socks anyone?!?!

@hillock (749)
November 15, 2007 1:10am CST
i did my laundry yesterday and i found out that my socks has a hole..big enough to put through my pinky finger. hehehe! and its on the sole thinking of throwing it away... what about u guys? what do u do when your socks has a hole/s? do u still wear it? or throw it away?
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2 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 Dec 07
Dear hillock, I have always wondered why do the socks get holes on the foot, which is mostly enclosed but a perfect upper part!! Most of the times I still carry on but there comes a changing time when I feel bad about my old, tattered wardrop and change it massively. The socks get their turn to replace in those times. lol..
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Dec 07
I am still searching for the ant, hun.. lol.
@hillock (749)
• Qatar
13 Dec 07
did you find one? LOL! ^-^
@hillock (749)
• Qatar
9 Dec 07
me too. i guess an ant made some holes there.[better blame them than your own foot!] LOL! thanks for responding! ^-^
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
18 Nov 07
Hi friend, should I happen to discover a hole in my socks I would then use them as a rag to clean whatever stuffs I wish. Since the socks had already been washed I must make use of it before I dump them away. It would be a wastage just to dispose the washed clean socks without making any use of them. The sock without hole could still be used for other purposes.
@hillock (749)
• Qatar
18 Nov 07
thanks for responding! i couldnt throw it away..hehehe! its one of my favorite socks!
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
18 Nov 07
You cherish sock with hole! I believe it must be a precious gift from your loved one ... hehehe ... worth for collecting.
@hillock (749)
• Qatar
19 Nov 07
yah it's a gift so i want to keep it! LOL!