In OT God punishes me explain why to my chinese friend.
By delladidit
@delladidit (466)
United States
November 14, 2007 11:39am CST
...Please help me explain to my Chinese friend about God. I thought this would be a good discussion and it would give her a better explaination than just my opinion. Please feel free to add to this discussion.
...She writes, "May I ask you a question about god? I thought god must be fair, tolerant and full of love. But I have a course this term-English culture and words. We learn from the Creation of the World, I found god punish people, sometimes just because of a small thing. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, why he curse all women feel painful while child bearing? And he also make flood to destroy all living things? Do you like tell me your understanding of this?" I'm quoting her so we can all interpret her questions.
...It is my belief God punished Adam and Eve because 1) they disobeyed Him, 2) Eve blamed the serpent and 3) Adam blamed Eve. This is the origin of sin. This is not a small thing. God provided them with everything and asked only one small thing in return. They knew they had done wrong after eatting the fruit of knowledge. They could see they were naked, disobedient, deceitful and ashamed. God needed to punish these disobedient children. Exiling them from Eden and making them have to work for their food, clothing and shelter was part of it. Pain in child birthing is the reminder to sin no more. We need to learn there are consequences to our actions. Personally, I think we need to be grateful we can feel the pleasure in the act of love making.
...If I have learned anything about parenting, it is that children need L.S.D.!! Love. Security. And discipline. They do not attain security if they do not get discipline. I know this is a whole different can of worms, but discipline needs to be painful/uncomfortable. It is my humble opinion that too many parents sugar coat their child's discipline today and this is an injustice to the child.
...The flood was to rid the world of immorality. He saw there was only corruption and violence in the world and He was sad He had created man. God could only find one family faithful to Him. The flood was His way of washing away the evil and preparing a clean world for Noah's family to populate again.
...Jesus eliminated the need for God to punish us. God sacrificed His own Son even as we sinned against Him. Is there a greater measure of love? Jesus' blood washes us clean of sin as the flood washed the earth clean of immorality. As long as we have faith in Jesus, repent our sins, God has a place for us in heaven.
...These are the things I believe to be true.
...Peace be with you. =(^;^)= Della
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5 responses
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
15 Nov 07
I think the best way to understand the Old Testement is by reading the New Testement. Jesus explains alot of our questions there.
You can tell her that.
Good luck, take care.
@delladidit (466)
• United States
16 Nov 07
...Jesus quotes the OT. My pastor said more than half of what he says is quoted from the OT.
...X is a member here and a friend. We write each other in order to help her with her English and so I can learn more about her culture. She has been reading these responses and I will let her tell me which response to choose for best. The one that helped her the most.
...Thank you for posting. Peace be with you. =(^;^)= Della
@rdurusan (624)
• Philippines
15 Nov 07
Adam and Eve did not sin deliverately,they are deceived by Satan to eat the forbbiden fruit.Eve is the one who is deceived by Satan,it is not Adam,that explains why women are laboring at the time of birth.The old testament books are strictly for the Israelites,and the new testament is for all classes of people.That is the reason why Jesus teachings are full of love and forgiveness.The eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth is no longer applicable for all man.Besides that all sins are forgiven with the blood of Jesus sacrifices,provided you believe in his teachings and stay away from sinning.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Nov 07
I would like to add to what you said. While Adam and Eve were in the garden they were to work to take care of it, but at the same time it wasn't hard labor. When Eve ate of the forbiden fruit of the tree of good and evil she gave Satan access to the world. Now look at what he has done. he brought murder and strif to us. God had to remove the tree of life so that we would not live forever. It would be very unpleasant to live for ever with the deases that are in the world. God knew long before he created the world that Eve would eat that fruit and share it with Adam. Now if God were not a loving God he would not have the plan of salvation in place. God is tolarent and fair. He keeps giving us choices but if we reject him and keep rejecting him He soon rejects us. What can be more fair. He offers us this besutiful life and we turn him down.
@delladidit (466)
• United States
16 Nov 07
...Excellent addition.
...Peace be with you. =(^;^)= Della
@tuhpaul (475)
• India
14 Nov 07
Well my friend Della,you have penned everything beautifully-God gave us a free choice to choose between good and bad-if we choose the bad ,well we have to face the consequences-but we should not blame God for it.We do reprimand our kids for the wrong they do -at times unknowingly-still we punish them-just to teach them the difference between what should be done and should not be done.Likewise with God,as a Father He punishes us for the wrong we do-like we do to our kids.Remember as you sow so shall you reap-and God is not to be blamed for it.Its quite scientific-"EVERY ACTION HAS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION"True for us God sacrificed His only son to clean us from sins-How Great Is He-we can not even think of sacrificing anything for somebody else-its rather difficult for us.Also my friend,becareful of "THE WRATH OF GOD"for He has given us the right to choose between the right and the wrong-we should not miss use this freedom by choosing the wrong-and if we do then we should rightfully pay for it- and not blame God for the punishment we deserve.God Bless my friend.
@delladidit (466)
• United States
16 Nov 07
...Thank you, tuhpaul. However, I said it much better the first time I typed it in. I had to retype it because I quoted X using illegal symbols (the marks above the comma and period) and it got booted. I was rushed to get it posted this time.
...Thank you for your response. It adds things I forgot.
...PBWY, my friend. =(^;^)= Della
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
15 Nov 07
The Bible says that God knows everything before it even happens. So, Adam and Ever were suppose to eat of the forbidden fruit. If God didn't know they were going to do it, he would not be all powerful as the Bible says. God also knew what all the humans were going to do before it happened, so the flood was also planned. No parent would punish their child so severely unless they had mental issues.
@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
15 Nov 07
Sorry lancingboy but there are things God does not know.
One of the proofs was written in Jerimiah 7:31: "They have built the high places in Tophet in the valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire--something I did not command, NOR did it ENTER MY MIND.
Actually, God tests man because there's something He wish to know and it is this--Deut 8:2 "Remember the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert in these forty years, to humble you, and TO TEST you in order TO KNOW what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commandments."