Induced labor
@blancanieve2009 (63)
United States
November 14, 2007 7:09pm CST
okay, so i went to the docs today and she wont be available the week of my due date. So she is insisting I get induced on nov. 29th. i want the baby to 'cook' as long as possible, but i also want MY doc. to deliver my baby and not someone i dont know.
I was wondering if anyone has been induced and if so how early, and did it cause any complications?
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11 responses
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
15 Nov 07
Here in Australia, they class anything over 36 weeks as full term :)
The lungs have to be pretty mature before 36 weeks though only because when twins are taken out by C/S they come out before 36 weeks (due to sizes etc).
My SIL had twins come out at 32 weeks (by C/S) & both were fine, no problems at all so the lungs must be mature earlier than 36 weeks or there would have been complications or they'd have needed something to help them breathe, which they didn't.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
15 Nov 07
Ok, this is just my opinion but I think your doctor is VERY, VERY wrong! A woman's body should be allowed to labor naturally when it's ready, NOT just because it's convenient for the doctor. He/she could actually be putting you and the baby at risk for doing this (it's not a huge risk but still)
I don't know how your doctor plans to induce you but I had a pitocin labor once. I won't sugar coat it, it was horrible. It was my 4th so I knew what I was doing and typically labors are easier after each baby. With that one I had labored on my own at first but I wasn't progressing fast enough for my doctor. She started the pitocin at 8:00am. I was not given pain medication. I spent the next 5 1/2 ours having strong contractions 2 minutes apart until I finally dialated to 10cm. The contractions were 10 times worse than any I'd had before or have had since (I've had 2 more children since that baby)I was sick to my stomach the whole time, dehydrated, and shaking. My oxygen levels kept dropping also because I couldn't catch my breath beween contractions. When I got to 10cm he baby still wasn't engaged in the birth canal (because HE wasn't ready to come out) I tried pushing for 20 minutes but all that did was get him lodged pointed toward my hip. His heart rate dipped and she ha to use the vacuum to pull him out. He was fine but I was severely bruised internally. My recovery took much longer than normal. (and also, all my other babies were extremely easy labors)
So that's what happened to me with a 4th baby when labor had already started. I can't imagine a first baby would come very easy if the pitocin was given when your body wasn't even ready yet. Every woman and every labor is different though but I wouldn't reommend it. I'd rather chance being delivered by a stranger than go through that.
@AxranraRose82 (1120)
• United States
19 Nov 07
I think being induced is what caused all of my problems which were VERY similar to what happened to you! Not knowing that, I allowed them to do it again with my second because I just wasn't going fast enough for the doctors (I really hate hospitals and how they rush EVERYTHING). Not this time! I am having my baby when the baby is ready!
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
19 Nov 07
That's what I did also with the next two babies. The labor may have been longer (19 hours with the last one) but they were so much easier. I didn't have any pain medication at all with the last one and was still talking and feeling upbeat right up until I had to push, then the baby was born without me needing to actively push and it was all over, easy as that!
@rarrimalion (674)
• United States
15 Nov 07
my opinion?
Dont make your body do something unnatural for NO other reason other then the convenance of your doctor. Its YOU that has to go through the labor and you and your baby at risk. Induction runs risks that you dont see as much when you just let things run their course naturally...such as higher C section rate because your body simply doesnt want to go into labor yet but its being "forced" I'd wait...if your doctor isnt there, she isnt. Really they dont do *that much* during the delievery, they show up like the last few minutes when you go to push, the NURSES are the ones that make your birthing experience!
@rarrimalion (674)
• United States
15 Nov 07
oh just wanted to add, whatever you of luck! Hope you have as painfee of a birth as possible :)
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
15 Nov 07
You don't want the baby to 'cook' for too long - i felt awful when my daughter was born, she was just on June 15th & my caesarean was on June 6th & she was already WAY too 'done', if they're in there too long it can get dangerous for both mother & baby.
I would think you'd be better off having the baby a little earlier than the due date, just remember, the technology these days is unbelievable, everything will be fine!
I have never heard of an induction causing complications but i've only heard about it from friends & family who have had it done & everything has gone fine :)
Don't worry, try not to think about it all & just remember what will be there when the whole thing is over!
@lavenderbloom (1057)
• United Arab Emirates
15 Nov 07
I think that you should not induce unless there is any complications in your pregnancy. The doctor should not ask you for this only because she or he will not be in place the time when u will be due.
Don't do it. Let the due date come naturally and you should not worry about the doctor. I was induced due to complications and I had to suffer the paid 1 whole day because my body was still not ready to deliver the baby. I had to wait and wait bearing the pain so that I have a normal delivery.
So, let the pain come naturally because our body knows when it is ready.
Anyways, take care and have a healthy baby. God bless you and your family.
@lavenderbloom (1057)
• United Arab Emirates
15 Nov 07
One more important thing to remember. When the pain comes, just think about the coming baby and you will not feel much pain. That time it is not possible to think which doctor is handling. I should say that it is a state where we feel that I don't care which doctor comes, I just need my baby.
@disassembled (52)
• United States
15 Nov 07
My sister just had another baby a couple of months ago and she had to induce labor for the same reasons; her doctor was going to be out of town. She didn't have any real complications except he was smaller than the rest of the babies his age but he's a plump, full little fellow now. Very healthy. But I think my sister had to go on bed rest for something anyway so she could have had her own set of problems that I don't remember. But good luck!
@emarie (5441)
• United States
15 Nov 07
My sister was induced for both her children. Both were induced a week before the due date. And it was a little similar to what you said, her doctor was only in on a certain day.
If the doctor feels its okay, why not. The baby can be delivered as early as 7months. you don't always have to wait till full term. Depending how far off your due date is, it shouldn't be a problem. I rather have my doctor deliver my children. My doctor almost missed my 2nd child's birth. The nurse delivered most of him and the doctor came in in time to catch him
Most of the time, it shouldn't cause any complications. If you trust your doctor and hospital, everything should be fine.
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
15 Nov 07
I was induced by my doctor. It wasn't early though. At first he had scraped my membranes to see if that would cause me to go in labor but it didn't. So they set a date to induce me which was on a Saturday but by the time I got home from the doctor's they had left me a message saying they wanted to do it that Friday instead of Saturday. Everything was ok with him inducing me. I just had to have an emergency c-section because the cord was wrapped around my son's neck so he couldn't come down the birth canal without it choking him. I'm not trying to scare you...that's just what happened with him. But everything went fine. When exactly is your due date? I wouldn't think your doctor would want to induce you unless she knew the baby was ready to come out and be ok.
@beutfulmama6701 (1718)
• United States
15 Nov 07
my sister was induced thorugh both her pregnancies a week early each time. due to preeclaymisia. My friend was induced a week eearly for im nt sure the reason really. and my cousin just had a baby 2 weeks ago, she was induced 2 weeks early due to having a smaller uterus or somthing similar to htat.. i havent herad any complaints from any of them of the inducement. in fact they all said it seemed esier for them. i dont know persoinally for my labor happened all on its own.
Due dates are esitames there is no real gurantee on the day you convied and the day the baby is due... it will come when its ready OR as long as everything is in order and its not TOO early then it can come when you wnat it to...
I wouldnt go any earlier then 2 weeks though just my opinion... im currently 33 weeks pregnant with twins, my doctor told me that i can start "inducing" my own labor come 36 weeks if i wanted to meaning do anything that can cause an early SAFE labor start.. but even though its 4 weeks earluier then my due date its technialcly on 2 weeks because of the twin pregnancy.. i wont go unless my doctor is avaible as well...
its up t you!
let us know what you decide !!
takle care good luck and god bless
@dsy1983921 (84)
• China
15 Nov 07
If you are induced to do something , i advise you to drop it .Because it is not your preference, you do it will not good rather than you want to do this. so if you occuored like this , drop it.