimate protection.... and that is love, ticha! I appreciate your comments here! :D