For my lot members with children...
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
United States
November 12, 2007 6:08am CST
Okay so i have this question, I have a 2 year old little girl and she is definatly in the terrible 2's stage..and she has been into everything,talking back,she has bitten a few times,and she likes to throw things.spanking does not phase her. what other punishment techniques have you tried for this sort of behavior and has worked?
7 responses
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
12 Nov 07
What you are experiencing is very typical. Patience is the hardest part of raising a child, in my opinion.
I use to take something away from one of our kids when they had a temper tantrum such as a toy or the privilege of watching television. It did work. I would also put them in their bedrooms but that didn't always work. Too many toys or fun things to do. It's really a difficult time until they get to a rationalization age.
We had one child that would bite. My finger was one of the items she decided to bite. It only happened once. I bite her back, not hard but enough to get her attention.
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
12 Nov 07
Hahaha you know everyone tells me to bite her back and when it does sound apealing because i know she wont never do it again.. i just cannot bring myself to do it:(. i know i need to do somthing though... i have been thinking for a few days about doing that,putting her in room and taking all her toys out of there.. but could u imagine the work to take all her toys out and put them bacj 15 minutes
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
12 Nov 07
Time, persistence and patience.
At 2 years old, everything is a power play. You have to show her you're more stubborn than she is. A lot of what she's doing she simply doesn't understand, so spanking isn't a reasonable solution. Neither is discussion at this point, so it's really a matter of distraction and other techniques.
Redirection, at this age, is one of the most important things you can practice. If she's into something she shouldn't be, tell her firmly "NO" and move her to something she IS allowed to be playing with. If she's throwing things, take what she threw away from her and stick with the firm "NO". Eventually she will catch on, but it takes .. time and persistence. :)
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@seltveit2004 (41)
• United States
21 Nov 07
My daughter is also in her terrible twos. Spanking doesn't really phase her anymore. So what I have resorted to is putting her in the bathroom where she has no toys to play with then I put a timer for 5 minutes or however long you think is appropriate and then i tell her when it goes off she can come out. The first time I did it she screamed the whole time and didn't hear the timer. So I just left her in there until she was done yelling, like a half hour and then I told her she could come out. Every time since then she stays really quiet and then listens for the timer. She has started being a lot better I just have to say do you want to go into the bathroom and she says no and stops what she's doing. As for the biting thing when she started that I bit her back she hasn't done it since. I didn't bite her hard enough to leave marks or anything but enough to shock her and hurt a little and she realized it's not fun being bitten so she quit. I had to do something because she was biting my other daughter who is 6 months old. This is what my mom did with me so I gave it a try and it work great she hasn't bit anyone or any of our animals in 1 month.
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Thank you everyone who responded. i think next i will try it:) cause i really want her to stop biting and stuff. she is going into daycare and i cannot! have that....You guys are the best!~ thanks for the advice:)
@nexis777 (133)
• United States
14 Nov 07
I think the thing that will work best for you with your daughter is consistancy, no matter what training method you use. Whether you decide to spank, or re-direct, or time-out, or or or. What has to happen is you have to be consistent. That means that when you say "no" it means no, with no questions asked. If she is throwing something you've said not to throw, then the consequences need to be applied every single time she throws something, so that she knows you mean business. If you sometimes let her slide by on doing something you normally don't want her to do, then she's going to continue doing that thing, because you haven't proven to her you mean it.
One thing that I have done that is very effective, is to train for a certain behaviour. Don't just expect that they will know what you want them to do necessarily. For instance, if you want her to come to you when called, train her to do this. Have someone there to help you if possible. Let her play in another room and call her. If she doesn't come, if you have someone there, send them to get her and lead her in, all the while telling her, "come to Mama when she calls, what a good girl" etc. Then when she gets there, give her a big hug and lavish her with how pleased you are. Then let her go play again... repeat several times, and over several days. This will train into her the natural response to come immediately when Mama calls. This can be applied to all areas. Just do something repeatedly, and always with a happy smile that tells her this is fun, not a burden.
Also, with biting, I know it's hard, but biting her back will stop that behaviour. She may just not know why you're wanting her to stop. If she understands, "oh, that hurts" she will likely stop. Not to mention a little pain goes a long ways in discouraging bad behaviour.
Hope that helps!
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
12 Nov 07
hi there xXxMikesWifeyxXx
yes my daughter is 8 years old when she was 6 years old she bited my son and never done it to me and she was good when she was 2 but my son was different he touched everything pulling things my son is 11 years old and he still touches not like he used to but my daughter draws on my sheets on my doors and she is 6 i think its bordom and she goes in the fridge and pulls out a pieace of bread then 2 or 3 fall on the ground but she never asks me mum can i have one she just takes cause i am trying to save food but they still get in to it and my daughter does try to tell me what to do i say your not the mum i am the mum you need to listen to me i am the adult not them
and the other thing my daughter does is get toilet paper wets it then puts it in the air and it sticks to the celing i tell her off cause i say to her we need to save the toliet paper i do love my children very much but i just want them to listen to me
thanks for this discussion
@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
13 Nov 07
My son is 2 1/2 and can be rather naughty sometimes. Sometimes he won't help pick up his toys so I've made that into a game where we have to see how quickly we can clean up the toys together.
My Mum always says if a kid bites to bite back but I'm not sure I could ever do that.
The hardest problem I have at the moment is my son won't sit at the table to eat his tea. I've made a rod for my own back by letting him sit in the lounge room on his little seat in front of the TV to eat. Even then he won't always sit down or eat.
And if he misbehaves too badly for example throwing toys etc I take that toy away and put it in the cupboard until either he says sorry or acts better behaved to bring the toy back out the next day.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
12 Nov 07
I love that. If children cannot do that, you can you can do it. Children particularly 3 and below should be naughty, jumping, shouting, crying, dancing, smiling and laughing. Then only they can be called children.
What is undesirable is when they are doing damaging things like throiwng things towards glass panes, etc. those things if you tell them not to do, I think they understand.