What was your most memorable birthday?

United States
November 16, 2007 8:40pm CST
I suppose turning 60 should have been mine but it's not. The birthday I remember most vividly was my Sweet 16 birthday party and it was a whopper! It was held an my favorite aunts house a few streets over from where we lived and my mother bought me the most gorgous torquoise (sp?) empire waist dress to wear. All my friends and family were there and I was dating an "older" man at the time. He was 17 and he was a drinker!!! He got me sooooo drunk on (I forget what they are called)orange juice and vodka that I ended up on my aunt's porch sick as a dog with dry heaves and the whole nine yards!!! I was a mess. To this day I'm not a drinker and just the thought of vodka makes me ill. My parents had a fit and amyone who had anything to drink had to sleep either at my aunts house or at my parents. The next day we all got a good talking to but I still remember the good part of it...the music and the dancing and all the fun we had! Do you have a memorable birthday? Was it a party or a quiet celebration? Is there one thing that sticks out in your mind about it?
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18 responses
• United States
17 Nov 07
All of my birthdays were pretty much the same. It was mostly family with just a couple of friends. However, one year I had a new friend come and she threw a spandex sports bra on, stuffed it with fuzzy dice and sang happy birthday mr. president to me. I think it was my 13th birthday. It was fun and its an awsome memory to have of all of my friends. There was alot of laughs that day and night.
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• United States
17 Nov 07
lol...as tired as I am you have me laughing my head off! That must have been something to see.
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• China
17 Nov 07
Yesterday was my birthday.Nobody remembered it.so I think,no matter what presents you had,you are luvky!
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• United States
17 Nov 07
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you.... - happy birthday
I'm sorry nobody remembered your birthday....that stinks!
@raychill (6525)
• United States
17 Nov 07
The One that hasn't happened yet. My birthday is memorial day. When I was born my parents couldn't even get ahold of people to tell them they'd had a baby girl cause everyone was away and having parties and such. This trend has carried on throughout my entire life so far where half the time people don't even remember my birthday. What I can tell you about birthdays I remember... I had a party at McDonalds one year. I had a black eye on my 8th birthday party at skateland (from a car accident) I had a joint birthday/brothers graduation party for my 15th and his graduation. I got basically nothing and he got tons of stuff. I spent my 16th in a tattoo parlor. My 17th was somehow forgotten. I had a joint 18th birthday/high school graduation party that hardly anyone came to and I barely got anything...still! I went to Disney World for my 21st birthday. So far, 21st was the best. But I hope that isn't the best I ever have.
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• United States
17 Nov 07
I think the 21st sounds pretty good! If you're hoping for better I hope you get it this year though.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
17 Nov 07
This year has already passed. It was nothing worth mentioning. But thanks.
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@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
17 Nov 07
The most memorable birthday I had was when my mum was present for my birthday for the last time. She was already looking very pale and weak but at least I was happy that she was there and she cares a lot about me. I gave her a big hug and I wished that she would be cured from her disease. One month later, she passed away peacefully. I cried and my prayer was not answered. I only thanked God that He has planned the best thing.
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• United States
17 Nov 07
I'm happy that you had your mom at that birthday so you will always remember it. I'm sorry you lost your mom but as you say God has his plans.
• Italy
17 Nov 07
I'm only 20, but I can remember that my best birthday was this year I think. I never did big parties, this year I did a lunch with my closest friend, and we have a lot of fun :D
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• United States
17 Nov 07
Having lunch or dinner with close friends is a great way to celebrate a birthday.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
17 Nov 07
I don't remember ever having a birthday party that i can remember.I know this sounds terrible but it is true.I had a good mother and daddy but i don't ever remember having any birthday parties.I do remember going to a few when i was a little girl.I was a small girl by myself because my brother and sister was grown up when i was a child.My mom and dad took me to the zoo and they bought me things but my childhood was spent mostly by myself, except for a few friends i had at school.We were sorta poor back then, we had plenty to eat and mom made my cloths but i did not have a lot of fancy things.We always had a nice Christmas and i would usually get one real nice gift...
• United States
17 Nov 07
I'm sure that's the reason I don't remember one until I turned 16. I don't think I ever had one before that time for the same reasons.
• China
17 Nov 07
My most memorable birthday was may 15 years old birthday!In that day ,I received the first birthday gift.Besides,it was the first gift I received from a girl!And I filled good width her!
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• United States
17 Nov 07
You will probably remember that gift all of your life.
• United States
18 Nov 07
My 16th was probably most memorable simply because we had a concert at school that night. I was in the orchestra and our Christmas concert was the night of my birthday. Before I left (dressed in my ankle length black skirt and crisp white blouse) my parents gave me a cake. I got to blow out the candles and open my gift which was a CD player (which were still pretty expensive back then--1992). Then my mom dropped me off at school where my friends sang to me as soon as I walked in the practice room. They had cards for me, a couple of small gifts and a little cake. I was so shocked because no one ever remembered my birthday or did anything for it because it was the week before Christmas break started (Dec. 13). It was fun spending the day with my friends, performing for a standing room only crowd, lol. Since then I haven't had any birthday celebrations. My parents stopped throwing me parties when I was 10 (not that I cared because I hated the parties) and in college the school was doing finals during my birthday or were already on winter break. My husband doesn't do anything for me. I'm lucky to get a card and dinner out with the family (which isn't real special since we go out to eat every week). I do know this year my oldest daughter is planning to make me a card or something. She is 7 and already made me one even though my birthday is still 4 weeks away. I'm turning 31 this year and she is all excited and wants to buy me a gift with her tooth fairy money, lol. She can be really sweet sometimes.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
17 Nov 07
wow. Well I don't have to many birthdays under my belt. My 16th birthday was pretty sad because I spent it in a hospital because my father was once again sick because of his diabetes. I remember what I got. A tri-butterfly necklace with my birthstones. It wasn't those big things and even my friends forgot. But the year before I was surprised at school when I came in the morning and found my friends made me a birthday cake and of course they caked me as well...my face and all over my hair...and I was a little tiffed because I had a presentation first period and I had to get cleaned up in a bathroom.
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• United States
17 Nov 07
hmmm...caking you before a presentation huh? sounds like a fun morning..lol.
@vikceo (1301)
• India
18 Nov 07
my most memorable bday was the last one as i turned to 25 more over it was being celebtated 4 time.the celebration started at night wen all my hostel mates celebrated and brought a cake. in morning rest of my classmates celebrates it with one more pineapple cake. the most tasty cake was brought by my teacher and we celebtared with our lecturers, hey it is not the end most beautyful was yet to cut that was brought by my beloved the story does not end here as next morning we all went to a NGO for street children and we celebrated my bday with them . I think thats the best way one could celebrate your b'day with parents blessings and God's garce.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
19 Nov 07
The one I remember the most was our 21st (my twin sister and me). We hired a marquee and attached it to our parents garage, cooked the food, bought all the booze and sodas LOL and a friend of mine DJ for us as well. We invited at most 50 friends and family and had a ball. Us kids downstairs in the garage and all the oldies and parents with the kids upstairs in the house. It was a party to remember.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Nov 07
My most memorable birthday was my fifth. I had moved to a new home with a new family far away from my old home. I was allowed to invite two friends to sleep over and my aunt made a beautiful cake. We had a nice dinner and I really enjoyed the company of my new friends. My uncle presented me with my first Bible, a New Testament. It was white leather that zipped up, with a blue ribbon marker. I felt so good to have something that was truly my own for the first time in my life. The friends I made then have been my friends throughout the years.
• United States
17 Nov 07
I think we're so lucky to have wonderful times like that to remember. I know this is what keeps me going day after day.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
17 Nov 07
All my birthdays are memorable to me. Because it is more of a thanksgiving to me. Not everyone is given another year of their lives. So every everyday of mine, I really make it memorable thinking it might be the last one for me.
• China
17 Nov 07
I am worthy for the birthday thinking of to be together ro live with my lovet most.
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• Malaysia
17 Nov 07
Hi and Hello ctrymuziklvr. Mine is when I having sweet 16 birthday too last month. It was forgettable because my lovely cat was dancing on my birthday cake. At that time all the guests were arrived. Its make me panic and blur. What should I do!!?? I went to hall and told my guests that my cake was destroyed. I felt very embarrassing and sad. But all my friends said 'Its fine'. Thanks to God for saving my birthday party. Without cake in birthday party make the ceremony unhappy. That was my first having birthday without cake and I will not forget it. Next time I will make sure that my cat stay in its 'house' when having party. HAPPY LUCKY. **prettyhanan**
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Nov 07
lol....I think that sounds cute! The poor kitty wanted to be part of the festivities didn't he? Next time get him his own cake!
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 07
I actually have 3 memorable Birthdays. One was my 13th birthday as I ran away from an abuseive family a couple days after it and have been on my own since. My Birthdau is the 25th of May so on my golden Birthday I turned 25. I thought it was a huge ilestone turning a quarter of a century old. HAHAHA! Now my most memorable Birthday has to be the date I sobered up and got clean. April 6th 1991. This April I will be 17 tears old clean and sober. This is and will always be my Birthday. This was my rebirth in a sense. A new life started that day. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
• United States
18 Nov 07
I have had many memorable birthdays. On my 13th, I got my ears pierced.And then there was the year I got to show my nephew Casablanca.It was great. And then there was the year I got A Chorus Line on tape. And One year I wanted to see Dangerous Liasions so my mom rented it for me.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 Nov 07
I wish it were a happy one. When I was in 2nd grade I wanted a Ken barbie style doll. I wanted it to bad! Mom was having my friends over for party. She wrapped a box that had a Allen dol on the front in tissue paper and I saw it cause she left it on the table. I was thrilled! I couldn't wait!! I just knew it!! At the party - that was the first one I wanted to open - I knew what it was, I could see it on the front of the box. She let me open it first I had told everyone I was getting the Allen doll. I was so excited and anxious! my wish come true!I opened the box, and to this day 40+ years later, I can still feel that huge smile and literally fall off my face and still feel the pain,dissapoitment, embarresment and humiliation as I ipened that box and there were SOCKS in the box! I thought I'd die! I don't know how I made it through that party without crying. I remember opening other presents but they just didn't matter. My heart was broken. I didn't even get excited about them. Then the last gift was handed to me by Mom and it was just wrapped in tissue paper. I just unwrapped it just wishing I could go to my room and cry. And there was the Allen doll. I can still remember feeling even more humiliated but mostly, finally getting my dream just wasn't special to me. Everyone laughed at me and then I just sat there while everyone went for cake.
• United States
17 Nov 07
My most memorable birthday was when I turned 21. The same day I turned 21 I had my first daughter. I will never forget that.