Jesus Christ-Does that offend you?
By dbmax41
@dbmax41 (585)
United States
November 12, 2007 5:27am CST
I hear people say here "I dont want to offend anyone but". This is an open forum so I will announce to the world that Jesus is my God and I love Him. If people dont like it then dont read this. To many people taking God out of schools and government buildings. They dont want to offend anyone. Sounds more and more like Iran. Christians are beheaded there. I raised my kids with choice. I didnt make them go to church. I didnt keep them from church either. I tell people all the time that Jesus could help them if they would let Him. If they dont talk to me anymore well thats their choice. When I get up every morning I think "what can I do today to improve my life and the people around me?" Sometimes I pray for guidence. It works. I dont go around preaching either. I do however tell people to turn to God when they have problems. If that offends you please tell me why?
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14 responses
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
12 Nov 07
First of all, before I say anything, I'll say that I'm an atheist.
With that said, your beliefs don't offend me, neither does your announcing it. You're entitled to your individual beliefs and should be free to pursue them. Your right to believe whatever you want should be protected just as well as my right to live without religion. :)
However, I completely agree with removing religion of ANY kind from schools and government buildings. Seperation of church and state has not been enforced like it should have been in the past, and it's finally starting to catch up .. thankfully. Although it comforts the christians to have their beliefs confirmed with public displays in government buildings, it excludes every OTHER religion. To cater to one religion, when the population is made up of mcuh more than just christianity, is discrimination.
As for schools, same concept. Public schools are not made up of an entirely christian population ... and so christianity of any kind has no place in it. If you want your children to have your religion intertwined with their education, you're free to send them to a christian school. Public schools, however, have athiest children, pagan children, muslim children, and more. Unless every religion is respected and included, then no religion belongs.
You're free to pursue your religion and your beliefs, and raise your children in your religion and with your beliefs, in your home, and in your church. Beyond that, and no offense is meant by this, your religion has no place in the public sphere where the entirity of the population doesn't share your beliefs.
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@Hearthestorm (22)
• Australia
12 Nov 07
I was just reading your response and love how you've put this all together. It's very true that schools should in no way cater to one religion alone. I remember being raised in a school which focused solely on Christianity.
Last weekend I found something interesting though. A few of the schools in the city nowadays don't simply teach 'Christianity' during REligion classes. One of the students there was studying about five different religions and how each one relates to the other.
I was kind of glad, because I think in the future more schools will hopefully adopt something like this.
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
12 Nov 07
Actually, I'm in completely agreement with that. Whether a person is religious or not, they'd have to admit that religion of all kinds have played an important part of history. All kids should learn about the major religions and the parts they've played in our pasts. I think it should be an integral part of any history course ... say a Religious Studies program. There's absolutely no harm to come from children learning objectively about world religions and their influence on people and cultures.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
12 Nov 07
Good for you!
And thank you.
First for your courage, and faith.
Second for you sentence:" Waking up everymorning thinking: "What can I do to improve my life and the people around me".
First thing I do in the morning is go to my computer, there (know) I have a small note to remind me :"What can I do today to improve my life, and the people around me?"
Thanks for that message, starting tomorrow that will be the first thing I read.
Take care,God Bless You.
Have a nice day.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
12 Nov 07
My Jesus gives me cause to sing and praise. His name is sweet like honey. He is mighty and without Him you are in a sea of ignorance, because you know nothing, without Him you are a lost sheep who can not find the way to God the father. Those who choose other belief systems are completely entitled to those beliefs, yet the amazing thing we have about this miracle working man called Jesus is that He invites all to His Father's Kingdom no matter who you. So dbmax41, continue your belief in Jesus our King. Keep praying for Guidance and if the opportunity is ripe, tell those willing to hear the Good News and tell them with gladness. If they shut their doors or their hearts on you, move on, someone will surely hear. Am pained to hear this concept of removing religion from schools. I dont care having an atheist, a christian, a muslim or Buddist studying in their rich diversity in the same school-but removing religion from schools to me tantamounts to removing the whole concept of God from cognition of young people who end up growing without the moral efficacy that religion brings about.
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
12 Nov 07
I so agree with you.but also agree with the girl uptop saying that basicly it isnt fair that christianity gets ll the light,what about the others? its like tewlling your child. theres only 1 peice of candy and both of you. if i give u the candy then its not fair to your friend,and if i give it to your friend then it is not fair to you.
I love god and my jesus, i think that inorder to solve it all there ganna have to make schoold according to each religion..
in away that would be good as well then ever kid has to learn some kind of religion..
@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
13 Nov 07
I agree completely with what the first person said. I am an atheist, too. I am not offended with people stating their beliefs. I am offended when they try to force those beliefs on to me or put me down for my beliefs (or lack there of).
I also whole heartedly believe in separation of church and state and religion does not belong in the public schools or buildings that all people's tax money pays for because not all people are Christian or even religious.
Your last sentence though--would offend me. If I was in desperate need of something and your only response was to turn to god--that would offend me. If I am having problems and coming to you then I am asking you for help not god. I don't believe in god so why would I pray to him or look to him for help when I think people help each other or themselves, not god. When I am in need I don't need "god" I need my family and friends to support me and they do, more then god ever did when I believed.
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
13 Nov 07
You have a very good point. I come from a family heavily immersed in the catholic church, and so was I until I left home and started researching, to come to my own conclusions. I'm the only self declared atheist out a rather large family. There's been times that I've gone to my mother, or grandmother, for advice, and often the advice I get back is, "Just pray" or "God has a plan for you" or "God will help you" .... etc.
They know I'm not religious, they know these are empty, shallow words to me, and yet they say them anyway, which tells me that they aren't concerned with actually helping me. If I go to them for advice, I'm looking for THEIR help, not their God's, and although I wouldn't call it 'offensive' that their only recourse is to pull out the biblical passages, it's hurtful that's the best they can do when I'm seeking their help.
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@dbmax41 (585)
• United States
15 Nov 07
When people come to me for help I help them. When people come to me and say " I have no direction in life" I tell them they are not alone. When they say " I need help Im depressed or angry or lonely" I pray for them silently. If they ask why Im happy or how I have all the things I have I tell them God has helped me. God gave us free will so as a christian, seperation of church and state is Gods doing. I may not like it though. I dont force God on anyone because Im not supose to do that.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Nov 07
Your personal choice in religious path etc isnt really any of my business so why would it offend me ya know...As for religion being taken out of schools, gov buildings etc, thats a different story..It doesnt offend me, BUT I think that with this country being SO varied when it comes to religion its only right that it be left out UNLESS they (the system etc) are going to cater to ALL religions...By having only one religion shown its implying and giving the message that all others are less important, less valid, less worthy and so on which isnt right IMO...
I'm not offended by any of it though..I stand strong in my beliefs just as many others do and thats all that matters to me..Its not a P*ssing contest or a battle of the religions for me so whatever ya know...I think too many ppl concentrate on what OTHERS think/feel/see/etc and thats why they get all up in arms over it...Just stand strong in what you believe and nevermind the small stuff.....
HOWEVER I should add that when one is BLATANTLY rude to me about it for example continuously saying things like "well I'll pray that you find god" or "god bless" even after I've asked them not to because i know they really dont mean what they say, they're just doing it to annoy me (and yes I know ppl like that) THEN I can get a little ticked about it....Simply because not only are they PURPOSELY being disrespectful but ALSO because they are being a disgrace to their religion and screw it up for all who walk that path..I have low tolerance for that sort of behaviour...
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@mistissa (1349)
• Netherlands
12 Nov 07
I don't feel offended by your topic, I am a Catholic myself but have turned away from God, because of personal reasons. If you have faith in god and think he helps you, and it makes you feel good, don't stop believing. I don't think it offends anybody to hear what is your faith and makes you happy
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
12 Nov 07
Very strong remarks, I liked it since you said it very well!;)
I for one is a believer of Christ, I just hope that people who does not have similar beliefs as I am won't be offended just because of it. Our difference with each other's beliefs should not be a hindrance to co-exist with one another, it's all about respecting one another and not about religions or beliefs.
So when it comes on practicing my beliefs, I don't preach it in words but express it on the actions that I do in-accordance to what HE has told me to..
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
12 Nov 07
It doesn't offend me when people talk about their own beliefs, or how their Jesus or God has helped them. What does offend me is when even though I already have my own beliefs, people insist that their beliefs would make me happier or be better for me. I don't do that to others, and I expect them not to do it to me.
If someone tells me to turn to their God rather than my own Gods, then yes, that would offend me a little. It would mean they didn't have any respect for me or my beliefs, in my opinion.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Nov 07
"What does offend me is when even though I already have my own beliefs, people insist that their beliefs would make me happier or be better for me. I don't do that to others, and I expect them not to do it to me."
OOooh yes yes true enough! That is offensive to me too...I mean I'll let it slide the first one or two times simply because I feel they are just being passionate (this is assuming they AREN'T being rude about it) about their beliefs but after that forget playing nice LOL nice goes right out the door ;-)
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@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
15 Nov 07
I would like to say I agree with you totally I follow my heart when it comes to testifying because if you really read Jesus'es words in the new testament there were many times when he counseled people not to tell who he was or about the miracles he performed. Some people are just not ready to hear it and want to attack and kill anyone who testifies. The holy spirit will let you know who to testify to. But I am not the least bit ashamed to say Jesus is God's son who sits on the right hand of the father and all prayers answered for u come from him. Yes, I love Jesus and I know he lives!!!
@meanangel (167)
• United States
12 Nov 07
I will not be offended or run you down for the way you believe as long as you afford the rest of us the same curtosy. This is a place for free ideas and to promote comunication in a safe honest way so go ahead say what you want to. This has become to much of a pc world. We live in fear that a honest opinion is something we will be condemed for and that is just not the way it should be. I might not always agree with people but will defend their right to say what they wish. I am an American and we have fought for that freedom. Be proud and own your faith.
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@ellen546 (110)
• United States
15 Nov 07
No it doesn't. You are right people are taking God out of everthing and thats not right. Our country was founded for freedom to worship how we please not to please others. Every time God is taken from some where it to please people and thats not what life is about, its about pleasing God whoever we accept as our God not someone elses.
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@jasminiluck (1)
• Brazil
13 Nov 07
I should follow a religion no matter what. We believe that Jesus Christ is there and he is in our hearts. I am Catholic, but respect of any religion. For me there is a bias with some religions what horroble, God exists before each and every human being.
I think also that we should not force our children to follow the religion which we believe to be right but they choose their own religion. To me Jesus is in my heart and nobody is going to take is the only certainty I have in my mind.
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