Do You Feel Your Age?

@girljar (287)
United States
November 13, 2007 7:50pm CST
I just hit 40 this year, and I don't feel it, at all. I remember back when my mom was 30, and I thought she was Olllld!! In my mind, I'm still in my early 20's, not FORTY! I still do stuff, and be silly, and laugh, and giggle... I REFUSE to get old. I keep telling my kids that, but they don't believe me. I told them, when I'm too old to ride roller coasters, or snorkel, or parasail, or kayak...then, start digging my grave, because I won't want to live anymore. I can't imagine not being able to do the things I love. I REFUSE to get to that point!! However, my body and my mind, are, obviously, not in sync with each other. I have had 2 back surgeries, I have high blood pressure, I'm overweight, and I have a bad hip, back, and knee. Why won't my body go with the program??!! I don't want to get to that place, where other people have to take care of me, and I can't get around, I just don't want to. I hate that my hair is turning gray, and I have hair in places I shouldn't, and my memory sucks! I just HATE it!! I am of a firm belief that age is not a number, it's an attitude. (Tell my body that) I will always act like a young person, and as long as I am able, I'll act like a young person, too. And, as much as I can help it, I will look like a young person, too. Do you feel your age?
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15 responses
@caf48180 (281)
• United States
14 Nov 07
no i dont feel my age as i am 23 and have 2 kids one is 5 and makes feel 30, but then i play video games and feel 12 so i guess it averages out to be 21 lol.
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@kodie420 (872)
• Canada
14 Nov 07
K you'll probably laugh but I'm 29 pushing 30 in a few months but feel way older then that. I don't feel older but my body feels pretty abused!lol Don't get me wrong I'm fit and not fat by any means but everyday I'm so sore and stiff and just don't feel like I Did a few years ago. I'm with you your only as old as you feel and my state of mind is not to that point yet but the body doesn't seem to know that! I guess this is just the perks of getting up there in age and oh god I still got my midlife crisis to look forward to!lol Anyways great post take care!
@girljar (287)
• United States
14 Nov 07
Mid Life Crisis??!! Oh, Honey, I think I've had about 10 of those suckers already!! Maybe more! And, God help my family when I hit menopause!!! roflmao!
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@ruby1459 (2600)
• United States
14 Nov 07
I just hit 30 in this month(November 4th is my birthday). Sometimes when I see the paper it said my age is "30" I feel my age and feel Other than that I always try to have a younger age spirts than my actual age. It helps that I have a lot of friends who is younger than me and in their early 20's, to hung out with them makes me feel younger and they also says that I don't act old or they don't see me as an old woman which helps me keep holding a younger soul.... :)
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• United States
14 Nov 07
When I was younger I wanted to be older, and then when I was older I wanted to be younger. I realized what a dumb waste of time that was when at 38 I found myself being as embarrassed about no longer being 28 as I had been at 16 when I was embarrassed not to be 18! Geez! It's ridiculous isn't it? As far as body stuff goes, I wouldn't be at all happy with an older body without yoga. It keeps my body flexible and pain free, with well stretched and nicely toned muscles. It's relaxing and keeps me in touch with myself at a profound level. I highly recommend it.
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@taurus67 (176)
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
same here too,I will turn 41 this coming May,but still I feel young emotionally,physically & also @ heart.My co workers don't believe that I was already in the 40's,they always say that I was very young @ my age...
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
14 Nov 07
I usually feel younger than I am. I tend to like doing stupid and ridiculous things. I don't really care about social norms like most older people do. I'm completely lost in life and pretty much just floating around. I'm 24 and a lot of my friends have been younger. I'm even attracted to younger guys. But lately I've been sick and sorta matured.. I feel old and frumpy now.
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@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
21 Nov 07
Not really, ever since I’ve been doing things that is not match to my age. Like when I was in high school I started making friends with older people and so things that I do is for older people. Although I still do some teenage stuff but not that regular, I’m more looking forward to making my future.
@girljar (287)
• United States
21 Nov 07
When I was younger, I always hung out with older people, and as I got older, I hung out a lot with younger girls, mostly my sister's friends and her. She is 10 years younger than me, so that kept me young. Actually, one of my best friends is 10 years younger than me, and another of my best friends is 10 years older! I think we get to a point in life when age doesn't come into play anymore. I, too, look forward to the future. I wouldn't want to go back to my younger years, because with youth would come the turmoil I went through, too. I only wish my body wouldn't get old, because there are still so many things I want to do in life. I tried water skiing this year, after not having done it for about 25 years, and I couldn't do it. I forgot about my carpel tunnel, and I couldn't grip the handle! My wrists were swollen for almost 2 weeks! At least I tried, though. Wish I could've gotten up.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
15 Nov 07
There are days when I feel way older than I am. Then there are days when I think I am only 20. It really depends on how much sleep I have gotten and how healthy I am at that point in time. I noticed that the more sleep I get, the better I eat and the more water I drink, the younger I feel. So, I drink A LOT of water and eat all my veggies!!
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
14 Nov 07
I didn't feel like I was 40 when I was 60. Cripers, at 40 I was still in graduate school. I agree with your that it is an attitude. As for the gray hair, I got a few when I was in my early 20's due to poor nutrition and whenever I skip vitamin supplements for a long time, a few gray hairs reappear, but I just does up on the vitamin B-complex and other goodies and get back on a regimen of lots of green veggies and the natural color comes back. I expect maybe when I am 80 then most of my hair might be gray, but I don't hate that idea at all and have no intention of coloring it. There is no reason to have any memory loss issues at age 40, so maybe there are some nutritional factors there, too. Just a thought. Of course, the memory like anything else has to be used in order not to be "loosed" so I'm a big believer in exercising the brain. Good luck with your weight loss, as that will surely take some pressure off your knees!
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
15 Nov 07
You tell 'em honey! I'm 60 and don't feel a day over 21...most of the time anyway. Yes, age is only a number and it all depends on how we feel. I've never had any surgeries, not overweight and have very minor aches and pains. I love roller coasters, riding motorcycles! The sky is the limit for me!
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
I'm 24, and I totally don't feel my age. I feel like I'm still in my late teens! Lol. I thought 24 was such a mature age to be. But I don't think I'm that mature yet. And I don't look my age either. I've been mistaken for a high school student even. That doesn't really help me feel like I'm in my 20s already.
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@moondan (712)
• China
14 Nov 07
I don't feel my age much.There is an old adevertisement in our country that"forty years old people have fourteen years old heart,fourteen years old people hve forty years old heart"I think it is all right,every one must to be old,nobody could refuse to it.But the most important is that you keep a young heart.Don't afraid be old,because your young heart.You can do excise to keep your health,you can also run quikly or have less rest in running when you are fifty years old.It is no problem.The meaning of life is the quanlity not the quantity ,i think. One day i grow old,my child grow up,i want to find a quiet place to live with my lover and friends live around me .We also laugh loudly,and remember the stories we undergo.
• Philippines
15 Nov 07
As for me, i really always feel i am still so young. What i want to eat, wear, like,want as if i am a teenager all the while. But when i face the mirror, ohhh, so sad. My years are really showing now. So I started again to gracefully surrender the things of youth i used to do. Ohh life, you're mytical. But anyhow, i enjoyed my life and i am contented. Thanks be to God for this life and for my fresh and lively life every morning when i wake up. Thanks Lord!
@Trishi (11)
14 Nov 07
i just turned 20 on november 8 and belive it or not i dont feel my age i feel like im older bacause i've been through so much, at the age of 16 i was living bymself with my dad and i was the woman of the house i was the one who had to take care of everything for him cook, clean, pay bills etc, he worked and so did i... i beleive that sice that age that the time has been flying for me but i feel a lil older than i am, maybe its just a thing that i have but i find myself to be very smart wise person i've learned the hard way for 4 years...
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Nov 07
OK, all you kids here, I'm either going to freak you out or give you great! I'm 55 and while I have aches and pains in spots I didn't know existed and I'm certainly not as flexible and nimble as I once was physically I don't feel anywhere near my age. I still love roller-coasters as much as any kid I've ever met, I love swimming and water games and i can have fun with my grandkids and their friends and giggle right along with them. My body doesn't always cooperate but what the heck? I've know people who weren't "young" when they were in their teens and twenties and others who were still young in their 80's. It's just a number, pure and simple. The minute you start "acting" your age is when you'll start to feel it, so just DON'T DO IT! Annie