Can You Help Me, Please?

@girljar (287)
United States
November 14, 2007 7:39pm CST
I have two blogs on Blogger, and I need some help with them. First, I need to know how to put in one of those widgets that asks for subscibers for this blog. Does anyone know how to do that? I am at a total loss. Second, I was wondering if anyone has had experience with adsense? I have adsense on 3 blogs, and I want to know if adsense automatically hooks up with each blog? I went to the layout page, and added adsense, but I don't know if that's the same adsense that I got through the adsense website? And how do I see performance for each page? Also, I am still not clear on RSS feeds. In the layout, there is a place to enter RSS feeds. What is this? Do I need it? Please, any help you can give is greatly appreciated. Oh! I almost forgot! How do I display my bloglinks on my profile here? I have one for my website, but how do I post my other blog links on there? You can check out my blog, if you want, through the link on my profile. There is a link on that blog to my other blog, too, under "check out Carol's other blogs". Thanks a bunch! :)
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